Just Another Meal

Squeezing past the masses of students waiting outside the hall to register, Art and Soran walked down to the opposite side of the lake. A number of other facilities could be found along the water, such as restaurants, cafes, and even recreational facilities like bowling alleys and a cinema. There were even stores selling all sorts of wares from cultivation resources to souvenirs. The school was truly an astonishing mix of the features of old traditional cultivation society and the modern wonders of science, blending old and modern in a dazzling array of color, light and life as one walked along the river. Students had the day to themselves after the opening ceremony to allow them to settle in, although there would be fireworks and a celebration that night. Soran had all his items in an spatial storage ring, and didn't have any roommates to meet, so having nothing much to do, the two young men decided to simply explore the campus.

Art and Soran meandered down one of the rivers banks, unsure of what to do and slightly awkward as this was their first real interaction, but taking great pleasure in simply being in the others company. Taking in the sounds of the chirping birds and slowly flowing river, the two basked in the warmth of the midday sun, and the even greater warmth they both felt emanating from the other. They made a truly enchanting picture as they walked together, one tranquil and gentle, the other fiery and warm - both peerlessly beautiful.

"Anything you'd like to do?" Soren asked in a husky baritone as he blinked his captivating green eyes, the gold in them seeming to shimmer and dance with life in the sun.

"Like to do...." The simple question sent Art's mind into a daze, as he imagined the sensuous actions he'd 'like to do' with Soran...

Fortunately for Art, Ao Bai chose this moment to remind the world of its presence from the top of his head, his belly letting out a large grumble.

"Seems like Ao Bai, this brat, is hungry. Would you like to eat lunch?" Art asked with a faint blush covering his smooth cheeks.

Before Soran could even answer, Ao Bai let out a triumphant cry and pulled Art's hair in the direction of a restaurant on the river bank from which the tantalizing aroma of some sort of meat dish could be smelled.

With a carefree laugh, Soran sounded out his agreement. Art's heart was once again set aflutter as he took in the magnetic sound of Soran's laugh and the slight dimples that appeared on either side of his delicious pink lips as he smiled.

The two continued towards the restaurant, Ao Bai's fluffy white face filled with pride as he led the way from his comfortable position on Art's head, one paw pointed forward while the other tugged Art's hair.

Getting closer to the restaurant, the trio couldn't help but salivate at the pleasant aromas wafting out of the kitchen in the back... The restaurant was small, with a charming outdoor sitting area made of warm brown wood, with hanging planters of flowers extending down from the ceiling in neatly arranged rows, the scarlet red flowers filling the air with relaxing scent. Beyond this was a small indoor area where guests could sit should it be raining, behind which was the kitchen that emitted such enchanting smells. Stepping up into the outdoor area, they looked around, not seeing anyone in the restaurant.

"Hello?" Tentatively called out Soran.

A muffled bang sounded out from the kitchen, accompanied by the sound of a creaky old voice releasing a terrifying string of curses. An old woman shuffled out, her gray hair tied back in a tight bun. An unfaltering sternness seemed to radiate out from her wrinkled brow and sharp black eyes. This could only be the legendary 'Old Kitchen Witch,' a feared character on the same level as the headmaster. Rumors of her violent temperament and explosive nature when holding any kind of cutlery or kitchen ware in her hand had long since spread beyond the borders of the school, tales of her ruthlessly beating students for trespassing into her kitchen or questioning her cooking ability had garnered her numerous names such as 'Demoness of the Kitchen.'

To be fair, however, she was truly a demon in the kitchen in all senses. It was said that should she agree to cook for you, you would never have a better meal in your life, although it was still unknown what criteria was necessary to be afforded this honor.. Her peerlessly violent temper matched her peerless mastery of the culinary arts. Dread filled the hearts of both Art and Soran as they watched her bustle out of the kitchen... Art went as far as to scold Ao Bai and ask him what kind of trouble he had gotten them into...

Old Kitchen Witch (who's actual name was Gretchen for any curious readers) shuffled out of the kitchen, wondering who dared disturb her in the middle of her attempt to cook the perfect '9 Hells Asura Duck Dumpling set,' and angrily raised her trusty soup ladle as she prepared to give them a piece of her mind. She stopped in shock, however, as her beady black eyes took in the lascivious sight of the two peerlessly attractive young men standing in front of her. A new light suddenly sprang up in her eyes, somehow even more terrifying to the two boys than her previous anger...

"Hoho, you lucky dumplings, you two just happen to be my 99999th and 100000th customers. Sit down, sit down, hoho, I have a special reward for you two. You two can come here any time, as much as you want, and get free food from the ultimate mistress of the kitchen, known as the master of all flavors, standing before you! Hmm, hmm. Hoho, how does that sound, my lucky dumplings?" Shamelessly changing her attitude, the old woman ushered them into her restaurant with startling vigor, a frightening gleam in her eye as she arbitrarily made ridiculous excuses for her change in attitude.

Art and Soran could only sit down, fearful for their own safety. They dared not offend her by leaving, but were terrified at the thought of staying in the presence of a such a volatile demon any longer... Who knew when she suddenly switch back to her previous mood... Well the next students who attempted to visit her restaurant certainly found out...

"There, do settle in. Your food will be out shortly." Old kitchen witch said with a toothy smile before bustling back into the kitchen.

Art and Soran could only look at each other helplessly, both thinking; "But we didn't even order anything yet..." and wondering what horrifying fate awaited them.

Seconds later, however, Old Kitchen Witch bustled back out of the kitchen, somehow balancing 7 enormous platters of food on everything from hands to her shoulders to her head. With the food now right in front of them, the enticing smells wafting into Art and Soran's noses somehow brought a spark of life back into their fearful eyes, unable to tear their eyes from the steaming plates of food before them. An odd clicking sound, like that of a camera, caused them to snap their heads up towards the terrifying culinary master, who, finished setting down the plates, had stepped back and currently had her hands hidden behind her back... With a mysterious smile, she happily sauntered off, preforming what appeared to be some sort of squirmy jig of joy as she did so...

"Well.... Let's eat I guess." Said Soran with a quizzical smile.

Art hummed in agreement, happily setting aside the weirdness of the whole situation in the face of the overwhelming temptation provided by the alluring platters of food in front of them. Ao Bai jumped down off his head, increasing his size slightly in preparation to attack his own plate of food in front of him with the greatest possible ferociousness, when the sight of an even more ferocious monster ravenously began attacking the food in front of them caused both Art and Ao Bai to freeze in shock...

Soran, who once sat with a polite, neat posture in front of them, had launched himself at the food in a frenzy, as if he had been starved for years before this... Dumplings...Plates of noodles...Entire steaks...Nothing was safe from Soran's devastating 'one bite devouring the heavens' attack. While this caused Ao Bai to in turn attack his own food with an even greater fervor, Art remained frozen in shock as he watched Soran's rapid movements and the quickly disappearing food in front of him. Watching the look of pure joy and pleasure coloring Soran's face, his white teeth flashing between bites and his moist pink lips trembling as he chewed... A small moan escaped Soran's mouth, immediately sending Art's mind into disarray with indecent thoughts... Art could only watch, bewildered, a mixture of awe at Soran's eating prowess, and desire at the magnetic look of pleasure on Soran's face as he chewed. On the one hand, he was aroused by the man's moans of pleasure... On the other he was wondering what sort of beast could transform into a human and maintain such a large appetite...

Art shook his head, and quickly dug into the food as well, afraid that he there would be none left if he didn't eat some quickly. Roughly ten minutes later, Art was stuffed full, unable to eat another bite, having elegantly tried a number of the dishes in front of them. Looking up, he was shocked to see Soran still in full swing, eating away like there was no tomorrow... Even Ao Bai had given up on competing with him.

Finally finishing the delicious array of food that had been placed before him, Soran contentedly leaned back in his chair and looked up at Art, only to find his enthralling blue eyes staring at him in amazement.

"Do you always eat like that?" Art couldn't help but ask.

"Yep... Just another meal for me..." Soran said with complacency, shooting a victorious glance at the sulking Ao Bai.

Upon noticing Art's strange gaze, however, a faint blush appeared on his face.

"Would you like to go sit at the cafe a little farther down the river? I hear they have great milkshakes." Asked Soran, now desperate to change the subject.

Art helplessly smiled, and nodded his assent. Standing up, they awkwardly called out a thank you towards the kitchen, for which they only received a resounding 'Harrumphh!" in return. Old Kitchen Witch was busy admiring a certain picture....

Afraid that her temper was taking a turn for the worse, Art and Soran quickly fled her establishment and strolled to the aforementioned cafe. It was a quaintly charming place, located on a slight rise on the side of the river, affording it a great view of the landscape downstream. Rather than chairs, they had couches and cushioned chairs, sometimes even hammocks or suspended couches that slowly swung back and forth in the breeze in small, private section separated by lush plants or painting covered walls. A strange feeling rose in Art... This cafe Soran recommended seemed to be meant for couples...

The two sat down on a couch in one of the corners of the cafe. A waiter came and asked them what they would like. Art ordered a chocolate milkshake, blushing as he revealed his sweet tooth, while Soran requested an iced coffee.

The pair silently sat there, each enjoying the other's presence and the picturesque view of the river winding away from them as they savored their drinks. The joyful warbling of birds and the gentle humming of insects melded into the sound of the river flowing past them, creating an entrancing, romantic scene...

Somehow each finishing their drinks at the same time, Art and Soran looked at each other, looking into each other's equally enchanting eyes, the beautiful scenery around them seeming to fade out of existence. Soran drank in the sight of Art's flawless beauty, his eyes tracing the cute lines of his nose down to his full, pink lips. A small grin broke out on his face as he noticed a light trace of chocolate remaining on the top of Art's upper lip.

Slowly leaning forward, Soran brought his face close to Art's, ignoring the other boy's startled blue eyes. His mouth slowly closed in on Art's, and he gently extended his tongue to lick the trace of chocolate off Art's tender pink lips.

Art was stunned. Had anyone else tried to get away with such an act, they would have been ,et with forceful rejection of freezing cold water, yet somehow, when it came to Soran, Art was simply unable to muster up any defenses. Instead, he desperately clung onto the remaining vestiges of moisture from Soran's tongue and the warmth on his cheek from Soran's hot breath.

Soran drew back slightly, dazed by the enchanting scene of the other boy's hazy eyes and the deep blush coloring his perfect, jade-like countenance. An ambiguous atmosphere grew between the two young men as they unwaveringly stared at each other, seeming to promise an unfurling of untold emotion and desire...

At this moment, the shrill voice of Lydia rang out, shattering the previously alluring image.

"Soran! I finally found you! Why'd you run off like that?"