World unmasked

Deep in the mountains existed a village that had been long hidden from the horrors of the outside world. They were a simple and friendly society, nothing more than farmers who lived a peaceful life. In the village lived a strong young boy,17 years of age, who was considered the most popular boy in the village, his name was Ragna. Ragna was a strong young man who lived under the guidance of his parents Patrick and Elizabeth Sky, but he was no farmer like his father. Rather than use his strength to aid his father with the daily work, he used it to show off his fighting skill to the whole village, all the men in the village couldn't come close to challenging Ragna's strength. Ragna was so confident of his strength that he always bragged about killing vampires, a fantasy that his father influenced on him from all the tales about his time in the phoenixes legion. Ragna's life was truly blessed, to the point that he had never seen an actual vampire throughout his life. If only that peace could eternally stand for the day had come, the day when all the horrors that Ragna had been shielded from would come and put an end to his paradise. It started like any day, Ragna's mother preparing breakfast, his father working on the land and a flock of local girls waiting to see Ragna. He would have gone off fooling around with girls but this day his father chose to take Ragna with him.

Patrick Sky: "Ragna!!!"

Elizabeth Sky: "Patrick you know the boy doesn't enjoy working on the farm, he just wants to fool around with those girls standing by the road. I don't like the influence they have on him, making him talk about leaving the village and joining the phoenix's legion."

Patrick Sky: "the girls don't force him to do anything, a fool says what a fool says. All the more reason to finally have a talk with him about what's beyond these mountains Elizabeth."

Elizabeth Sky: "but why Patrick? Why would you want my baby boy to know what is out there? We are hidden in the mountains, safe from any harm, don't destroy the boy's happiness, there is no need for this."

Patrick Sky: "Elizabeth my love you can't honestly believe that will be safe forever, evil always finds a way, I need to do this, I ..."

Ragna: "ok old man what is it!!!"

Patrick Sky: "were going to have a father son walk."

Ragna: "what!!! Why now?"

Patrick Sky: "since when do I ask twice? get that bag over there and come with me."

Ragna and his father went far into the forest were they couldn't be seen or heard by anyone, Patrick sat his son down with a great deal of worry on his face, holding the large bag Ragna had carried.

Ragna: "what's up with you, you haven't said a word to me, did you bring me all the way out here just to show me a bag that you made me carry!!!"

Patrick Sky: "when I look at our home Ragna I see a paradise, a land of green and plenty, and above us are giant crystals that shine like the sun in the morning and sparkles like the stars in the night and the inner walls of the mighty mountain that protects us. Tell me Ragna, what do you know about vampires? What do you truly know about the world outside our paradise."

Ragna: "excuse me?"

Patrick Sky: "you tell everyone that you could kill a vampire, you have claimed that since you were ten years old, so now I ask you, what do you know about vampires?"

Ragna: "well their fast, their strong and they are easily identified because of their signature red eyes. Eyes as red as the blood that runs through their veins and pale skin as that of a dead man."

Patrick Sky: "Ragna I need you to promise me something."

Ragna: "dad, why are you talking like this."

Patrick Sky: "Ragna my son, I only ask that you use what is in this bag to protect yourself from anything that my do you harm. I thought by hiding in this village we would always be safe but I was wrong, the world has become much worse than I left it. Those flying beasts will eventually find this place and..."

Ragna: "dad you always told me that my great grandfather found this village and what flying creatures are you talking about? How could you know what is happening outside the village? Just what the hell is going on here."

Far from where they stood, Ragna and his father began to hear many screams as well as see a large smoke rising from where the village was. As Ragna, in a state of great confusion, tried to run to the sight, his father had grabbed his arm and threw him to the opposite direction. As Ragna looked to his father he saw something, something that he had never seen in him, fear.

Patrick Sky: "no Ragna!!! You must run to the hot springs, and take the bag with you."

Ragna: "father I can't run away, mother needs us."

Patrick Sky: "I will help your mother; do you remember the waterfall by the hot spring."

Ragna: "of course but why are you telling me to run father, let me help you please!!!"

Patrick Sky: "we were wrong to hide from this evil, we may be doomed but you may survive, go through the waterfall and their you will find a passage that will lead you out the mountains."

Ragna: "pleas father, I don't know what's out there!!!"

Patrick Sky: "you can survive what the world has become my son, trust in the weapon I have given you and all that you fear shall be no more."

And so by his father's command, Ragna run to the hot springs while his father run to the village. As Ragna reached the waterfall he was filled with guilt, he couldn't run away whilst his parents were in danger, he had to go back and save the village. Ragna looked into the bag his father forced him to carry, in it was a silver sword but it was stranger than the ones his father showed him as a boy, it was completely covered with strange symbols. In the bag was also a campus and a charcoal grey jacket, what kind of weapons where these? A silver tattooed sword, a campus and a jacket, besides the sword none of the other items made sense but he had no time to understand the weapon, he had to save his village. Ragna ran towards his home without the slightest sign of fatigue but as he finally reached his village, what he saw next would forever torment him. Above him he saw pale skinned creatures as large as a fully grown man, with wings as that of a bat. Their eyes were red, red as the blood that was covered their faces and bodies, faces that were beyond ugly, with large mouths carrying sharp teeth that could bite a man's neck clean off. On the ground, as far as his eyes could see, he saw his once beautiful community scattered upon the ground in pieces, the trees, the clear green grass, the fruits and vegetables and all the farm houses where covered in blood. As he reached his own home, he saw his mother's body on the ground and one of the pale skinned monsters standing right above it with her head in its hands. His father, not too far away from the bloody sight, was fighting a horde of the monsters but it was pointless, the creatures ripped him apart with large smiles on their faces, the monsters took great pleasure in killing Ranger's father. As he started to draw close to the bloody sight, the compass in his bag began to glow, as he looked at it, it started to show Ragna the passage his father had told him to use. The compass began to pull him at the direction of the waterfall but Ragna didn't what to run, he wanted to kill the monsters that slaughtered everyone he knew. Ragna pulled out the strange sword and attempted to strike at the monsters but the creatures saw him coming a mile away, they took to the sky and began to circle around Ragna. The winged monsters dived towards Ragna without a moment of hesitation with their teeth and claws bared.

Ragna tried to fight the creatures but they overpowered him, Ragna was soon going to receive the same fate as his parents but at the very last moment, before the blow was struck, a large gunfire echoed around him and the monsters. As Ragna looked to the sky, he could see a man standing on a large disc shaped board that appeared to give the man the ability to fly.

The man on the flying plate was holding a large sniper's rifle, he began to fire at the monsters and as he fired his rifle, more and more of the flying creatures died. Never had Ragna seen any one shoot with such precision, every shot fired killed a monster, one shot killed one, ten shots killed ten, the sniper killed with absolute perfection. The monsters all began to charge towards him, he looked like he was trapped but then a large shout echoed and from nowhere four more people appeared. One of them was a woman with long dark hair wearing a purple armour with graffiti on it, she fought off the creatures using a very powerful and large machine gun. The other warrior was also a woman, she had short pale blond hair and she wore a red and grey armour. On one arm she held a spear with blades at the end of each side and on the other hand was a knife. The other warrior was a young and muscular man with short spiky black hair, he exposed most of his flesh and he wielded a bow and arrow, he was the strangest warrior Ragna had ever seen and for some reason he was constantly smiling as he killed the monsters with bow and arrow. The last warrior was a tall dark male with very short hair, he wore a dark orange armour, which was the same as the sniper on the flying disc, he wielded a giant double edged great sword. The sword was wide enough to act as a shield and long enough to strike enemies from a fair distance, it was the largest sword he ever saw and these warriors were beyond unique.

Each warrior seemed to carry their own specialty and had no fear of the flying creatures, one by one the creatures were killed until not even one was left standing. The flying sniper finally landed and he appeared to be older than the others, his hair and beard was grey and he wore a black eyepatch that seemed to not only hide his other eye but also hide a large scar. As Ragna looked far and beyond, he saw his home completely destroyed, no house was left standing and not a single member of his village survived, Ragna's home was gone. Ragna got to his knees and entered a state of shock, the five warriors tried to speak to him but he would not answer them.

Sniper: "who are you? Is this your home? Where did you get that weapon?"

Purple armoured warrior: "who cares, we didn't find him here and this herd seemed to have just stumbled on this village, there's clearly no hive here."

Dark skinned warrior: "guys!!!, it's obvious that this village is his home, look at his eyes, he probably has never even seen these creatures before."

Purple warrior: "what the hell do you want us to do about it, it's not our fault that these villagers chose to hide from the world like cowards, we have a job to do we can't start picking up strays!!!"

Dark skinned warrior: "we can't just leave him here!!!!"

Sniper: "enough!!! Were obviously not going to leave him here, so we'll just have to take him with us and leave him at a town or something. We'll give him a sack of coins and he can figure things out for himself, now let's take anything of use and leave, this place ricks of death."

The purple warrior shot a flare in the air which signalled a sixth alley to come for them, from the distance a large vehicle appeared, it was like a train but one with the armour of a tanker and huge canons on each of its six parts. Driving it was a rather simple looking man, he wore glasses and a large white jacket, he was quite thine and in no way looked like he had ever been in a fight. Ragna from all that he had seen blacked out, the warriors who found him took him in their large vehicle and left the village in the mountains, leaving all the horror and death behind. The sniper looked at Ragna with a lot of curiosity, the weapon he saw him with was used by ancient warriors who fought beasts that ruled the earth long before the immortals had arrived on earth. Apart from that, the compass on his other hand was completely unknown to him, he had never seen such a strange compass, it had the north, east, west and south directions but no pointer. Instead it had a small blue marble in place of the pointer, on it was also a piece of writing engraved on it, "though your heart may deceive you, my love shall guide you".

The village they found him in looked so peaceful and humble, yet it managed to hide itself from the world for so long, until now the whole world thought nothing of the mountains. How could a bunch of farmers hide from the sight of man and the vampires for so long? The discovery of this village and the strange boy surfaced so many questions but for the time being all they could think about was leaving the mountains and caring for the boy they found until he could be fit enough to answer their questions.

Snipers log: "we were unsuccessful in our attempt to find the queens hive, instead we found a massacre of which we were sadly unable to prevent. The only upside was the finding of a young boy wielding a screamers sword, a weapon until today I thought was a myth. We have all agreed to aid the boy with supplies and money and leave him at a safe location, if such a thing even exists anymore. All we can do for now is treat his wounds and interrogate him before he makes his leave. As our mission continues one thing is certain, the boy we found in the mountains was traumatized by the site of death. I can only assume that not only did he lack any experience in fighting, it seemed as though it was his first encounter with the beasts. The boy's world has become a nightmare, a feeling the whole world can relate to, but only if the boy knew that what he saw were nothing more than the agents of the great evil that has terrorized the world of man for centuries. No place is safe, nothing is as well-hidden as the village in the mountain and all are vulnerable to the might of the immortals, this boy's nightmare has just begun, captain Kill-shot of the hellboken crew signing out."