What Came Next

Ten years passed since the destruction of Mars...

Me and my men were praised as war heroes on Earth. Parades were marched through the city to celebrate the day we defeated the Martians. The Earth had been saved and the entire event had made the world more peaceful as everyone came to the realization of how there may be more threats than just mankind. Wars came to an end and various organizations causing harm to the world ceased operation. Peace had finally come about.

Me and the weapons operator, who's name is Jeff, went our separate ways. I went and lived in the rural countryside and bought myself a Horse ranch where I practiced horseback riding. gained a hobby as a writer and I work a day job as an Elementary-school teacher.

From what I've heard Jeff moved to hustlin ' and bustling of New York City and became and really took up the celebrity life. We're talking constant parties, constant apparences on TV talk shows, and simply living the high life of being a global hero.

I wasn't like that. Sure, I enjoyed the glamour and the rush of the appaulause, but it was always too loud to me: you know? It just constant stimulation. After what I went through ten years ago I just wanted to kick back and relax after a hard days work.

I woke up one morning to a mysterious call from an unknown number.

"Hello. We have something urgent to tell you."

"Who are you?" I responded.

"I'm an agent from the Earth defense force unit that as you know was set up after your successful destruction of the Martian homeworld."

"Why are you contacting me now?"

"We have received info that remnants of the Martians have fled to the rocky core of Jupiter. There they have met up with an even stronger race of aliens that plan on Universal domination."

I jumped back. I couldn't believe it. I thought they had all be killed. And now there was an even more powerful race on the horizon? I had a feeling why they called me but I asked anyway, "Why are you calling me?"

"Because we've designed a lunar space module that can make it to Mars." The caller paused, "But only two people can fit in it. And we can only make one in time for their invasion. So we want you and Jeff to get back together and take down the alien Hoard. You two are the most qualified people for this job on this planet."

I almost dropped the found, "But Jeff is long retired. And no one knows where he is now. How do we-"

"We've found where he is. Only problem is you need to talk him into it. We can't do that."

"Ok show me where." I responded.

"He's in New York Apartment complex Washington Room #2218."

"Ok I'm booking a flight right now. Will be there tomorrow."

So In booked a flight. It was crazy just being out and about in the airport. Everyone was so calm as I was wracked with anxiety. They didn't know of the upcoming invasion. Crazy to think about all the things the world doesn't know about.

The plane ride itself was the usual affair. I didn't want to spend much so I got the worst seats in the back of the plane. I was stuck and cramped sitting between two people who constantly invaded my personal space. So annoying. I couldn't go to sleep because of this so I arrived at New York sleep deprived.

I took a taxi down to the apartment complex. Me and the taxi driver had a fun conversation about horseback riding on the way. It helped ease my mind of what was happening.

I opened up the door, walked up the stairs,and made my way to his apartment. I knocked on his door and said, "Hello, can you please open up?"

"Sorry I'm not soliciting."

"This is Michael!"

"Michal?" Jeff seemed to say with surprise. "Welcome in!"

The door soon opened.

"Michael my friend! Welcome in!"

I walked in and looked around the room. It was a pigsty. Empty wine glasses and beer bottles all over the place - on the floor and on the desk. Stuff was just everywhere. Even his awards and trophies were strewn around as if said trophies were dirty socks. Looking at Jeff himself he looked different. He had gained some weight and he had also grown a hairy beard. It was grey too. It seemed that the hero life had really let him go.

"What's going on my friend?" Jeff said.

"Recently I got a new horse. And she's a beautiful stallion." I responded. I needed to ease him into the serious stuff.

"Life is fine my friend. What kind of beer you want? I got a full selection."

"A Bud Light."

Jeff got a Bud Light for both me and himself and drunk both of ours. When I opened mine it fizzled a great deal.

"So what brings you here my friend?" Jeff said.

"Yea about that..." My heart started beating rapidly. "We got some work to do..."

"We?" Jeff seemed alert.

"Yes we..."

"What could we do together?"

"You see..." I took a deep breath. "The remnants of the Martians have escaped to Jupiter. And there they have met up with the aliens on Jupiter on Jupiter's rocky core-"

"I'M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN!!!" Jeff shouted. His echo bounced violently around the room. "Why do we have to do it! They could just get another team of badasses!"

"Because only two people can fit in the shuttle that can get people to the core of Jupiter. And we're short on time. We're the only ones that can do this!"

"Look I gave up on that life of warfare." Jeff said angrily. "I live in peace now. I eat what I want to eat and live how I want to live. Nice and relaxed. I'm not going to risk my life unnecessarily. "

"We're out of options." I said in a sympathetic manner.

"I don't care." Jeff walks towards what I would assume was his room. He looked like he was going to slam the door on me.

"Wait!" I put my hand out and Jeff looked back at me. "Don't you just want that fire in the pit of your chest ti ignite once more?"

He started looking at me as if I had stated to tickle something in his heart. He was wide-eyed. I needed to continue.

"Wasn't there a real ignition when you blasted them away? A conquest. A desired being fulfilled? Don't you want to feel fulfilled once more."

Jeff started taking steps towards me. Mouth agape. He was in awe.

"And for me that fire isn't just metaphorical. I can make it burning out of me." I lifted both my arms up and flames came out of both of my hands. They roared ablaze and shot up to the ceiling. "This is my spirit. My soul. This is a my passion for saving the world."

"I see!" Jeff exclaimed. "This is what I've been missing all these years! A real passion! A real reason to keep going! I need to reclaim the fire inside me. I need to annihilate the Martian menace. This is it. The way to conclude my life story!" Jeff smiled and looked up. "Let's go!"

I smiled back

So me and Jeff ran back to the car and started our training immediately. He hit the gym and did a never ending array of dumbbell curls, sit-ups, and pull-ups. We need to build muscle fast so we had a strict diet of protein powdered drinks and roasted chicken. Three meals a day. We then did combat training. First hand-to-hand combat. We tried out many martial-arts and I would say we were evenly matched. Then it was rifle training. Intel briefed us on how the Jupiter and Martian aliens would react in a fight. The new Jupiter aliens had dodging abilities never before seen. They could turn shapeshift their bodies such that the bullets could go right through them. It was even believed that they could perceive time slower such that they could dodge the bullets. Crazy stuff, I know. We were briefed on ways to counteract this. They could slide between the bullets. We knew we had to be crafty.

The scientists made a robot that had the capabilities of the aliens on Jupiter, albeit limited. We tried several rounds to land hits with our sniper rifles and machine guns. No hits. But then Jeff with his incredible prowess (he was the arms captain back on the old Mars team after all) managed to land hits repeatedly on the machine.

"Booya!" Jeff shouted. "That's win!"

The scientist spent some time repairing the machine and it was time to give me another chance. Then I got an idea. A fire brewed in my hand and I launched it at the machine. It had no way to react. No way to transform. It was hit with the full brunt of the heat and almost melted. Everyone in the room stood in an impressed silence.

"That was cheap." Jeff said with a grin. "But it was amazing. So glad you're the captain." Jeff looked down, almost sobbing, "I remember when ye was just a young kid."

I think he might have shed a few tears at that moment.

It was now launch day. We both go aboard the shuttle. It was a tiny little thing. Could only occupy two people. We got in and strapped ourselves in.

"So this is it." Jeff said.

"I guess so." I responded with a deep breath. "Wanna smile one last time together?"


We both smiled, taking in atmosphere around us. It was at that time that we noticed that the rocket ship was starting to rumble.

"We are launching in T-minus five seconds..."

We knew this was it. We had to do this to save the world...

"LAUNCH!!!" The commander said.

Just then I felt an unreal amount of G-forces hitting me all at once. It was like I was being crushed by an AT-AT from Star Wars. We went up into the stars and as we did I could see the lights whizzing by at a million miles per hour. My eyeballs hurt from the light show. Oh my.

When we exited earth's atmosphere we shot through the asteroid belt. Me and Jeff could hardly contain ourselves. We bounced around and wiggling our joysticks, flailing around like you wouldn't believe. We were dodging left and right. Finally we stopped with our hearts racing like you wouldn't believe. And that's when we saw it: there was a massive ship. Must have belonged to the Jupiter aliens. It had guns all over it. How could our little pea-shooter even compete? We breathed heavily as a looming shadow drew over us. And charged a massive laser beam. BAAAAMMMMM!!!!

We had to do evasive maneuvers to get out of harm's way. Left right left right. We tucked underneath the alien ship and went up through the belly. This was difficult. But shortly thereafter we found the core. And in a couple of shots the entire thing exploded into pieces. CABLAM!!! It was a spectacle like you wouldn't believe. So we moved towards the outer rim of Jupiter and began our descent. One turn after the next I went. I had to use my fire powers to give the ship enough of a shield to get through the atmosphere and towards the rocky core. And just there over the clouds I could see it. A streaming rock in the middle of the storm. It was beautiful in an evil sort of way. A molten rock. Truly something to behold.

We landed and got out in our especially well made spacesuits. Fine tuned for the best of the best. We could navigate as much as we wanted. It was clear the time of war was now!