Buzz Off

Demons demons

What is wrong with that father's head? Do they all go crazy-

"Watch out!" Jebal yelled as I nearly crashed into a tree.

I swerved to the right and dodged it just in time, only scraping my elbow.


So close, I sighed.

This is why you shouldn't be distracted while trying to run away, I scolded myself mentally, slowly getting back into the pace I had before, behind Jebal. I could almost hear them now, the men in suits.

They're close.

'This way' Jebal gestured and we went up into the trees again.

We sat in silence, controlling our breathing as much as possible.

"The sensor's picking up on this area!! They must be nearby!!"

S-sensor..??? I looked at Jebal and it seems he shares my worries. If there's a dectector that can sniff us out, we would be in deep trouble-

"What if she escapes again?"

I froze.

"There's no way she can get that chip out, " one of the men laughs. "It's right behind her ear, which means she has to dig it out to escape, and there's no way she can do that alone-"

Geez thanks guys, you just told me how to escape- I rolled my eyes as Jebal moves closer to me, his cheek twitching. His soft fingers nudged the back of my right ear, gently probing for a mark- a telltale sign a surgery had been done. I reached up to my other ear, and did the same. There was nothing on my side- Jebal removed his hand and rummaged in his pocket, pulling out a small swiss army knife. He looked at me wincing apologetically, as he flipped it open and gestured for me to turn my back towards him.

Just as I did, I knocked into a small bee's hive at the trunk of the tree. My heart froze as I saw it fall. It ruffled the leaves noisily as it fell-right into the men in suits directly below us. I stifled a chuckle as I heard the groans and screams from below. A hand on my shoulder and a small click told me it was time to run.

Now that we knew I had a chip imbedded in me, there was no way Jebal could bring me to the safe house. It would mean endangering the people there too. Along the way, Jebal briefly told me about how there were rebels, who sought to overthrow the government years ago.

They are on our side now, he coaxed me.

"Don't worry so much, you will be safe," was what he said then, I bet his retracting it now. I muttered to myself angryily. What's with this sci-fi genre of a story?? I just wanted to be like other people -to graduate school, get a job based on what I liked...

Safe? I will be bringing dozens of people completely unrelated to me to their deaths!!


Jebal found a small cave in a small cove of trees and we hid in there, making sure to cover our tracks with a branch, and climbing up trees to confuse them.

I looked at Jebal in admiration. I wouldn't even think about covering my tracks, and would be discovered rather quickly-but he, even while escaping, he thought hard about how to distract our trackers and divert their attention, even if it's for a short while.

I felt hot air behind my ear and knew he was back. He settled in comfortably behind me, and pulled out his knife again. Holding a match, he lit up a small bunch of twigs he gathered and lit it. Sterilizing the small knife, he heated it with the fire and gestured for me lie down to bite into a small cloth bundle.

I stuffed it into my mouth and laid down, my head in his thigh.

"It will be over soon," he whispered in my ear and carassed it, before I felt a stinging pain and bit hard onto the cloth. He held me down with one leg slung over my body, and his hands pushed my thrashing body against the floor. It was excruciating when he felt around for the small chip, but I was relieved when I saw the small piece of metal in front of my eyes.

It meant that firstly- the most important points no more pain and secondly, the men in suits wouldn't be able to track me down again-


Wasn't it over? I whined to Jebal before a needle was thrusted before my eyes.


He needed to suture the wound after opening it too. I thought he was just gonna-

I bite harder on to the bundle, wincing.

I wanna cry... But crying in front of him will be embaressing so I'll hold it in, I commented silently in my head, widening my eyes as much as possible with every sting the needle gave me.


"Good girl..." Jebal muttered as he cleaned her and covered it with a bandage. She was absolutely terrified but she did as he asked. The memory of Keiko lying on his thigh, trembling and muttering to myself was gold. He could probably use this as blackmail material towards her in the future, he chucked aloud patting Keiko's head lightly, brushing it with his other hand as she lay still.


Still tearing up, I tried to stay as still as possible when Jebal started laughing softly. It felt ominous-as if he was thinking about something bad- ow

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Please don't leave me with them, please tell me you're coming back, please!!!"

Father pushed my small hands away as the caretaker grabbed them.

"We'll take good care of her, don't you worry ma'am and sir. "

"Very well, " Father said as the woman looped her red manicured hand around his arm and they headed to the car. "Father, Mother I will be good I promise please don't give me away!!!" I cried as I struggled against the caretaker, a young man with blond hair and greenish eyes whose smile was filled with pity.

"Don't worry, you will make new friends soon and have a new family okay? "

"I don't want a new family-I want my father and mother -" I cried and cowered when I saw a hand coming down towards me and bit my lip as he slapped my face.

I stared at him in terror as he smiled.

"Now that's better," he smirked again and pulled me towards him into a hug, and patted my head.

"Now who's a good girl?"