The Northern Charge

A great disaster has fallen on the northern wall, Emrick had summoned three giant beasts that were like nothing on earth, they destroyed the northern walls in a matter of hours and laid waste to the northern forces. Vanessa had gone missing, Hunter had been doing his best to hold off Emrick but with his attention fixed on Emrick, the northern commander was unable to face the three beasts.

Amelia stood beyond the inner wall, waiting for the vampire army to make their way to Rovahn. Thomas Noble on the other hand was being chased by twelve vampires that slowly toyed with him as they closed in on their prey. Little did the vampires known that Thomas was making his way to the laboratory to get the super armour he had been working on. Thomas made his way to the laboratory and shat the door, the twelve vampires repeatedly struck the door, Thomas knew that the iron door wouldn't hold for long but then again, he had no intention of hiding in his laboratory.

Vampire soldier: "you think this iron door keeps you safe? You actually think that you will be spared from the slaughter!!!"

Vampire soldier2: "let me bring you back to reality mortal, we are going to tear down this door and rip you to shreds, I wouldn't dare even think of consuming your blood. Rather than die where you stood you chose to run? I will take great pleasure in killing you mortal!!!"

Thomas: "you are welcome to try."

The iron door flew right past the twelve vampires and standing in front of them was an armoured Thomas who stood tall and proud. This new armour was lean and light but was also equipped with heavy artillery. Its power source was the red stone in Thomas's chest which was limitless. The vampires attacked Thomas but all their attacks didn't even leave a scratch, the thick dragon iron had lived to its reputation. Thomas killed the vampires with ease and confidently made his way to the skies, there he saw Hunter fighting Emrick as well as the three beats and the vampire army making their way to Rovahn. Thomas chose to attack the three beasts by using the raw power from the stone, blasting the full brunt of his stones power successfully provoked the three beats and made them chase after Thomas, halting the three beast's advancements. Thomas, despite being successful so far knew that the stones power greatly weakened him, he had to limit how much power he used but as things stood the armour was proving to be better than he expected.

A proud hunter looked from below with a smile as he saw Thomas halting the three beats but he couldn't keep is eyes off Emrick for long. Despite beast summons being the only abnormal power Emrick possessed, his ability with the duel swords was unbelievable. Hunter was only able to last this long because of his brother's shield, the very shield that blocked Razeal's dragon fire.

Emrick: "you're fighting style is so barbaric, what warrior honestly uses an axe in this day and age?"

The only thing that has kept you alive this long is that strange shield, Razeal will surely make me an elder when I bring him back the shield that blocked his dragon fire."

Hunter: "you'll have to kill me first vampire and as for the axe, well you'll see soon enough what this barbaric weapon will do to you after you receive the first strike."

Emrick: "you're a confident one."

Hunter: "am usually not but the voice in my head definitely convinced me that this axe can definitely kill you and am just itching to see what it will do to you."

Emrick: "voice in your head? You humans truly have gone insane but it's nice to see you having fun northern commander but I doubt your men will feel the same once my vampires make their way to Rovahn."

Hunter: "clearly you poor bastards haven't met my sister, Amelia, the blood red knight."

The vampires finally took their first steps on Rovahn but the sight that waited for them was not what they expected. A great line of horse riders stood waiting for them, at the fore front of them was Amelia in her blood red armour wielding her blood red sword with nothing but killer in her eyes. In front of the horse riders was another line full of road demons being led by Vanessa, the northern forces where not ready to give up the battle. Amelia and Vanessa led the charge as they went to push back the vampire army, the rider's horses emitted fire from their nostrils and the road demon fired its canons at the vampires, this was the legendary charge of the stampede valley enhanced by Thomas's road demons, this was the great northern charge.

Amelia smiled as head after head was removed from a vampire's body, she would plunge her armoured hand into the vampire's chest and pull out their hearts, she would then drink the blood from their hearts and smile, this was Amelia's ritual. She believed that by doing this she was turning the tables on the vampires, making man the hunter and the vampires cattle and the vampires reaction clearly proved that it worked. The vampires were so horrified by the sight of Amelia that some of them actually started to retreat in fear and Vanessa was no exception. Her road demon was a lot more advanced than the others, one of these advancements was its ability to take a humanoid form. Her road demon stood tall like a baby giant and moved on one wheel which gave it greater attack options and mobility. She burned, smashed and broke the vampires with a cruel smile on her face, she was a spitting image of Amelia, the sight was gruesome and cruel but the vampires where pushed back to the northern wall and the battle raged on within the walls.

Emrick: "what did that axe do to me dog? And how did your forces push back the vampire's advancement?"

Hunter: "I did try to warn you Emrick, you could bring the northern wall to the ground but as long as one northern warrior stands, we shall fight on, this is the will of iron vampire, this is the unmatched might of the north. Now prepare yourself vampire for the greatest failure of your miserable immortal existence, Rovahn and her people shall never fall!!!"

Emrick: "then come fourth dog, come and claim your impossible prize Hunter."

Hunter: "so you finally learned my name did you?"

Emrick: "you're not the only one having fun dog, now silence yourself and attack!!! Attack with everything you have!!!"

The battle between Hunter and Emrick continues to rage on and neither one can claim the advantage on the other, back and forth the two go at it, the two completely ignored the whole battle field and focused only on their battle. Like Bellarabi Hunter began to dive deeper and deeper into the rage emitting from his axe and soon enough he began to say strange things to Emrick like, "you burned my brother Beowulf so now am going to burn you! !!" its complete madness in the northern wall but as it stands, the northern lands of Rovahn continue to be well defended.

The northern forces had rallied and the phoenix's legion had regained hope in their hearts. This was the hope that motivated the western forces to also rally and push the vampire forces back. The southern wall continued to stand tall as Madmar and Dante have both kept the vampire lord Ashling at bay. But what the phoenix's legion heard next truly shocked them, although Orfeo had been kept occupied by Helios, word had got out that Kazuya had failed to support Helios's fleet because a shogun hive had burst within the wall. The vampire lord Orfeo had successfully divided the eastern forces, leaving the eastern wall at the mercy of the vampire army.

Kazuya's log: "Orfeo has pulled a dirty trick to secure victory, my people are defenceless so I have no choice but to abandon Helios and rush to my people's aid, I'll have to kill the shoguns as quickly as I can. I have feared the strange power that has been coming from this blade but now I have no choice but to trust it. As it stands the eastern wall remains undefended and the vampires are sure to capitalize on that, it is a selfish thing to do, leaving Helios to face the vampires but my people need me, my men need reinforcements, the east needs a miracle. Kazuya of the eastern forces signing out."