
Chapter 4: Truth sometimes isn’t what I wanna hear

After we arrived in Han's garage/living pad, we went our separate ways with Becky showing me where I'd be living and giving the basic instructions of what floor everything is. Han went up to Frank's floor to report. Jacob and Marc were taken to the medical floor.

So I'm sitting in the chair in the room they had given me, it faces out and has a good view of the crescent moon outside. It's comforting I suppose considering people died tonight.

My mind is racing trying to figure out what else that Marc dude can do other than produce electricity at will. And I'm staring at my own hands, I wonder how far I can push what I can do.

I wonder where my parents are right now, it probably wasn't the best course of action to run off but that's what all the teenagers do in the movies right? Join an anti-establishment and fight for like twenty years. That being said I need to know if they're safe and only Janice can help me with that.

Taking the elevator I find myself on the tech floor and open the door half expecting to find people sleeping on desks and sprawled across the floor but the half is expecting to see the same scenes I found earlier in the day. Come to think of it I have no idea what the hell the time is.

With a bit more nervousness than before I pick my way through the cacophony of human, tech and what is now hip hop in the background until I walk around that wall into Janice's section.

On her wall of screens the two screens are still on the news with one of them covering the scene at the O.R's Warehouse, other screens are focused on finding the girl, I assume its Nicole that Marc mentioned, facial recognition softwares running, CCTV footage being monitored and other algorithms.

"What are you doing here?" She says.

Janice is not someone to spend time beating about the bush with, "I need your help."

She raises an eyebrow, "With what exactly?"

"I need to talk to my parents."

"Shouldn't you be talking to Frank about this?" She asks turning her attention back to her screens.

"I came to because I don't want him to know. Unless you're gonna go and tell him."

"You're making me sound like some kind of teacher's pet." She replies clearly annoyed.

To which i say nothing to and Janice narrows her eyes. I have nothing to say because I still know nothing about how much they tell Frank.

"Come over here." She says.

Running on her computer is something I don't recognise, again I'm not a tech wiz.

"What am I looking at?"

"It's a software that's gonna let you call your parents without revealing where this location is and it'll also hide your voice. I'm gonna go get some food, have you eaten?"


"I guess I'll get you something." She says standing and walking away.

"Thank you." I say loud enough for her to hear even though she doesn't slow her pace as she leaves.

Actually do numbers still work the same? I hope so as I dial the house number.

It's ringing.

It's rang four times, mom usually answers by the third.

On the fifth ring she does pick up.

"Barnes residence." Says mom. It's only been a day but technically I haven't spoken to her regularly for a year, my body and emotions respond in kind.

"Hey mom." My voice breaks as I reply

"Terry? Is that you honey?" She said, her voice now laced with a layer of urgency.

"Yeah mom it's me. I'm not sure how I sound, I mean I'm guessing it's one of those rapey sounding kidnapper voices." I say, probably not the best time to crack a joke. And fortunately my mom sort lf chuckles but knowing her there's tears too.

"I'm okay mom, I want you to know that but I couldn't have gone with you and dad and I know that sounds wierd but something didn't feel right about it and also that's not saying I don't trust you guys I-------"

"Terry you should have come with us. You can still, you'll be a safe at the WECA facility they're not as bad they are made out to be."

"I don't know about that mom. I've heard things about WECA. And if they aren't as bad why did you hide me from them for a year?"

"That was for different reasons, now that they know you're awake your father and I have been briefed on what you and the other four are and how you can be used in the wrong hands." She says

"How do you know WECA aren't the wrong hands, mom?"

"You have to trust me Terry. I'm your mother, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you."

What do I believe? She's my mother I should totally be able to trust her and I do. Maybe WECA isn't so bad, and my parents will protect me..... Right?

"I..... I don't know mom. Those men were packing pretty heavy to come and get one guy and I can't just ignore what I now know. Look I'll think about it and I'll tell you tomorrow what I decide if, I'll probably come home," Janice comes around the corner with a tray carrying burgers, chips and two cups with something in them, "Listen mom I gotta go, I love you guys." Thus ends the call.

"Happy now?" Asks Janice as she scoots me out of her chair.

"Yeah thanks."

"There's a free chair around the wall, sit with me or don't it's your choice." She says.

As I'm carrying this chair back to Janice's table I wonder how far along her emotions going ramification for her using her mind reading has gone along. I get back to the table and start eating because I am starving and as for its in the cup turns out it's peach flavoures ice tea.

"Hey uhm how'd you find out, you know about your power?" I ask after we've been eating for a little while.

Honestly I'm not expecting her to answer, I'm thinking she'll either be sarcastic or give a snazzy response.

"It was about ten months ago before it was pandemic level when people were making YouTube videos using their powers just for kicks," she says, "Before I came here I lived with my parents and no it wasn't a struggle or whatever I was actually well off lived in a good neighbourhood, went to highschool had friends who loved messing around with tech as much as I did if not more. I actually could have been Pledged if I wanted but I didn't. Anyway back to how I found out, I was with a few friends at my place and we were using rootkits to break into a few local banks and then it hit, freight train just bang. First thought I heard was how my friend was resisting the urge to ask if we should bang or not. Then the first of the headaches kicked in, at that time I wasn't used to them so I passed out and woke up in a hospital an hour later."

"Woah, hectic. So how'd you end up working with the anti-WECA?" I ask

"When the chaos broke and basically every third or fourth person was getting powers, criminals, serial killers with new ways to kill, chaos bringers who never before had the means to bring actual chaos and more started popping up my parents wanted to move to a place my dad had built in case something ever happened but I ran like a teen would and used my powers to live, when you know what people want even with a splitting headache making you feel like your head's gonna pop it's worth it. About a month before WECA came I met Frank when I was about to be taken advantage of, he's pretty badass actually at times, at that time this whole operation was dedicated to bringing some measure of order and he brought me in on that and my skills were of use. Most of the people in this room i recruited myself." She says

"Okay, but if WECA brought order, how'd this become anti-WECA?

"Like I said and Frank said their bigger plan isn't going exactly be pleasant. Sure they helped but their idea of ruling, of forcibly taking power from every country in the world is wrong. Everyone wants freedom, if WECA take what's inside you and the other four then freedom is gone. Better to fight for it before it's taken than to struggle hopelessly when it's gone."

That's deep. But still they don't sound so bad or maybe that's because I spoke to my mom.

"Thanks for the food. I'm pretty beat so I'm gonna go and sleep. And thanks for letting me call my parents again."

I've got to think about on my way to my room now. And a big part of me is swinging toward just packing it up and going home tomorrow, I mean that's the right thing to do. Then again that document on Carla didn't sound like the treatment is exactly five star.

With a huge sigh I strip off my clothes, and crawl into the warm blankets and slip away instantly.

Then I wake up.

The walls of the room flash white I sit up a little straighter in the chair, wait why am I sitting up? Then I look around and I'm in the room where my consciousness spent a year and of course Marlea is here this time she's dressed a little different. She has on a Slipknot vest and jeans on and her hair has grey highlights running throught it.

I try to stand but realise I can't, why might you ask? Well because my arms and legs are shackled to the chair.

"What the hell is this?" I ask, I'm gonna bother struggling I'm probably not gonna get out until she says so.

"A test." She say simply

"I'm about to be stuck in this place for a year again aren't I?"

She chuckles, "You are not stuck here Terry Barnes you are shackled here, you could possibly find a way to leave if you weren't. And it is merely for a day or two just until something curious has happened."

"You've got to kidding me. What are you doing to my now?"

"Delivering you to where your heart wishes to be, I send two portals to transport you and the other boy straight into WECA hands." She says with a smile, he strobe light eyes glowing brighter.

"Why! I like where I am! I going to learn from them, I don't want to leave!"

"Well that's just it Terry Barnes, I don't want you to like where you are. I want you to struggle and meet adversity. This way you will and it will make you struggle familiarity breeds contempt and you were becoming far too familiar in only a day no less." She says looking down at her wrist which of course has no watch, "Oh look at the time. See you soon."

With that my conciouness goes for yet another trip back toward my body.

I wake up Immediately sitting upright. I'm inside a maroon red room. A low whirring sounds just above my head, I look up to find a small drone like the device that's the about the size of my hand fitted with a camera looking down at me. The device hovers closer and emanates a blue beam that scans my entire body instantly making me feel violated. It hovers for a moment before ascending quickly and disappearing through a hole in the ceiling that closes up behind it.

Well I suppose life is about to get interesting. I need to know what's going on as fast as I can.

As I stand I realise I'm wearing different clothes a simple maroon red t-shirt, loose fitting cotton pants of the same colour and maroon socks and well maroon briefs. A shiver goes down my spine at the thought of someone looking at my junk, now I really feel violated.

That aside I head for the door and reach around lazily for a handle and there isn't one, I'm about to use my newly found powers when I realise there is a small touch screen with a palm fingerprint scanner on it and I instantly know at least under who's care I'm under. At the center of the palm is a simple W with a ring around it, I'm at WECA facility.

Not the time to panic yet and I might as well try that palm print reader right? It probably won't work but what the hell.

I place my palm on the screen, it scans over my hand for a moment and then the screen flashes green.

'Have a pleasant day Mr Barnes and welcome to WECA.' Says a smooth female voice.

The door slides open and I step out, the door slides closed behind me. I have stopped out into a hallway that Is painted deep purple even the floors, floors which shine so well I can see my reflection clearer than most mirrors. As far as I can tell there are no windows or anything showing the outside from where I stand in the hall and the ceiling is lined with equally spaced WECA symbols.

Crap, so I'm inside WECA. What's the test then Marlea? To see if I can pull a Michael Scofield and break out? Well I know who I'm with but I still don't know where I am and now to make the toughest decision in recent memory. Do I go left or right?

As I step right....

'You don't wanna go that way yet.' Says a voice that sounds oddly familiar

"Dad?" I say out loud

'Yeah it's me son.' He says

"Is this real or like a Henry Cavill Superman sees his dad moment?" I ask slowly

He goes quiet for a moment, but I can hear him breathing.

'I'm your assigned directory.' He says finally

"What does that mean?" I ask

'Go left a path will branch on your right, take it and you'll get to a set of double doors. Wait there for a moment while you get scanned and step through it's where you need to be.' He says ignoring my question.

Now I could just ignore what he just said and bolt the opposite direction but considering I'm with WECA I could find out more about the other four like me and assuming we got attacked they must have Marc and the other kid, Jacob.

I do as my dad said and follow the path.

As the double doors slide open leading into a cafeteria that has four colour coded tables. Namely maroon red, lime green, sky blue and black. On each table sits a covered plate, on the other end of the room in a corner sits a pair of vending machines.

There are three other double doors, their frames colour coded like the tables and I'm guessing the other people who are about to join me are also dressed according to the colours.

I don't wait to long as the doors open and in step three people and I recognise all of them. Carla Cole from Minneapolis dressed in black and Toni Lewandowski from Poland only he has a shaggy mop of hair now he's dressed in sky blue and the third being Marc dressed in lime green. For some reason I'm only noticing my colour is maroon red.

That makes four of the five, I guess they don't have the fifth. All four of us enter a stare down.

I can tell Carla and Toni know each other somewhat because they seem to be staring only at me and Marc.

'No talking Terry, you'll all get a chance to interact later. For now just sit and eat.'

It seems as though the others got the same message because they head to sit and I join them sitting in my maroon set and unveiling the meal which is an English style breakfast. So it's morning then.

Having eaten Toni and Carla leave.

I push my chair back and stand, 'Don't stand, there's someone arriving to meet you now.' Says Dad.

Sure enough one of the vending machines parts way and a man in a sharp white suit walks swiftly and comes to a halt a few feet from Marc and I.

"You are not prisoners here, that why you can leave your rooms are you wish and explore." Says the man in white, his voice low but precise.

'This man is Euroc Carmichael. He's one of the global heads of WECA.

"You see I wish to know all I can about you, how you work, you are unique. Only one of five of you in the entire world and of all places two out of five came out of South Africa. It did only make sense to build this facility here. However like any machine without a final piece it won't ever really work," He said with a pause, "But according to our information the last piece recently arrived in an attempt to blend in a more obscure country, unbeknownst to them of course. Now at this point your voices should give a program for tomorrow and instructions for where to go."

With that the man simply turns and walks way disappearing behind the vending machine. Marc and I sit silently processing the encounter. What a weird dude but also we're in trouble and so is the fifth.

"Marc is the fifth that person you mentioned the time linked minds, N?"

Marc takes a moment and nods curtly. Well damn another kid and one who has no idea she's in trouble and ---

Terry you need to go using the door you came through.

Marc Stands before I do, I'm guessing his voice told him first.

"What's going on dad? Seriously what is this place?" I ask standing and doing as instructed.

It's a facility built to hold and test people like you with three abilities instead of one. I know you son and you're gonna try something. Don't it'd be a bad idea. Go right to continue down the path you'll reach the lounge there are no doors to it.

"How come we don't share corridors me and the others?"

The less interaction there is, the less chance there of coordinating. As secure as this place is no one can really predict what any of you can do as a group. But they don't want you isolated because that plus the tests would drive anyone mad Carla Cole was nearly driven because she was alone for some months before Toni Lewandowski was brought along

It's smart, I mean even people in prison coordinate to like stab guards or something. At least that's what movies taught me. Also it explains the vibe i got off Carla and Toni

The end of the hallway opens up into a small cosy space littered with bean bags and a TV screen with a console connected to it, Toni and Carla have their eyes fixed on the screen playing Mortal Kombat, and hey there's a bunch of comics on the table. If I wasn't a lab rat this would be cool.

Marc comes through from one of the three openings and locks eyes with me, somehow I know we're thinking the same thing. What the hell do we say to these two?

Well here goes nothing.

"Hey guys,"

"Hey new kids." Replies Carla. Toni remains silent.

"I suck at Mortal Kombat, its literally my worst game. That and street fighter on console." I say nervously

"It's mostly combinations, mashing the right buttons at the right time, I say its a test of what how fast and nimble a gamer's fingers really are." She replies as she performs a fatality.

Toni turns and as he walk, comes to a halt in front of Marc, he thrusts the controller in his hand and points at the screen then he goes over and sets with Carla.

"That's the kid's way of seeing let's see what you got." Says Carla turning lifting the controller toward me.

"Well alright then, it's been a few years so you'll forgive the rustiness."

Okay so that was fairly easy, now to multitask.

"So he doesn't talk much huh?" Asks Marc, beating me to the punch I see.

"It's not that, he's just slow to warm to new people took a month before I heard him speak to me." Replies Carla

As the game loads I turn to look at Carla and Toni who are both sitting on bean bags, Toni's head is resting on her lap and she strokes it gently. I just realised if WECA finds Nicole I'll be the pea in a batch of peanuts because Carla and Toni have a thing and clearly Marc is like a big brother to Nicole and I'm just well that extra guy.

"What do we do here exactly?"

"Ask your assigned directory." Says Carla

"I'm you guys because its better talk to a person you can actually see." I say putting down the controller and turning to face Carla and Toni.

"Fair enough I'll tell you it goes like this monitored powers endurance training, eat, recreational activities, go through medical and physical tests. Repeat, but because we have you two newbies we got spared from training and tests so I don't hate you both yet, same goes for Toni here."

"I'm guessing tomorrow it's back to basics then." Says Marc

"Ding, ding, we got a winner." Says Carla, How regularly have you used all your powers skinny?" She says asking Marc

"Since the beginning basically. You?"

"About the same but I'm probably far more profient. How about you." She says nodding to me

"The first time was yesterday, at least I think it was yesterday." I say

Everyone sort of half laughs, even Toni I guess he doesn't talk but he gets humour.

"You're not serious right?" Asks Marc

"I am actually, I was in a coma the past year I only woke up a few days ago."

The room falls silent.

"What did you mean you think it was yesterday?" Asks Toni speaking for the first time.

"I've been having a problem with time and the circumstances surrounding how he and I got here are.... Strange." I say

"He's right, one minute I asleep on a makeshift hospital bed. The next I'm waking up a drone scanning my body."

"Well Toni I guess you win the bed our new 'friends' here are quite interesting." Says Carla

"It's time to go Terry, recreational time is over." Says my dad.

The others stand as I do too and head for their doors. I'm guessing they got the same message.

"Hey newbies, I look forward to the one on one duels in training tomorrow." Says Carla just as I step through my door.

Well Marlea you got your wish, it's gonna be real interesting and adversity like here but man do I have a spinning headache from being in so many places.