In the beginning, beyond earths stars, God like beings called Titans ruled the universe with absolute power. They forged and created a beautiful realm, one that flowed with various life forms, each blessed with their own world to live as they see fit. Their only price for their perfect worlds was a simple one, to pay tribute to the Titans that created them and their world, but it was because of this that sparked the great war among the Titans. To think that one simple question would start a war, ''who shall these creatures pay tribute to?" It made no sense to the Titans to share the tributes from the beings they had created, they believed that only one Titan should receive this honour.
Unfortunately, many Titans hungered for this title, for this title didn't just represent the right to rule all the mortal creature's but this also meant that this single Titan would rule over all titans.
Only one Titan was considered worthy of this honour for he was recognized by the other Titans as being the wisest, strongest and most honourable of all the Titans, his name was Timaeus the golden lion. Under his mighty rule the universe flourished and all enjoyed an era of never ending peace but this peace was soon challenged. The golden lions fellow Titans grew jealous of his kingdom and rule so they began to stand against him and thus began a vicious war among Titans. For centuries the war waged on and countless realms in the cross fire of this madness were destroyed. Timaeus knew that if this war continued all that the Titans had created would be destroyed and so the golden lion had devised a plan to create the ultimate warrior race, one capable of slaying Titans.
And so with the aid of ten of the golden lions strongest and most loyal of allies they had created a race of absolute perfection, forged with not just the cosmic energy around them but with their own immortality. They were fast, resilient and very powerful beings that possessed great knowledge that was equal to their strength. These perfect warriors were called Imperialists, the golden lions greatest weapon and the most feared race in the universe. These imperialists fought many battles and in each one they emerged victorious, defeating all of Timaeus enemies. Those that survived the might of the imperialists hid in the darkest parts of the universe were the light never touched, the perfect place to hide from Timaeus's gaze and his perfect army. After centuries of war Timaeus and his army had finally restored unchallenged peace to the realms, with the aid of the imperialists Timaeus saw to it that this new found peace was defended. The imperialists guarded the universes from countless enemies with not even a single fail. Among the imperialists two warriors emerged from the ranks in such a way that they came to grasp the attention of the Titans. Timaeus held both of them with such high regard that he had awarded them both with titles, titles which would match their unique personalities and abilities.
The warrior who possessed a gentle soul that cherished life and had no pride in killing or battle had been given the right to rule the mortal realms. Her gentle heart brought true prosperity to the mortal realms and she would be known by all as the imperialist of life, her name was Gaia. Her brother however was not of the same heart, he was a being obsessed with perfection and war. He believed that by perfecting himself as a warrior worthy of the heavens, the universe would forever remain pure and prosperous. This legendary warriors name was Alarmire the mighty. Timaeus had made him the king of the imperialists, a title that aided him to create a fighting force so great that some Titans had started to fear him.
The Titans feared that Alarmires constant exposure to battle would darken his heart and eventually turn his attention to the Titans that had created him but has the years passed the Titans had witnessed a different outcome from Alarmire. Alarmire had become wiser than any Titan had imagined, he become wise enough to even advise his sister Gaia on how to rule the mortal realms. Timaeus had strongly believed that in Alarmire there was a being that would not only rule the imperialists but also rule the universe. After centuries of rule, Timaeus was finally ready to step down from power and hand over the throne to another, the one who would take the throne would be Alarmire. But Timaeus had but one condition for Alarmire to rule the universe, he was to rule the universe with another race that would stand as his advisors, mortal beings from the earth called humans. The humans, with all their imperfection had started to grow into beings of wisdom and compassion for their fellow mortal beings. These qualities would prove to aid Alarmire in becoming the perfect king to rule the universe but for the first time since his creation, Alarmire had refused his creator.
Alarmire did not see greatness in humans, he only saw their imperfection and it was because of their imperfection that drove Alarmire to hate humans. Alarmire believed that the human race shouldn't be brought to power but instead should be driven to extinction. This harsh resolve reminded Timaeus of Alarmires ruthless heart, forcing the golden lion to pause his decision of making Alarmire king of all and everything but this only further angered Alarmire. He knew of the king's desire to bring man to the heavens, Alarmire couldn't allow the perfection of the heavens to be tainted by man. Alarmire that day decided that rather than wait for the throne, he would take the throne by force but this would be no easy task. Although imperialist where created to kill Titans, Timaeus and the Titans loyal to him were no ordinary gods. Even without there immortality, the Titans still lived long lives and they still had an overwhelming amount of power. Some were so powerful that they could still fight a million battles, not with ten thousand imperialists could Alarmire be able to even kill one of these Titans, he needed more than his strength and intelligence, he needed the power of the cosmos, the power of the Titans.
What Alarmire did next was not just a betrayal to the Titans but to his own nature, he travelled in secret to the dark side of the universe were the enemies of Timaeus fled, a realm that had come to be known as the underworld. There he had summoned the ruler of the underworld, the true venom, the great serpent, Solomon the deceiver, the king of the underworld. Alarmire had struck a deal with Solomon, if Solomon would help Alarmire take the power of the Titans, he would give Solomon any realm of his choosing. Solomon had given Alarmire an orb that was created from his own soul, all he had to do was break it whilst the Titans were among him and all their power would come to him and all the imperialists. Of course Alarmire, being the closest to the Titans, would receive the most of this great power. In exchange Solomon had asked for the earth realm, Alarmire was no fool, despite their arrangement Alarmire didn't trust Solomon, why would he want the earth realm and not a realm among the heavens? But Alarmire had no time for worry, he needed that orb and so he had agreed to Solomon's demand. Alarmire had then requested an audience with all the Titans so that he would give them a heartfelt apology for his disobedience to Timaeus, a trap that would surely provoke the Titans ignorance. The golden lion was filled with such joy that he had excepted Alarmires request, all the Titans had met with Alarmire at the great hall in the heavens, with all the imperialists standing outside, awaiting Alarmires orders to attack.
Alarmire had embraced Timaeus thanking him for all that he had been given, at that very moment Timaeus had seen in Alarmires eyes a great evil. Timaeus had entered a state of great realization, he saw that Alarmire had his armour on and his left hand was shielded from Timaeus's sight. Alarmire revealed the orb and smashed it to the ground, creating a force that began to drain the titans power and directing it to Alarmire. The power had given Alarmire large wings of gold and silver as well as clear blue eyes with the universe within them. He had become more powerful than he ever imagined, the power had even strengthened the imperialists outside, signalling the uprising. And so one by one Alarmire with the imperial army had killed all the titans, all except Timaeus who managed to survive the first attack had summoned the one imperialist that was still loyal to him, Gaia.
Timaeus had given Gaia a task of great importance, she was to take the power of Timaeus to the earth and give it to a man that the golden lion had believed to be an equally worthy successor to his throne as was Alarmire. Timaeus had placed his hand upon Gaia's heart and gave her all his power until the mighty king could not even stand, it was truly the last time she would see him. She did as she was commanded and fled to the world of man whilst Timaeus had stayed behind to hold back Alarmire with what little strength he had left. Alarmire had finally found Timaeus and killed him without hesitation but Alarmire was shocked by this! "How could I have killed him so easily?", he said. With all his new found power they should have been equals, he soon realized that Timaeus power was gone! He knew the king had fled before the orb drained him so how, how could this have happened? Where is his power?
With his new eyes he could see all that moved in the universe, in an instance, he had seen all that had transpired between Timaeus and Gaia. As Gaia nearly reached the earth she had heard a mighty shout calling out her name repeatedly. It was the voice of her brother roaring her name so loud that the sound thundered upon the whole universe. He demanded that Gaia cease what she was about to do and return to the heavens before she be branded a traitor and Alarmire be forced to do the unthinkable. Gaia refused her brothers command, she could not allow her brother to rule all, she had to complete the task that Timaeus had given to her. With no chance of stopping her, Alarmire had no choice but to kill his sister and so with one mighty thrust, Alarmire threw his spear to his sisters back. The spear ran threw her heart and scattered Timaeus power upon the entire earth, before being robbed of all life Gaia had created a sphere around the earth, protecting them from Alarmires fury.
Alarmire had tried to break the sphere by force but the moment he made contact with it, the sphere would transport him to a realm far from earth. He sent imperialist after imperialist to destroy the sphere but all met the same fate. No imperialist could enter the earth realm but Solomon and his underworlders could, Solomon had asked for the earth as was agreed, but Alarmire could not give it to him. How could he give Solomon a race that had the power of Timaeus, Alarmire refused to keep his promise and with his new found power he had no reason to. Instead he gave it to an immortal family that had long been loyal to him, they would do as they wish so long as they kept the human race submissive and unaware of the worlds beyond their stars. As they passed through the sphere, Alarmire made a sphere of his own shielding the whole earth realm from Solomon and all who would challenge him. Alarmire had become the king of the universe but he could never shake the feeling of the human race rising against him, he spent his years in paranoia waiting for the day Timaeus would return for his throne in the form of man.
The family he sent however lived in pure luxury, they had been received by man as gods and so they ruled over them with absolute power. They destroyed the memory of heavens and of the other mortal realms, man had forgotten about everything beyond their stars. The immortal family stood as gods for many years but one among them began to grow a bond with man, this bond would compel him to show man the true nature of his family, his name was Threant. This truth made man defiant to the immortal family, they no longer saw the immortal family as gods but as oppressors who were far from honourable. Man however were unable to fight these immortals, they had gone from worshipers to slaves and Threant had been branded a traitor.
Threant knew that man had great power within them but they needed time to strengthen, they needed to be free. Threant had devised a plan that he had learned from Alarmire, he had submitted to his family begging for their forgiveness in a grand meeting that had attracted all of the family's members. As the head of the family came to receive him, Threant griped his heart and placed a curse upon him and his entire family, sacrificing his own immortality like the titans did to create the imperialists. The curse stripped the immortal family of their perfection and turned them into all manner of beasts that would begin to turn on each other and bring their home to ruin. With the immortal family divided, Threant was able to free humanity and teach them all the knowledge he possessed. By fusing all those that took an oath to Threant to the power of earths sun, man had become faster, stronger and far more intelligent, with the power to unleash the suns fire upon their enemies. They began to build cities, kingdoms and a great deal of weaponry but their time of growth would not last.
A son of the immortal family had emerged but he was no beast but neither was he a perfect being, the curse had turned him into a creature that could manipulate the shadows and fed on the blood of humans to survive, his name was Razeal. This pale skinned creature could also turn men into the same kind of monster, this divided man, some choosing to defend their freedom while others sided with Razeal and were turned into blood sucking monsters. These creatures were so powerful that they began to soon control the world, this blood suckers would become to be known as Vampires and Razeal their king. Man had fought these monsters for many years until the earth had been made a deadlocked battlefield, but Razeal had found a way to tip the balance. There was a vampire that had grown an abnormal ability to summon magic so powerful that she had been rumoured to be a titan, her name was Lilith the black rose. Razeal had devised a plan, by blocking man from the suns power, they would lose the source of their power. And so by Razeal's command, Lilith created a dark cloud that permanently blocked the whole earth from the sun. The dark cloud only provided what the earth needed to survive but not enough to aid man in war, Razeal didn't what his food source dying of hunger but neither did he want man to resist his power.
Humanity was weakened, the difference was so great that man was forced to flee to the only country free from vampires. They built the mightiest of walls around their kingdom called Rovahn and did all they could to defend themselves from the vampire race, but it was pointless. Razeal only allowed man to build their world so that they could breed, providing the vampires sustenance that could be taken from a single location. Man had gone from being worshipers, to slaves, to cattle. Humanity had been trapped in a cold dark world with immortal monsters tormenting them with their unmatched power. This is where our story begins, the war between man and vampire, mortal vs immortal, the tale of the phoenix's legion.