
Chapter 9: Time To Assemble

Turns out Marc's location for where Nicole should have been was a bust, we didn't find her. His explanation was that she had left a psychic trail for him to find and that what he felt was a residue of it and so now we had come up with a new plan.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Asks Carla

"She's as close to 'trust' as we can get and we need to find Nicole." I say

We're seated at the back of a full Krispy Kreme at the Randburg mall, I figure the more crowded the place the safer we'll be and there's very few places more crowded that a mall on a Saturday and who doesn't like donuts right?

It's been two days since we escaped WECA and I have no idea how far they are by way of looking for us, the good news though is it looks like they've kept it an isolated incident in terms of the public we haven't got any funny side eyes yet but that doesn't rule out other methods like mercenaries and such.

"And like we discussed with each other if anything feels funny we bail, out through the staff only area, and out that back door into the mall underground and split." Says Marc

"Exactly." I say.

We've been waiting for about 20 minutes so far, watching everyone who enters and leaves closely including the employees. Starting to feel a little like Jason Bourne.

The door opens and Janice steps in her curly hair is tied in a puffy bun and she's wearing jeans, a batman sweater and chucks with a backpack on her.

Man that love at first sight thing is still there because I can't help but swoon at the sight of her, but I also need to get a grip.

"Batman sweater, that's her. Carla you're up." I say.

Carla stands and begins heading for the exit passing Janice without saying a word they do however trade a slight look of acknowledgement. She exits the Krispy Kreme and heads for the benches by the water feature just outside, she'll serve as our eyes because she'd be the fastest to get to us if there's trouble. And I told her to check Janice's backpack flash style.

Marc and Toni are still a little tense as Janice approaches our table and takes a seat where Carla sat right beside Toni, she sets her backpack between them.

"Well you weren't kidding, you are with the others." She says. "Hi, I'm Janice."

"I'm Marc and he's Toni and the one you passed on the way in that's Carla, but you already knew that right." Marc says.

"Pretty much." She replies

"Like I said in the message I sent we need your help." I say, "You didn't tell anyone you were coming here did you?" I ask tentatively.

"Of course not, you asked me not to." She replies

"How can you be sure you weren't followed?" Asks Marc

"I'm not amateur." She replies narrowing her eyes in slight annoyance.

"You can't blame us for being skeptical, we're not exactly safe out in the open." Marc says

"What happened to you guys?" Asks Janice, darting his eyes between Marc and myself and giving a lingering glance down at Toni who's sitting quietly, keeping an eye on Carla in case something happens to her while we're in here.

"That's a long story, we're out that's what matters for now." I say

Janice sighs, "Do you at least remember where the facility you were held was?"

I'm about to speak but Marc cuts me off, "It was fictional, we were beamed into a very convincing simulation."

"A simulation." Janice says slowly her eyes becoming a little blank as her mind drifts into thought.

"Can you describe the technology? How it looked?" She asks.

She's asking too many detailed questions or maybe I'm being paranoid but she could be bugged or something.

"That's not we asked you here for. Look I don't know how much time we can be out here for, we need to find the last of us," I say pausing, "And we need to do it fast. In return I'll tell you where to find the place we were at and you decide whether you wanna go there to do whatever."

"Why don't all of you come with me back to base?" She asks

I glance over at Marc then down at his hands, the slightest of sparks dance under his skin. Not yet dude.

"We'd rather we did things ourselves," Says Toni, "We don't want to end up in another organisation that'll tell us what to do and when to do it." He finishes quietly, his gaze still fixed outside.

Well said.

"What and you all have some kind of grand scheme?" She asks

"Nope," replies Toni pausing to look right at Janice, "but at least whatever we decide to do will be done the way we wanna do it. So which are gonna reach for the reciever to signal whoever is on the other end that you're with us or your laptop to give a place to start looking?"

Reciever? "What do you mean Toni?" I ask

To reply Toni hands me one of the two burner phones we have, on it is a text that reads:

- She's got a pack of gum, a laptop and location reciever.

I grab Marc's arm as he's about to make a move, guess he was reading over my shoulder.

Time to get a little dark I guess.

"I don't know if you know or not but your little world wide resistance thing you're a part of is being allowed to exists largely by the grace of WECA." I say making sure to whisper loud enough for her to hear. "Now you can reach into that bag and press that reciever and Frank with whoever he brings can descend on us and they'll get hurt and I guarantee you that Marc here will probably electrocute you to death because why not. And we'll probably get away because we've gone against shit you couldn't even begin to imagine but then again it's all up to you."

I sit back and glare at her, she glares back trying to hide a look of surprise plastered on her face. I know she's read my mind when her surprise is replaced by a pained expression followed by a blank expression that tells me she isn't sure what to make of what she's seen.

But I didn't let her see everything in my mind, just certain things I pushed at her.

She unzips her backpack, pulls out her laptop and powers it up.

"How do we know she can't signal them via her laptop?" Asks Marc

"You don't," She says

Marc clinches his jaw.

"Remember the plan, if anything goes wrong we use the escape plan which includes taking her with us." I say, half bluffing but also half actually considering it if something goes wrong.

Janice begins working on her laptop, "Rose Parade" by Elliott Smith plays softly from the speakers of her laptop. That's a good song, I like that song played it when I got my heartbroken once.

After not looking up for about five minutes she looks up and turns the laptop so all three of us can see. On it is a picture of two people taking a selfie, but in the background is a girl who was clearly walking past when it was taken. Her short black hair is dyed in purple and grey streaks, she's dressed in an oversized denim jacket, oversized sweatpants and sneakers. Part of face is visible because she was about half way to looking behind her, she looks maybe fourteen Marc said she was twelve when they met she could he thirteen at this point.

"That's her." Says Marc with a smile.

"The geotag on this picture places her in Killarney Mall, it was taken 12 minutes ago." Says Janice, she reaches into her a pocket and pulls out a bottle of pain killers, downing about five with coffee.

"She might still be there." Says Marc.

"Yeah, Killarney's not far from here. Toni, text Carla we're on the move. You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up in a minute." I say

Toni squirils about beneath the table and pops up on the other side. Marc looks at Janice and nods to me almost reluctant to leave.

"Be careful." He says before exiting Krispy Kreme with Toni.

I take a napkin from the table and a pen from my jacket pocket and write instructions on how to get to the place we were held.

"The stuff in your head, that really happen?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"And the stuff about us being watched?"

"Yeah that too."

"I always thought we were making a difference somehow."

I stand and get ready to leave.

"I guess every resistance or anti something organisation is always watched, that doesn't mean a difference isn't being made it just means they're afraid you'll wake up and do something radically insane that brings actual change. I saw that place remember, there's something there." I say

"Then why not come with us?" She asks.

She doesn't know.

"Ask Frank what he meant to do with us after we were found, what he meant by 'freeing' us." I say and then begin walking away all cool like.

It doesnt take long for me to rejoin the others. I find them by the parking lot, Carla has a set of keys in her hands. The second car we'll be taking today, but we will call the owner and tell him or her where to find their car assuming that Carla was able to snag the person's phone number.

"Did you get the owner's number?" I ask

"Yeap, car belongs to one Shezney. Its the the blue Suzuki Swift four cars down this line." She says

We really need a car, it might not be a bad idea to go back home and take dad's Chevy Impala at least that way I'll have a bit of Sam and Dean Winchester spirit in me.

"And the parking toll?" I say before we enter the car

"Paid for." She says

We enter the car and we're on our way to Killarney, I guess it really is mall day from one mall to the next we oughta be there in 10 mins or less, probably less because I'm driving as fast as I can.

Zipping past and between cars, impatiently waiting when we're infront of a red light and then first to burst off the line as soon as its gone green, if we happen to be behind another car I honk profusely and piss off the person in the car infront of me.

We arrive in Killarney but I don't drive us all the way to the mall, instead I park the car a few streets away.

The Killarney Mall is located in an area full of porsh expensive apartment buildings and complexes, if we go to the mall with this car and are spotted and when the owner comes for their car and asks say a car guard who came out of his car and we're identified whilst searching it'd attract the WECA kind of attention we're working hard to avoid, like the power-identify-shades wearing patrol cops.

We exit the car and Carla hands me the burner phone, after this call we're gonna need another burner phone, we aren't too rich money wise and I can't risk another trip to the bank.

I look around for a street name and across the street to see what building I parked infront of.

The phone rings twice and a panicked, "Hello." Comes through after it's answered, it's a lady.

"Your car is parked in front of the Harrison apartment building on Jackal street in Killarney. You'll find everything you left in it still there." I say using my Christian Bale Batman voice.

I end the call and throw the phone over to Marc who places it on the ground next to the car to destroy it, by frying it with his electricity the rest of us keep a look out to make sure no one sees what they shouldn't. When he's done he nods and we head for the mall.

"Malls are different here." Says Carla as we enter the mall.

"What, like smaller?" Asks Marc

"Well not all of them are small but just different." She says.

"How are they for you?" Marc asks Toni.

"They're.... New, never really got experience this place." He says

"Marc, you got any idea where she'd go?" I ask

"No need, she's right there, coming right at us." Says Marc pointing Infront of him, as the girl that seemed a little blurred on screen is indeed walking towards us smiling.

Her purple and grey streaked black hair that would seem odd on some people looks right at home with her, she runs excitedly and jumps to hug to Marc. The rest of us approach, coming to a halt in behind them and waiting.

"I thought I'd never seee you." She says

"I could say the same about you." Replies Marc

The rest is inaudible because something doesn't feel right suddenly, it's not Nicole's presence its something else. I look ever at Carla who I'd rely on Instincts wise at this point because Marc is indisposed but she doesn't seem to notice it.

Okay no need to alarm them yet, I may just be freaking out.

I look around slowly scanning as many faces as I can trying to listen for something, anything and then I hear it a set of footsteps headed our way from behind us. The klip klop sound of high heel shoes on tile, I turn but see no one come around the corner but I'm sure the footsteps are coming from there and just when I'm about to look away, Marlea comes around the corner and she's smiling.

We're together and that's great but also, oh no we're together.

"Marc, guys we gotta go now. Right now." I say turning and basically pushing everyone onward.

"Why? What's wrong?" Asks Carla

"Yeah, who are you guys anyway?" Asks Nicole her happy disposition disappearing somewhat.

I'm walking quickly, forcing everyone to keep up with my pace.

"It's okay Nicky, they're my friends they helped me out a lot. You can trust them." Says Marc

"Okay, still doesn't answer what she said." Says Nicole. We're going up a set of escalators that lead to the exit through the small parking lot.

What do I tell them? I was kinda hoping to break this gent----- Oh no.

I look up and Marlea is standing at the top. Do they see her or not? Should I ask if they see her? Is WECA here? Is she about to knock us out?

Stop! You gotta get everyone out somehow, you're Optimus remember.

Reaching the top of the escalator I look right into Marlea's strobe like eyes as we walk past, what's her play? I look back at the others as I walk, I don't think they saw her.

I burst through the doors, and hear the 'budda, budda, budda' sound of a chopper overhead. Oh why couldn't one of us have been given teleportation.

I stop and look back at the others.

"They're here. We're running." I say and break Into a run, I can hear the others' footsteps behind me.

As we come out from underneath the parking structure I glance up at the chopper and catch the WECA 'W' on it as well as two people leaning over the edge dropping three boxes. Odd, but that doesn't mean we stop running, the chopper then flies away.

In front us from around corner a line of about eight WECA armed person pop out dressed full armour.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" One of them shouts.

I don't halt and they start shooting, I raise my hands Instinctively but they aren't shooting at me, they're shooting just above me. Rubber bullets remains rain down on me just as Nicole lands in front of me and takes everything they throw at her.

Nicole is different, for one she has a scaled tail now and her skin no longer skin perse it's covered in grey and purple scales like a dragon. She then stops and spits fire burning the soldiers in Infront of us.

I look back at Marc with eyes as big as saucers and a jaw on the ground.

"I know." He says

"She's a dragon.... Person." I say.

"I did say it'd be hard to explain her third ability." He says

"Yeah but you didn't say it'd be freaking awesome." Says Toni.

"Agreed." Carla and I say simultaneously

Nicole turns and walks back toward us mid change, her snout turning back into a nose, the scaled top of her head turning back into hair, her serpentine eyes turning back to being brown and tallons back to hands. Now i understand why she wears clothes that are a few sizes bigger, she grows a bit biggee in dragon mode.

"Who's that and what are those?" She asks pointing behind us with creased eyebrows.

I look back at where she's pointing. And to answer the first question it's Euroc Carmichael dressed in his white suit walking toward us calmly, behind him walking as well are three black forms the same ones we went up against in the simulation only these ones are most certainly real.

"Hey Nicole I'm Terry, the in awe dude next you is Toni and she's Carla. Welcome to the team. That guy had us, he's a bad guy we'll explain later. Those things behind him none of us has beaten in a simulation." I say

"Uhhh, thanks for the welcome I guess." She says

Euroc stops with a bit of distance between us and him and pulls something out of his pocket which he presses.

"I'll say this once," Says Euroc his voice sounding as though he was whispering into both my ears simultaneously, "We are in a populated area and out of some of these windows people have filmed what has happened, none of it will see the light of day of course however. Now if you do not submit and come with me I will let loose these things behind me and the population in this place will drop somewhat at a drastic pace."

"You wouldn't." I say.

"You have five seconds." He says

"Terry I'm not going back." Says Carla

"Me either." Says Toni.

"No one's going back." I say.

"Hmmm, not going back willing as yet then. I will not waste time searching for you, you bring yourselves in eventually. Time's up." He says

"Get ready." I say. Euroc presses the button in his hand and the black forms move faster than my eyes could see.

They dont move for us but instead two of them crash into buildings on opposite ends of the streets, the other heads for the mall. All I hear is the sound of cut off screams and other sounds I can't discern, I unfreeze when bodies and parts of bodies start crashing from above. Horrifying sounds and its our fault.

"Pair up and go! I'm going after him" I say

Carla runs into one of the buildings with Marc in tow, Toni and Nicole run into the other.

I lift up and fly toward Euroc, as I'm about to reach him he turns and screams at me blasting me with a massive sonic scream that makes my ears bleed and sends me flying the opposite direction, I don't stop until I crash into a car and feel a lot of things crack.

"You left of your own accord." Shouts Euroc, "You will return of your own accord lest you wish for more people to die for you, there is work to be done! Conquest of the world for WECA lies behind a door and you are all the key."

The helicopter returns. I watch through blurred vision as the black forms return, they're covered in blood as they crawl into the boxes that were thrown down. As Euroc climbs up the ladder of the helicopter as two uniformed WECA agents descend and take the boxes, they're gone always quickly.

pry myself off the flattened side of a car and fall to the ground, I don't know what's broken but it hurts.

I look up and see Carla exit the one building helping a bleeding Marc walk she herself is a bloody mess. Toni and Nicole are caked in blood as well but they seem fine, healing hands I'm guessing. Toni touches both Carla and Toni and they stand up right but still seemed very defeated.

Toni runs over to me. "You'll be okay." He whispers.

He touches my forehead and I feel that warmth again as my body gets healed. I try to stand but I'm still in pain my back still feel sort of partially fractured and I drop to a knee.

"I'm not all the way alright." I say between breaths

Toni nods and touches my forehead again but it still feels the same.

Carla and the others come over.

"What's wrong, T?" She asks

"I.... I don't know." Says Toni, he's confused, "I can't heal him all the way, I don't know why."

"It's okay." I say. Although I'm in a ton of pain. "We gotta go, that car might still he there. We'll figure this out at the rally point."

Can a sonic scream be tempared with? I don't know all I know is healing hands got the job half done... Marc helps me up and we start walking

"The first part of your true test has begun." Says Marlea. I look over and indeed there is walking between Carla and Nicole who don't notice her at all.

"Not going to be chatty this time around?" She asks with a chuckle

"Will you allow potentially countless people to die while you seek answers? Or Convince your friends so all of you give yourselves up to this Carmichael character? Or will you allow a fraction of people to die while you find a way to stop him? Or will you do something else entirely?" She asks, her voice sounding genuinely excited about all prospects. She enjoys carnage.

"Even after that Terry Barnes, something else will wait on the other side but as of now you are all not ready to face it. You are but children with little control and use of your gifts." She says softening her voice and disappearing.

She asks good questions though, what will we do. Two buildings full of people and a mall died today and according to Euroc its just starting.

We enter the car Suzuki Swift and Marc drives, we oppose emergency servives as we escape.