'I swear to God Sasuke if you don't wipe that smile of your face in the next ten seconds then screw the consequences but i will drop a bucket of acid on your face.And why the hell is Sakura not bothered by it, the way she is still looking at Sasuke with her eyes filled with desire scares me a little.'
But it seems he was overthinking things, cause it seem that Sasuke just remembered that he's smile wasn't his best feauture so he hurriedly put on his calm expression.
"Naruto!!!! When have i ever bad mouthed Sasuke, i know you are doing this because your jealous of the fact that i love Sasuke but i will never like you so it's better if you stop lying and give up, i love Sasuke and Sasuke only."
Now she has decided to put everything on the table not wanting to give Naruto the chance to speak more lies.She even confessed to Sasuke while having a proud expression on her face over her victory against this lier, which even surprised Naruto and stunned sasuke but this didn't last for long as Naruto spoke.
"Who is lying now huh? Now that you are caught, you are trying to make up stuff like your love for Sasuke but let me remind you this, love is such a heavy word to use for someone you haven't even had a proper conversation with don't you think? And please think before you speak,why would i like someone that i am utterly revolted by?"
"Y-you w-why , i mean how could you say that Naruto, every one knows i love Sasuke why are you saying this, look, i know that i have been mean to you all along but please stop Naruto, please i can't take it anymore i am sorry i will never treat you like that again i swear that i will be nicer to you from now on just please...sob..sob..just stop it."
Only after Seeing her cry did he let up thinking'Maybe thats enough for today this was getting boring anyway.'
"Fine i am too tired to argue with you anymore."after saying that, he went to the back of the class and took a seat, at that moment he heard footsteps coming his way so he looked only to find Sasuke walking up to the chair beside him and taking a seat.
'It looks like he is trying to bond with me, let me help him out a little.'
"So Sasuke i heard you have some type of arson fetish."
"I have no idea what those last two words mean."
"Well you see, it means someone who gets off from burning houses."
"Naruto i don't care weather you believe me or not but i wasn't the one who burned your house, i wasn't even close to that area at that time, let alone getting on top of your house burning it and getting off, so i won't apolegies for this."
'I don't think this brat knows the definition of getting off but it's ok cause he will get long lessons when that pedophile Orichimaru gets his hands on him as for the house i will get your apolegy even though i was the one that did it, it's common curtousy to apolegies even if your innocent.'
"I geuss i am talking to a child, i thought that you had strong goals because you were always acting like it but it turns out that you have a weak will, some one that can't even own up to his mistakes has no right to call himself a Ninja and here i thought that you were even more talented than that Itachi Uchiha guy, but i guess i was wrong."
"But i really didn't do..." he was interepted before he could finish, Sasuke got rilled up when he heard that he had more talent than his brother, which meant that revenge wasn't impossible after all.
"Enough i have no time to waste with trash." as he said this he got up and it looked like he was about to change seats, but before he could Sasuke got in front of him and yelled while bowing.
"I AM SORRY FOR BURNING YOUR BUILDING I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND PAY FOR ANY DAMAGE I MIGHT HAVE CAUSED."Naruto grinned when he heard this he knew that Sasuke was obssesed with his bigger brother so all one needs to do to manipulate him is by mentioning his brother.
After saying that Sasuke didn't even flinch as he gave away all the money he had on him to Naruto before asking with expectation to the point of even drooling over my answer"Naruto do you really think i am more talented than Itachi?"
seeing the look of expectation on his face he could only sigh and answer"No he was way more talented than you, your talents are oceans apart so please stop it with these ridicoulus jokes, he is way over your league."
As soon as Sasuke heard that he realized that he just got played, incredebly angry he was about to attack when suddenly the door opened and a white hair Jonin entered.
And he spoke in a calm voice"Hi, i am Kakashi Hatake and i will be your teacher from now on."
At this moment Sakura who had been crying in the corner went up to Kakashi and started speaking with some left over sobs and tears on her face"Teacher why were you so late...sob we were the only one's whose teacher was late..sob.."
And Sasuke also went up to Kakashi and spoke with veins still throbing on his forehead and some anger still contained in his voice"Hmph..What kind of Ninja runs late, you are a disgrace to this village."
Kakashi was terrified he didn't expect these two instead of Naruto to cause him trouble and looking at their faces he started to regret arriving late and swore in his heart that he would never keep these crazy kids waiting ever again.