The Small Notebook

I open my eyes, breathing in the cold fresh morning air and looked around.

Everything that happened yesterday seems like a mere dream-Rachel's kidnapping, Mom's death, Father's confession that I was adopted- everything. I closed my eyes and took another slow, deep breath before checking my watch.

-6 am-

I've always been quite the morning person as it helped me think properly on the morning runs I go on. I carefully brushed away the insects crowding at the knot of my blankets which Jebal tied around the tree trunks to create a makeshift hammock for us to sleep the night before. He's actually a pretty ingenious guy I guess, if he think of things like these. I slide my fingers through a looser part of the knot, untying it and folding it neatly before placing it into my back.

Jebal on the other hand, seems to be missing. His belongings are packed neatly into his bag however, when I climbed over to check. Which means, he is probably nearby, and not kidnapped, I mused silently. I made myself as comfortable as I could on the tree branch, and took out the small book from yesterday, slowly unwinding the leather piece.

I pressed my hand against the book lightly, running my fingers down the cover, and smelled it. It had the mild scent of cinnamon, lavender and smelled of old books. It brought back a memory. When I was a child, I once snuck into the storeroom my parents forbade me to enter, and read the books in there.

The storeroom, was small but clean. It had small drawers, cardboard boxes and shelves.

I leaned towards the boxes in curiosity, and gasped when I saw one labelled books, (to keep away from Yuko). Grinning to myself, I crouched on the floor, slowly pulling off the tape on the box closest to me, and opening it. I remember flinching every time it made a loud noise, and turned back to look at the door just in case my parents found out I wasn't in bed.

When I finally got the tape off, I peeped inside the box using a small torch I received from Father on my fifth birthday that year.

It was filled with classics, and comics, books of every genre. I remember being extremely delighted and quickly pulled a couple interesting ones out, hiding it inside my hoodie, sneaking back to my room as silently as possible. Well of course I closed the box, and tried to make it look as though it was never opened but whether he found out in the end or not was something I still don't know. The following days I woke up early just to read those books, and slowly slowly, my reading speed increased, as well as my understanding of complex books in the non- fiction and science fiction areas. Those days were blissful, when Father read me stories and tucked me into bed-

Father Asada never did that though, it was always Mother Hanako... Does that mean these are my real memories? The ones Mother Hanako mentioned in her anagram? I probably have to read to find out. I opened my eyes and flipped over the cover, turning to the front page in anticipation.

It looked like a diary- no scratch that it is a diary.

Dear Sachiko,

It has been three years since you died.

I remember the day we got married, and how beautiful you looked in your wedding dress. The petals, the music, they seem to be insignificant to the beauty of yours. Your pale intelligent almond eyes and soft red lips, oh how I miss you my love.

Just when I thought nothing could ever compare to you, you gave me Yuko. She was the smallest thing I had ever seen, so weak and feeble- but now? A strong healthy child. She looks so much like you, with your temperament and pale almond eyes.

The demons are slowly taking over me, seducing my inner thoughts and turning them darker and darker. I fear I will not last long.

Occasionally, I start wondering what life would have been had you survived instead of Yuko- I don't mind to say I hate her- no- I love her, but with each passing day, my determination slowly fades away. It has only been three years but sometimes I wonder if I can continue to live like this, in a world without you..




I feel like I'm intruding, on a very private conversation of sorts. I blinked several times trying to clear the guilt in my chest, and skipped a couple pages before reading on.

Dear Sachiko,

It has been seven years since you were gone. Forgive me, I didn't mean to. The demons have taken over me completely now, and I have nowhere to go.

I sent her away to the Kakihiko Home.

I have no excuses. I miss you terribly and it's torture whenever I look at her and see your face. The demons are looking for her, high and low, desperate to sacrifice her to get our company. I don't know if I'm even in the right mind anymore, or if I even know what's going on. However knowing them, they will take good care of our daughter. I believe in Karen and Laden. Their son will be good company to Yuko, and I know she won't be lonely. I brought her over several times, and they seem to click very well each time.

Aren and Hannah finally tied the knot today. I gave them blessings on your behalf, as well as maybe the company's someday too. The demon is too close for comfort.

Sachiko I wish you were here, you would have known what to do. Sometimes I feel like you foresaw everything coming, with the way you behaved... I'm sorry to say, I find it harder and harder to picture you in my mind's eye everyday. I fear, it is the work of the demon. The only way I keep my sanity, is when I'm writing these to you.



I swallowed a lump of overwhelming emotions in my throat. It was getting more and more confusing. The diary or letter wasn't even written properly. The ideas and links are all over the place, as if Seki just wrote whatever came to mind at that moment. So, he just sent his daughter away to a home simply because she reminded him of his dead wife? Using the demons as an excuse he tries to fend for himself-

"He really is a sorry excuse of a father, " I muttered angrily before I heard a voice interrupt my thoughts.


I looked upwards to see a worried look on Jebal's face.

"Good morning, when are we moving?" I waved at him as he climbed down hurriedly.

"Actually, now." He said as he bend to grab his bags and mine.


"I went to scout earlier and saw them, the men in suits, they're almost onto us-"

"But we're on the tree tops.. How?" I stared at him alarmed, quickly rewrapping the book and stuffing it into my bag.

"I don't know but we have to get to the safe house first."

"Alright lead the way," I said as I followed him, leaping off on to the ground. I patted the dust of my pants, and turned around to see Jebal heading off.

"Wa-Wait for me!" I called as I raced after him.

"Shhh- Keep it down!-"
