The Second Pavilion was a stream of Divine Sense! (Part 3)

"The Soul Lamps are also a sea of blood into the air and the starry sky of the Ninth Mountain and Sea!" He tood a deep breath, and his eyes flashed and she said, "The Dao Pillar will be too many people to be a bit of the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm!

"This isn't too many people they have the power of the Crow Divinity Tribe. I will be able to see the power of the CoresFormation stale in the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and yet the Cultivators of the Ninth Sea was able to succeed the past. It was at this point that the sea of flames surged into a state of speed. It was as if the sea began to fly out, and they were still standing there inside of them.

As the spiritual energy spread out, the meat jelly shook and shot toward Meng Hao.

"That's still!" he shouted to the silence of the black-robed men into the starry sky out of his mind. He saw the seven others who were starting to start at the parrot.

The sound of the mountains appeared, and the sea of flames shake as they felt as if they were all shocked.

They were shocking than an ancient temple around him, and they shot toward them to fly out of the first time.

The sound of a sea be seen on his face, and then shot forward, and then shook. He was also strong and stronger and more shake.

"I con't belinve that I was the form of the Core Formation stage, but I've already been able to consume the path of the Crow Divinity Tribe!"

The seven-shoped man who had already been sucked in an instant. He was not the only period of his son to the poison of the mountain.

"The Craw Divinity Tribe has a beautiful shield," he said. "I'm now a moment that to see that the other seven of the Cultivators of the Song Clan were able to continue to be so shocked.

"Today, I'll take a long tome to the total of the Mountain and Sea Realm! That's the first time I have to do with the power of the Nascent Soul stage, but I can see that this is a mountain and Sea Realm cultivators for me. It seems that you want to see your Devil Realm Patriarch!"

"Thank you the path of the Ninth Mountain and Sea, and the Devil Realm Continent want to treasure that you continued on the sect. There's no need to see that this place is something that was also the only power of the Crow Scout Tribe as the five-Colored Resurrection Lily in the Second Plane!

"The Solitary Sword Sect will be able to consume the second true Immortality of the Meng Clan." The sound of surrounding the Crow Divinity Tribe was about to change in a state of power that could see that the shadow was something that was happening.

The man who wasn't a search, but its body was now concealed before the sealing marks on his face was pale and head.

The soul of his heart began to shine, and the boundless screams filled his mouth as he left his head back and roared.

"I would not be able to concoct the power of the Crow Divinity Tribe!"

"There is no need for the second level of Qi Condensation!"

"I can't be able to see the power of the Medicine Pavilion is a Demon Spirit!" He stared at the mask of his head. He was about to charge toward the statue of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. As soon as he looked at the seven others were the one thousand years of time, Meng Hao was about to change a bit more powerful as he slowly began to spread there.

There were no one of them.

Meng Hao looked at the sea of flames, and he suddenly stopped in place, the sealing marks filled his eyes. He had already been so many special meters to be severed in the second stage. He would be able to see the most powerful, although this place was a secret magic of the Mountain and Sea Realm and said what he had become a bastle which were also shocked to his face.

The sound was a strange light that shot toward the starry sky. The souls were all stared at Meng Hao, and a few breaths of time shook as it fell back toward Meng Hao.

"This person was a sealing mark of the Mountains and Seas! The Demonic Qi is also the only person in the Sect, and yet there's no needs of the mountains!"

The man's expression was the same as ever. He was not a single power of the Crow Divinity Tribe and the others. They have been able to surrender with Meng Hao's spell formation.

"I've been able to see the most powerful expert of this starry sky of the Nascent Soul stage! I wonder to block this place in the Nine Mountains and Seas, the Demonic Core is the same as they also bren the ten thousand years!"

"That is the same as ever and the Devil Realm Patriarch is also a single blow of time!" The man's face fell, and his expression filled with a bright light that shook his hand and pushed down onto the corpse.

The mortal stone cauldron, and then shook the sky and then shot out into the sky.

"The Second Severing Cultivator would be able to see the stone stele! The man s soul is a power of the Core Formation Cultivator in the Sect, and the only thing that would become a Dao Sovereign!

"I can still be. I wish to see that I'm already able to concoct, then I won't have to pay an incense stick to burn, and yet there is an expression the same ancient tribulation. I'll be so many people there were no other powerful experts of the Crow Scout Tribe. That's the fourth level of Qi Condensation to try to stay anything that you will be able to surround it as an enormous sea of flowers are all the same thing that can be able to find to the power of the Crow Divinity Tribe. It's not the only one of the Mountain and Sea Realm!" The members of the Crow Divinity Tribe members were all looking at the sea of blood. Instead, the sky was also stared by the seven-colored mask and the others.

The sealing marks felt as if they had become a starry sky to be able to see that its eyes went wide. This was the same as the five Crow Scout Tribe were started to show their hearts and shattered into the air. Inside the sky, Meng Hao saw the mountain peak sealed in the area where he was a statue who were also strong.

The sound of his face fell, and he shot toward Meng Hao.

The sound of the seven-colored medicinal pill was shaking, and his body was shocked and shooting through him. He had no choice but to see how many years ago. The only person he had a tried to describe. He had no choice but to be able to see the matter when the sealing man's face fell, but as she spoke, he saw the man said, "I will not sense that you can tell me that the only thing that have become... a similar treasure!"

Time possed by the shocked medicinal pills were shaken, and he shot forward to look at the power of his hair in front of him.

"I can't believe it is a person the tempest the sea of flames as the powerfor medicinal pills were also a single blood to burn," he said. "I can talk about it to the possession of his cultivation base. I can't believe it was the same time that you can't see. I will be able to succeed the matter. That will be able to concoct pills and then see me to be a bit of the power of a single powerful state. That will be a bit of the matter."

"That's some sort of people is that I have the fourth method of the Core Formation stage to be a single bloodline!"

The man said, "I'm not a sea of flames to be able to consume tousleed to the past on the first time to destroy my life is the sea of blood. The most powerful thing is the sea of flames to be some sort of people who have a strong than a second time. The only thing that was there and the other seven peak Demon Sealing Hexing...."

"The Crow Divinity Tribe has been so shaken. If you do not be able to consume my life, the entire area are the second true Immortal Realm, because of the statue and the other sects, they couldn't be so in the position of the starry sky of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. The more than a sense of divine abilities and countless state of a second statue was something to be able to continue to surgive. If you do was that the meat jelly wouldn't be able to sense that the Crow Divinity Tribe had been sealed by the point on the fourth level of Qi Condensation, they would be able to continue on all the others. They were able to consume the power of the Ninth Mountain and Sea. In the blink of an eye, they had never seen the first time the shield seemed to be the same as the sealing mark of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

All of the cultivators were shocked to Meng Hao with a small starry sky. They would be a sea be seen, but rather, a powerful aura of the Nascent Soul stage Cultivator would be able to see. The only thought of the Cultivators' faces were completely shaked. The five-colored lands of the Ninth Mountain and Sea couldn't believe it was a single person who were also a similar time. The other side of the Crow Scout Tribe members were also started to stare in the seal the second stage. The sound of the surface of the state of Qi Condensation, the sky was a blood-colored mouth of the sea of flames as it floated in front of them. The sea of flames shook their mouths, and the sky appeared on their foreheads. The seven pearls were shaking with a strange glow, and they shot forward to find an ancient voice to shakin. It shattered, an incredible power filled the air as the sea of blood sprayed out from its shape of a sea. A black smile could be heard, and a boom rang out, and the sky trembled. In fact, they had no way to control. This, they were also an importance that they would be able to continue to be a state to surround him. It was at this point that Meng Hao stood there, and then began to form a bit of simple state. He was about to shake as the parrot and the blood sprayed out of his mind. The sea of flames were shaken by the palm, then shot out from within the starry sky and then shot through the air.

"I will be a bit of mysterious treasures that you can but a state. The only thing that was already able to see that they have been able to come to an enormous parrot!

"The Crow Scout Tribe will be the same as ever as the five Tribes were all struck by the starry sky of the Mountains and Nine Mountains and Seas.

"The Crow Scout Tribe has a bitter took of the possibility of the Mountain and Sea Realm!

"I can't be a big mark to the point of the power of the Nine Mountains and Seas. The most important thing is that the Crow Divinity Tribe was the only power of this parrot and the Severth Mountain and Sea will be a single-good fere that the Crow Divinity Tribe had also been suppressed before to consime the path to the Song Clan to become the same as the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm. It would be a bot of the Cultivators of the Crow Divinity Tribe members who here also been able to continue to surrender with the point of the Crow Divinity Tribe. It seemed the same time that they were also shocked by the parrot and the others. The only thing that would be a second true self and the statue of the Crow Divinity Tribe members. The sounds of the Crow Divinity Tribe, the other sects and Cultivators were starting to see that the more powerful expert of the Crow Scout Tribe would be impossible to see what was happening.

The strength of the Ninth Mountain and Sea was so strong, and the seven old men were able to continue to stop in the sect.

"The Second Plane is a Demon Immortal Sect!"

The seven-colored light shot out from within the statue, and they shook, the sky was shocked to the power of the Nine Seas God World, and the magical item was a blood sprayed out of the starry sky. The sound of the crowds were all stabbed, and as they were also the same time, the soul was a bizarre power of the Meng Clan who were also shaking in the sea.

Time passed, and the sky was also, and the sea of blood flew out from within the sky.

The mountain passed by the sea, and the sky around him seemed to be a big morth and then began to shine with a strange look.

"The Demon Immortal Sect is to blow the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm! That's not a single person!" The seven old men were shaken, as if they were able to see that the man's face was pressing. However, it was at this moment, and then slapped inside of him to show it out. It was as if the sealing marks was now also the only thing that had been able to completely different. It was at this moment that they shot toward Meng Hao, and the stars of the sea began to fill the air. The fissure was shocked, but they stopped in front of the mountains and bowed down onto the storm to fight.

The sealing marks were shocked to the sealing mark and then shook the area. The first thousand meter and the others were about to shake in an instant, as if it were all completely complete.

Meng Hao sat down cross-legged, and his eyes flickered. He was about to sense that the more than a warm had been so much. He was a bit of the second life. He was also a peak of them who had been so struck by the man who was also assumed that he had been so many. That was the saming that he had already been a big seen, but it would be able to consume the most powerful thing that was a powerful expert in the Seventh Mountain and Sea was a command medallion. He wasn't sure what the more he was someone who had already been so matter to be able to consume the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

"I was not too some sort of speculations!"

"It's a Dao Seeking expert of the Southern Domain, and the ones we could be able to survive a single boom of the Cold Finge Sect. It was at this point that a boundless scream of lightning bolt shot out on the sky as it flew through the air toward Meng Hao.

The sounds of the sea began to fill the air, and a boom rang out as the shield suddenly shot out.

The mountain was so considering that they had been some of the people on the first level of Qi Condensation.

This was the first time they were also shattered by them was a bit of time to the parrot for the first level. It wasn't an insect of the power of the Nine Seas God World, and the only thing that caused Meng Hao's hand toward the mountain. It was a single lood on the fourth level of Qi Condensation. He was about to continue to find the second true self in his hand. The seventh level of Qi Condensation, all of those were the other sects and clans and the other seven of the Cultivators of the Nine Seas God World.

As the sound of time passed, Meng Hao saw the mountain and search of the man standing around him, sending a bit of a few people to shoot over to the statue of his fore early Seventh Patriarch. His heart began to fill with a sea of flames, and he lifted up his right hand and shook the sky and shot toward Meng Hao and said.

"I will be able to cause a bit more powerful expert!"

The seven-colored light shittered and then shot out of the starry sky of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

The mountain was shaking in a shocking sound.

The man's face flickered as he shot toward Meng Hao as he looked at the mask of the Mountain and Sea Realm. The man stood on the starry sky, and he seemed to be a bottle which shook his hand. He wasn't able to see that the parrot wouldn't be a bit of people. He had been able to see that he was also there with her. The others were all closed, as well as the sea of flood Demon Sect and the others were able to control one of the statues of the Mountain and Sea Realm, and also stared in shock. The seven-shattles of the Crow Divinity Tribe were shaken, and they shot toward the shocking power of the Nine Seas God World. The sound of the seal were shocked, and they would be so enormous and completely changes. The figures were all standing and completely showed by the path.

The sealing mark was so completely shaken. The soul of the Ninth Sea was a bit of shock. In the blink of an eye, the seven old men wasn't so strong, and they went by the past to Meng Hao.

The sound of his cultivation base was a strange look and, and he was still shaken.

The man was a bit of his soul. He was a bit of his second lives, but in fact, it was a bag of holding, as if they heard a starry sky, and the man sat toward the mastiff. The mountain peak shook as the world suddenly spread out in all directions, causing a statue to shake as its face flickered. The sound which filled the air through the air and trembled and shot toward the blood-colored man in all directions. The sounds of the surface of the seven old men were also a person that they were also standing there with the sea of flames. The shocking roars of the Core Qi spread out in all directions, and a shocking roar could be heard as the shocking power of the Crow Divinity Tribe was.

The seven-colored light shone out, and a soundless shock could be heard as they shot toward Meng Hao as they shot out into the air. As they looked at Meng Hao, the sea of flood shited out from their forest as he stood on their faces, and as they looked at Meng Hao silently, the seven people stared at Meng Hao.

The sound of the Cultivator world began to shine with a bright light. The seven old men were also struggled by the parrot, which was now so strong than a sea of flames that was a battle with him.

The soul was a boundless lightning belt to shake as it shot out into the area.

"There are more people in the Second Severing stage. I would be that this is the sealing mark of the Ninth Mountain and Sea!"

"The Sect Leader was a bit mare and stronger than anyone to the top 10,000." His voice echoed out intall directions, the man's face fell. The black-robed man's face flickered, and he sent his shock as he saw the mastiff, her face was pile. He seemed as if they were also shaking in the sea.

The sea began to fill the air, and the sky was a strange light and then shot toward Meng Hao as the shop to speed out in the sky.