The Western Battle Begins

Since the declaration of war issued by king Titus, Kiva has spent her time at the western wall with her siblings Bellarabi and Sonya of the silver hunters. Sonya had welcomed her sister with open arms but Bellarabi had remained distant towards his youngest sibling, even when she attempted to speak to him using a military report as an excuse to speak to him his response was always brief and cold. Kiva believed that Bellarabi held a grudge against her for being associated with mercenaries but later did she learn that her brothers black heart was caused by something far worse.

Kiva: "sister, we have prepared the west as best as we could, we don't have anything to do so don't you think this is the perfect time to tell me what happened to our brother."

Sonya: "little sister I know how much you want to get closer to Bellarabi but believe me kiva, it would be better if he told you himself. I know, he is a stubborn fool but he will let his guard down eventually."

Bellarabi: "I expected this kind of thing from kiva but you Sonya, you greatly disappoint me."

Sonya: "the girl just wants her brother's affection."

Bellarabi: "not that Sonya, the killer intent, the dark vicious force that approaches us. Its approaching the western wall in great haste and I fear the one leading that force is a vampire lord that seems to favour the winter climate, we must hurry."

As the three siblings made their way to the top of the western wall and looked to the dark ocean the site that awaited them was beyond frightening. The vampire fleet had arrived in full force, there was no shogun in sight, the western wall was going to be attacked by the immortal army which was being led by Lorcan, an ice element using vampire lord. To fight such a force was on thing but to fight Lorcan in the harsh winter was just impossible and on top of that, Lorcan happens to be one of the vampires that fought in the first battle of the Rovahn walls.

Without any hesitation Bellarabi had ordered the western forces to fire at the vampire fleet and to their amazement they actually managed to bring the ships down, for a good ten minutes the western wall fired its cannons at the vampire fleet until there was nothing left floating on the black ocean. The men cheered believing that they had overpowered the vampire army but as the fog from the cannon fire settled Bellarabi had seen Lorcan floating in mid-air with a smile on his face. Slowly the black ocean began to turn into solid ice and as the water solidified one by one the vampire army surfaced, not one vampire was killed by the cannon fire. The men looked in horror as the vampire army looked at the western wall with aggression in their eyes and the cold breath emitting from their helmets, how could they have all survived such an attack wearing such light armour?

Lorcan: "the humans have played their hand and now it's time for us to play ours."

A sharp shard of ice was launched towards Kiva and sliced the side of her face, the blood that leaked from the side of her face made the vampire army more vicious, so vicious that they lost all their calm and could no longer stand still, the monsters were ready to attack.

Lorcan: "not yet young bloods, taste the blood in the air, hear the beating of their hearts, feel their fear kiss the surface of your skin. Kill every human but their commander, his head is mine, in the name of Razeal bring that cursed wall to the ground!!!"

Every vampire disappeared before every one's eyes, Bellarabi looked to the wall and saw massive holes in it, the vampires broke through. Before Bellarabi could go and support the men, the vampires had also begun to drop from the sky, the vampire forces had split into two, one half attacked the wall head on and the other leaped to the sky and dropped to attack the top of the wall. Sonya and Kiva charged towards the army whilst Bellarabi went for Lorcan, Bellarabi was going to face the vampire lord alone and Lorcan was beyond amused at the guts that he showed.

Lorcan: "I honestly thought that you would face me with your sister's silver hunter but I guess in every heard of cattle there will always be one mad bull."

Bellarabi: "I believe I was too young and weak to have faced you in the first battle of the Rovahn walls, so I can only assume that you aren't aware of my abilities."

Lorcan: "no, I don't believe I am, do have something you want to show me before you die blood bank."

Bellarabi: "in my blood is the power to slay beasts, that is the purpose of my people, in my youth with the legion I could only summon fire but as I matured my roots began to fuse with my fire until I had joined the ranks of army slayers that possessed unique abilities."

Lorcan: "is this going somewhere boy, I would like to get this purge over with before your grey hairs start to form."

Bellarabi: "oh I assure you Lorcan, I have no intention of disappointing you."

Bellarabi had surrounded himself with fire and his duel swords turned to silver dust and fused with the fire, the silver sand was heated to such a degree that it turned red. This was Bellarabi's special ability, the crimson sand, this sand would burn anything it made contact with and would take the form of any blade that Bellarabi could think of but if only he remembered the blades he used to form the crimson sand were cursed arms. He stood completely still, he couldn't move because of a whispering voice that kept telling him that he would die if he attacked the vampire lord but if he embraced the voice he would have the power to challenge the vampire.

Bellarabi: "who are you?"

Voice: "I am your cursed arms, I exist only to serve, your death will mean the end of my existence and I have no intention of letting that happen. I will honour our contract but you must embrace me, embrace me Bellarabi and we shall face all your enemies together, embrace my rage and save your people."

As Bellarabi stood still the vampire Lorcan had lost all patience and launched a spear of ice at him and made his way to the breached Rovahn walls when suddenly a red spear was thrown at him and burnt his flesh. Lorcan looked back and saw Bellarabi running towards him, the vampire smiled and did the same, the battle between the crimson sand and the ice demon had begun but with the commander so far from his men, he was unaware of what was happening on the surface as well as the inside of the western walls. His sisters were being overwhelmed and over 40% of the western walls defences were completely annihilated but it wasn't until word got out of what happened to the northern wall did the western forces lose all hope. The report said that the northern forces had been attacked by three giant beasts that tore through the walls like it was nothing, the northern walls had fallen and Rovahn had been breached!!! The kings great plan was ending in failure, a failure that would cost the lives of every man and woman in Rovahn.

Outside of the western wall the fight between Lorcan and Bellarabi raged on, Lorcan held a distinct speed advantage but Bellarabi had a solid defence, his crimson sand would shield him from many of Lorcans's attacks but it could only do so much against the ice attacks that would come from any direction. In a normal state, Bellarabi wouldn't have been able to last so long but for some reason he didn't feel fatigue and his pain was minimum so he felt no need to hold back. Eventually he managed to strike the vampire, when Lorcan was struck by the sword that the crimson sand had formed he felt as if his soul had just been destroyed. The blade only grazed his arm but the effect was harsh and lingering, Bellarabi realized that even though he was the weaker warrior his weapon only needed to make contact with the vampire lord.

The crimson sand can take many forms and it's the one thing that gives Bellarabi an edge in the battle, Lorcan can't predict what he will do but the vampire lord has a lot more to give to this battle. The west is in great turmoil and there seems to be no hope in sight, only thing the phoenix's legion can do is fight to the last man and hope the light of victory will shine on Rovahn but as things stand Rovahns doom seems to fast approaching, the war is turning out to be what the vampire Kali had promised, the absolute extinction of the phoenix's legion.

Thomas nobles log: "it's been a massacre; Hunter is doing his best to hold off the vampires long enough for Amelia to rally her forces but I have no idea what happened to Vanessa, I have prepared for as long as I could but now I have to use the armour. This time it will not end in failure, it cannot end in failure because we have already lost the northern walls, I have no idea what those beasts were but they were definitely not shoguns. There aren't many of us left but we need to kill those three beasts, kill the vampire lord and halt the vampire army from reaching the northern lands. Am trying to remain optimistic but my logic simply will not allow it, we have lost too much too fast, the only thing that can save the north now is a miracle, and I intend to be that miracle, Thomas noble of the northern forces signing out."