I woke up this morning thinking that today was the day that marks the start of me becoming a full fledged ninja, walking out of my house i start heading to class. While i was walking i just happened to run into Ino, this girl and i used to be friends but we got into a fight a couple of years back and we have been competing against each other ever since.

To be honest i have always been jelous of Ino, she really has those looks that come naturally, while i need to spend at least thirty minutes infront of the mirror to make sure i am at my best and it has been like this since we have known each other.

Since we always compete on everything we started competing on who would get to class first.As we went head to head we arived in front of the door which was small so we had to squeeze through.

while we were bickering over who was first,the other girls in class also started gathering around us saying that they got there before the both of us so they get to sit with sasuke, but finally me and Ino got to sit with sasuke.

Then Iruka sensei started adressing the class"I see that everyone is here except for Naruto, but i didn't expect him to be late today of all days.But never mind that, today you will be assigned into teams of three."

After that i heard attentively hoping i get assigned in the same team as Sasuke and after a few minutes it was finally my turn.

"Squad seven, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura haruno..."at that moment my heart sank, why was i teamed up with that anoyying brat.Althogh she knows he likes her, so what, she only cared about sasuke.To her Naruto was just someone who desperately seeks her atttention and always gets on her nerves.

"And Sasuke Uchiha ." as soon as the teacher finished she jumped of her seat and made a triumphant pose while thinking'Yes i knew it, true love conquers all even though Naruto is on my team who cares i can just ignore him and go after Sasuke.'

After he finished the assigning of the teams Iruka spoke"Now that you know which team you are on, you will meet your new Jonin teacher after lunch."

As the everyone was leaving class for a lunch break i decided to look for Sasuke and eat lunch with him using the fact that now that we were a team we should get to know each other better but i just could'nt find him so i had to sit all alone on a bench and eat by myself in silence.

After the lunch break i got back to class and saw teachers taking their respective teams and leaving, so after a few minutes me and sasuke were the only ones in class.

Which scared me because i didn't know what we could talk about, so there was an awkward silence in the room.And during this long silence i started to feel frustrated at my inability to talk to Sasuke while it was just the two of us here.

Then i heard the door open so i looked to see who it was and saw Naruto walking in like he owns the place, he was dressed in some clothes i have never seen before and i won't lie he looked good.But i didn't think about it to much since this idiot was here i might as well get some of my frustrations out on him.

"NARUTO!!!Why are you so late? It's been hours since you left class."i already heard that Naruto arrived early today but he left again for some reason.At this moment i was expecting him to apolegies and try to make excuses even though i won't accept it and will keep on yelling at him until i feel better.

But never in my wildest dreams could i have imagined what he would say next.

"What does that have to do with you or was it perhaps that you missed me cause Sasuke was to boring for you, i always knew that he annoyed you cause you have been saying that to every one. But come on, treating him like this to his face is just to cruel."

I was horrified what is he thinking, talking like that,i knew that he liked me but to lie this much and make Sasuke hate me just to get me all to himself is crossing the line.I have to put him in his place.

"Naruto,y-y-you liar i have never said anything like that,yet what can be expected from a person that doesn't even have parents you are all alone."

'hahaha Naruto to think you would act so low as to lie to seperate me from Sasuke, but that will never happen.Let's see how you get out of this, i am pretty sure he will have no response but tears because i broke his heart hmph.. but he forced my hand i didn't want to say that to his face he forced me.'

"Hahaha Sakura how can you be so shameless you are actually repeating what you said about Sasuke and even directing it to me, i know that me and that brat don't have parents but atleast it's better than having them as well as disappointing them like you do."

'Oh my God, why is Naruto doing this to me what have i ever done to him.And why did i have to mention about not having parents in front of Sasuke,STUPID NARUTO!!!! I swear will beat you to the ground.'

Suddenly Sasuke spoke"So this was the real you huh Sakura"

When i heard his voice my back shivered i need to fix this now or else he will have this impression of me for ever.

At this moment i saw Sasuke glare at me before turning and giving Naruto a warm smile, which in turn made me glare at Naruto.

--------(End of POV)--------

Naruto was standing there with his arms crossed waiting to see what Sakura would say next, when suddenly he felt Sasuke's stare so he turned around and was stunned, since when did Sasuke start smiling and he was even trying to smile warmly while showing some teeth.

Now he knew why this guy never smiles, it wasn't because of his tragic past, it was because he had one fucked up creepy smile that would scare the devil back to hell.