The Mine (V): The Realms Of The Weavers

So I'm rich...well at least I think I'm going to be rich. In the pit there was no such thing as money, every trade here was done by battering. You had to exchange something you have, for something else of equal value. Which was why I was now stuck pushing a trolley four meters long, one meter wide back toward the pit.

Being rich sounded very exciting, but apparently sing rich without a significant amount of power to back you up was nothing short of stupid. It was why Asare had insisted that we made sure to spend as much as we can from what we have gained. The sooner we got rid of them dasenite, the easier it would be for us.

It had taken us almost six hours, or less…..or maybe more, time was quite sketchy in place where there's nothing like daytime. Just rocks in that darkness.

Anyway, Nisi was able to put a lot of dasenite into an impromptu, and hastily arranged earthen flasks, that she had actually made very well. By the time we were done packaging them all, she was already asleep, completely exhausted by the amount of energy she has had to spend today.

She was sleeping on the flasks, all 343 of them. Asare was now escorting me to the market, we were going shopping for all of the good stuffs. This was the first time(well the only time really) that I had been told that having too much money on hand was dangerous, even for a hero like me. Trust me when I tell you want this, you get exciting by the prospect of spending money, but as a man, you're probably going to regret it when you're pockets were dry and empty.

It was not a good idea dragging this amount of weight around, especially when you considered that my wounds we're not completely healed. But Asare pulling the cart would have raised flags, and Nisi was much too diminutive to render any help, and she was tired.

Even though; according to Asare, we we're carrying a significant amount of wealth, we still had to leave a lot of things behind. The ores that I had successfully mined we're buried for protection before we left, after all it was always good at have a back up plan, just in case of unsavory situations.

But the Dasenite was still left exposed, there was not much we could do about that, and Asare assured me that most vampires did not go around to the assigned areas of other vampires, unless they knew each other, or the situation called for it, just like when I had first weaved and attracted Xaseah and Bob to myself.

But from the way he spoke, it was obvious that even he himself was not sure that the dasenite would remain undiscovered. But here's to hoping for the best. As he we made our way towards the rails and the rail car that was supposed to transport us back to the entrance of the mine, Asare suddenly fell Into a sharing mood.

It was a welcome development, but I think he realized that me not knowing about some things was worse than me knowing them, so I guess he bit the proverbial bullet. Of course he did not tell me anything about my life, about the people I left behind and what was currently happening to them. He also didn't tell me about the world outside this prison, in his esteemed opinion, it would not do me any good to yearn for a light that would no longer, or ever shine on me again. The world outside was forgetting me he said, that they were moving on from the tragedy that was the story of Kael Cor. And then he suggested I do the same.

To be honest that hurt a lot more than I expected, and with such an fragile emotional state, Asare's neck looked really enticing. I was sad, but my sadness was steeped in an anger I could not explain. I guess I expected that with how much of a big deal I was in here, people outside would also feel the need to be around me or try to keep my legacy alive.

I thought I was martyr, but in the end I was just entertainment.

They found me interesting maybe, thought it was funny how a human was trying to give rights to a race of blood sucking killers. I wanted desperate to believe that Asare was lying, after who knew what the world out there really was like, he was just one person, and the things he says may not necessarily be the truth.

After all in the time that I have known, he had given me the impression that he wanted me to be here, in this place, this darkness, with these people who I didn't recognize but had to be responsible for because of actions I didn't remember and a life that was no longer mine.

I think at that point I how much of an unfair situation I had found myself in. My life as of this point could not be entirely my own, I had to live for all of them, for a cause that wasn't mine. This life I was already living belonged to someone else, to another Kael Cor, and even though I knew it was still me, I had made a mess of things that ended up complicating my life.

Everything was new to me, but I was living based on my old actions. I was a new person being forced to live and old life, and it was all my fault. It was painful, but this was my fate now, and I sooner get with the program rather than later before my unstable emotions made have Asare for dinner. Damn! Now my fangs we're aching.

Asare was only willing to give me some information about weaving and nothing else, and even then he was giving it so that I could hide it better and be able to protect myself.

Weaving depended on a lot of factors, but it is mainly powered by intent, with intent being powered by will, and will being powered by belief, and belief being powered by self consciousness, and my self consciousness being powered by sense of being, which is created from my soul. It sounds overly complicated, but the simple explanation is that I had to believe in myself, and my weaves.

I had to believe in them too, let them understand my intentions, so that they can work the way I want them to, rather than being to powerful with their effects, or not powerful enough. For a weaver, emotions we're the key to all of their abilities.

After that he explained why my rune exploded. Naturally, a rune is indestructible, they are ever lasting if the their creator let them draw power from nature after their initial creation. But that was a rather bad idea, because the longer my runes are powered by nature, the greater the backlash I will receive.

So it was better to just stick with my soul power. Now back to the explosion, a rune would explode if its placed on a medium incapable of handling it's power, my pick was made of the most ordinary metal around. I was lucky I did not loose both my hands.

Vampires might heal fast, even with their access to the system cut off. But they we're incapable of growing lost limbs. Then he told me about the different classification of weavers.

The weaver class is divided into five realms, with 33 sub levels also know as circles. The weavers, since they had been humans only from the dawn of time, drew their power from their soul, however it was supposed to be naturally impossible for their soul to have a connection with their physical body. But the weaver realms are all meant to circumvent that rule, and take the weavers to new levels of control over their soul power and storage of soul energy.

The secret to this, was the spine. The spine of a human body controls the movement of every part of the body, also serving as the hub for the nervous system.

As such the spine of a weaver is the most powerful and weakest part of their bodies. The spine is connects to the mind, which in turn is the abode for the soul, drawing power from the mind and feeling their conduits with it, to power their weaves.

The spine is divided into five parts, which correlates with the five realms. The 33 circles also match the 33 bones that make up a spine. The five realms are.

The Coccyx Realm: there are four circles or bones in this realm, with each subsequent bone that is filled with soul energy, the weaver advances a circle, increasing his abilities and lasting longer in the maintenance of a rune. In this realm the weaver is only capable of making single word basic runes, and it can't be anything overly complicated. Rune words like Break, Fire, Float, Bounce etc. were what the weavers we're capable off, and even then it was almost impossible to make any significant change to their surroundings. They could slightly shift the rules of nature, but they cant break it.

The next realm is

The Sacrum realm: this realm has five circles, or bones. In this realm Weavers become capable of weaving rune phrases. However it is limited to two or three runes, with the really talented weavers capable of four or five. The phrases can not be put together to make a sentence, but their effects could be superimposed over each other fro stronger effects.

An example would be if the rune word Cold is written, however only the medium the rune is written on, would be cold. But if it's placed over the Rune word Wind, and activated together, it becomes the Rune phrase Cold, Wind. Making you a very mystical air conditioner.

The third realm is

The Lumbar realm: this realm also has five circles or bones, and is the realm where a weaver could conjure, manipulate and bend the rules of nature to a significant degree. A weaver is capable of making at least ten to sixteen rune word phrases, completely pushing the boundaries of what could be considered normal or natural.

Its also at this point that they become capable of making Rune sentences, giving them the ability to make and craft personal and original techniques and spells. And example would be the seal that was currently dancing around my wrist and blocking my access to the System. But the sentences they're capable of making is limited from five to seven words.

The talented weavers could push the boundary and have eight to nine. Each word is incredibly powerful, and to arrange them all into a sentence, each word connected to the other and flowing with soul energy from one to the other, is incredibly tasking, and also a delicate procedure.

The fourth realm is

The Thoracic Realm: this realm has twelve circles, the most of any other realm of the weaver class. It is the realm where a weaver communes with an element, and become capable of controlling that element with a finesse that would put most elemental mages to shame. At this point they would be able to control the communed element without the aid of runes.

They also become capable of breaking the laws of nature, giving them power to cause natural disasters on the scale of tsunamis, typhoons, tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, or weave a continent into existence from nothing. They can make a man love a donkey, by changing the natural laws of his biology. In this realm, they're fully capable of making rune phrases with as much words as they want.

The same also goes for the sentences, but to much rune sentences will result in a massive expenditure of power.

As for the fifth realm, Asare chose not to say anything about it. According to him, if I get to the third realm, I should be more the capable of finding out for myself. Our conversation was cut short as the cart rolled to a stop in front of us. Now, we we're heading to the market, we were going shopping.....yay.