"We need weapons now!" The captain yelled.
"Got it!"
We had a weapon storage in the back of the ship. Filled with machine guns and flamethrowers. The flamethrowers were outfitted such that they could work on Mars. The machine guns on the other hand had no modifications because as it turns out projectile-based weapons not only can fire on Mars, but actually fire much farther than on earth.
The weapons operator brought out four machine guns for us and a flamethrower for himself. "Let 'em have it." The weapons operator said to us.
I switched my gun to a mode that made it easier to hit targets at a far away range. I looked through the scope and lined the reticle with the head of one of the creatreas. "Steady, steady…"
I pulled the trigger.
BULLSEYE. The beast fell to the ground with its head bleeding. I quickly made way, killing several more creatures from long range. One after another.
The weapons operator lit the few close to us on fire and they died quickly. The rest of the crew killed several with their machine guns. They made it look easy.
"Help!" One crewmate yelled out. He was surrounded by several of the aliens. I killed several with some well-timed headshots. A couple more got machined gunned down. Before we knew it all the aliens had been defeated.
"Ok, now it's time to get to the planet's core." Our chief navigator said. "It should only be a mile from here. If you go straight from the ship door and turn left at the statue the aliens built, there should be a hole in the ground. In that hole you will find an elevator that delivers you to the planet's co-" Just then an alien came out of the ground and swiped at the chief navigator's visor. The glass shattered and the chief navigator's face was exposed to the elements of Mars. He froze and died instantly.
Soon aliens started popping out of the ground all around us.
One knocked the gun out of my hand. I luckily my spacesuit had a brass knuckles option I could punch him with repeatedly. I hit him in the stomach and did what I did before which was ripping out his eye sockets. The creature thrashed violently with its claws. I had to be more careful than before. One small rip in my space suit would l leave me exposed to the elements of Mars and I would be dead in an instant. I navigated around his thrashes carefully I delivered a punch to his jaw which bled out very quickly. The creature lunged forward and fell to the ground mid-stride. It had been killed by me.
"We gotta run," The captain exclaimed. "No where on the surface is safe."
So we, now down to four, ran as fast as we could to the elevator to the planet's core. We quickly ran to the statue the aliens had built, dodging aliens coming out of the ground beneath us. The statue showed one of the alien creatures but it had extra eyes and was wearing what looked to be a cape. Could this be their leader? I had little time to think about that.
Finally the crater to the planet's core could be seen. But just then an arm reached up and grabbed my ankle. Quickly many arms had grabbed onto me. But then pilot of our ship pushed me out of the alien's grip and shot them as he did. Now the hands were grabbing him and pulling him under.
"Leave me!" The pilot said as the claws pulled him under. "Continue to the core and destroy it!"
We followed his word and continued to the crater. There we saw a metal elevator. We hurried towards it. There were aliens blocking the way and the weapons operator cleared the path for us by incinerating them. We all hurried into the elevator. As the door starting closing the hoard of alien creatures was running towards us. One stuck his hand in our elevator. But just then the door closed, slicing off the hand. We then heard the door banging. But shortly after the elevator began its descent.
We arrived at the planet core. It was a rocky cave with magma flowing from the walls. We would have melted just being there if it weren't for our innovative space suits. After walking around some surprising vacant hallways - we could see it right in front of us: a glowing orange crystal that was the planet core. If this was destroyed the whole planet would explode. It was just then that we heard a rush of scurrying. It was a hoard of aliens coming towards us from behind.
"We'll hold the door" The captain said. "You go ahead and destroy that crystal."
"But-" I responded.
"Follow your orders!" The captain barked back.
I ran towards the crystal. And then something massive fell from the ceiling. It made a loud thud. When I opened my eyes it was one of the aliens but it was enormous. It had extra eyes and was wearing a cape. Wait, this was the alien the statue was modeled after. This must be their leader.
"Greetings," The behemoth said. "As I can tell from the look on your face you know I am the king of the Martians. And I am going to be the death of you"
I immediately aimed my gun for a headshot but the alien used its tail to knock the gun out of my hands. Then he stepped on it with his feet, instantly crushing it.
"Not so fast heh heh he" The Martian king mocked.
I busted out my knuckles my spacesuit had provided me. I crashed my metal knuckles against the behemoths claws and we stood at a standstill. The Martian kind then tried to kick me. I dodged his attack. I then went in and slashed at his stomach. I punched repeatedly until he fell down. As I did this I dodged the slashes from his claws. I slashes and slashes until his stomach bled red blood.
But the beast seemed hardly affected. He seemed hardly injured. My heart palpitated as I wondered how I could possibly take down this creature.
"Is that the best you got? Hehe" The Martian King mocked. "Now it's time for you to die."
He pounced over to me trying to squash me. He thrashed his claws wildly and I dodged. He missed me by only a hair. I leaped back distancing myself from the creature.
I glanced back at the captain and the weapons operator. They were shooting up hoards of Martians. Killing seemingly a dozen every couple of seconds. But it was clear they were being overrun. They weren't going to last much longer. I had to do something fast. Both my and their lives depended on it. No, the whole world - the Earth - depended on me. And that's when I got an idea.
With only one other option left. I focussed on my hand and a flame started brewing in it. It grew bigger and bigger.
"It can't be…" The alien king said. "You gained our power…"
I tossed it at the behemoth. He fell back and bled from his stomach some more. I had done damage to him. Much more than my knuckles did. The creature seemed weak to fire.
I then looked back at my crewmates being overrun by the Martian hoard. I threw a fireball at the Martians surrounding them and they incinerated immediately. Their skin, skeleton, organs: everything. The Martians around my crewmates quickly scattered in fear. And as they did my crewmates shot them with force. And they dropped dead.
Now it was time to deal with the head-hecho. The Martian King. I shot yet another fireball at his stomach and he screamed. He retaliated by trying to hit me with his foot. I dodged it. But then he seemed to get an idea. He opened his mouth wide and shot out a huge fireball from his mouth. He must have know he needed to attack me at a range. I countered his fireball with one of my own. I focussed in on the flame and our fires clashes. I put all my focus on the heat. I knew that I had to push through it all. Push through his flame. I imagined a drill in my head. Yes a metal drill pushing through what he was giving out. Yes I could visualize it in my head.
"ARRGGGGGGGG!!!!" The behemoth screamed.
My flame had pushed through and hurt him. He was knocked down. Now was my chance to finish the fight. I leaped onto the creature. It's fur was slimy and it was easy to slip off. But I made sure to make contact with all my limbs to stay on. Then I stood up and shot concentrated fire at one on his arms. I focussed and focussed. And I managed to cut his arm right off. Then I did the same for his other arm. Then his legs. And finally his eyes. With each cut the creature screamed bloody murder. I then shot concentrated flame into his mouth and with one last roar the creature was killed.
I walked off of him and proceeded to go to the crystal. I touched it and immediately it heated to temperatures well beyond the point that should of made it so the planet would be destroyed. I then waited for the rumbles that would signify the planet's destruction. But nothing happened.
I turned to see what I thought was the corpse of the Martian king moving.
"The planet's core needs two things to be detonated." The Martian King croaked. "It needs heat and it needs my soul to reunite with it. And thanks to you that soul is about to be extinguished. So nothing you can do is going can destroy Mars. Your friends will soon be overrun and with it all of you will be dead. And then the annihilation of the earth is next. Hahaheck"
This is bad. I needed to heat up the core and reunite the Martian King's soul with it. I needed to do something and I needed to do it fast. The fate of the world depended on it. I closed my eyes and sunk into a deep rumination.
A massive fireball grew in my hand. I tossed it at the alien king and he was sent flying into the planet's core - the crystal. Both he and the fire ball crashed into the crystal and when he did there was a huge explosion. I could see something glowing come out of the Martian King and unite with the crystal. It must have been his soul!
When the dust cleared both the alien king and the crystal had been completely obliterated. It was then that I felt the ground beneath me shake.
"The planet's gonna blow!" The captain yelled out, still fighting off the aliens at the door. "We gotta get out fast!"
"But our only path out of here is blocked off by hordes of aliens" The weapons operator said.
"Not if I have anything to say about it." The captain said. "Now it's time to enact the final part of my plan. The part I didn't tell you guys about." The captain then leaped out into the alien hoard and pulled a hidden pulley on his suit. His suit then exploded, killing all the aliens in sight.
I stood there teary-eyed. I had known him for years. How could he just sacrifice himself like that and keep us in the dark about his plans.
"We can't stay here. Planet's gonna blow!" The weapons operator called out.
We both ran to the elevator, went up to the surface, and ran back to our ship. The entire time the Martians were chasing us. We shut the shuttle door just before one of them grabbed my ankle and took off. As we left the atmosphere I looked out the window and saw the planet explode.
All the Martians were now dead. The day is saved. But in the future there still lies uncertainty.