The Mine (VIII): Origin Earth Tower, Bye Bye System

I guess you could say I was happy, this was a huge improvement… least I thought it was, because I had no idea what to do next. Well I knew I had to bond the crystal to the tower, and feed the other two elemental crystals to it, to give it those elemental affinities. Then from then on I have to find a regular source of soul energy for it, if not it would not be able to carry out the tasks I want it to.

As for my own stat page, it was only there for decorative purposes. But at least now I know what I knew?, and what to focus on. There was quite a lot of things sealed, but the columns with???? Really had me stumped, especially the part where my name was. It showed my name, but it seems like I have another one. Why would I have another name, I would have to ask Asare the next time I see him.

Then there was the skills, I already had weaving as a passive, and weave for active, they were all level one, including my soul and mental manipulation skills. Anything that had to do with ether was sealed, including the sword skill. But the passive sword skill was actually still active, which meant it had no use for the ether. It was a general skill that anybody could have or learn.

But what was up with the three classes, and one of them was farmer. Wow my old life post memory loss must have been crazy. Swordsman and weaver I understand, but what the heck with the farming class, no wonder I really wanted farming tools. weirder and weirder.

At least now I knew what I had to focus on. I had an eternity to pursue farming and weaving to the peak of what they could achieve. And if I ever get to remove this seal, then I will play around with swordsmanship.

Humans hardly ever reach the peak, or achieve the fullest potential of the weaving class, and that was due to their own mortality. Weaving came with a price, and that was the strengthening of the soul and mind at the expense of the body. I think that was the reason why I had a swordsman class. It was to counter balance the effect of weaving and developed a strong body.

No matter how strong the mind and soul of a weaver is, under the assault of nature's backlash, their bodies would crumble eventually, making Weavers the most short lived of the human race, with none of them ever reaching a hundred, in a world where the average life expectancy of any human was a hundred and twenty.

I was going to ignore swordsmanship, at least for a while. As a vampire I didn't think there was a need to strengthen my body, that comes natural to me. But with everything about me being sealed and suppressed, I might have to pay attention to every skill and talent I had at my disposal.......not if I wanted to live long enough to reach the peak.

I'm not power hungry or overly interested in strength. Being a weaver interest's me, I want to know what I can achieve with it, and I want to protect myself. To do that strength is a prerequisite, after all when you're as famous as me, the paparazzi becomes the least of your worries.... Damn it! I've done it again. What in blazes is the Paparazzi?

Let's worry about that later though.

Nisi and Teluna were watching the now floating crystal in awe and child-like curiosity. I wanted to explain what it was to them, but they seemed a little preoccupied at the moment, so I moved on to the next phase of my plan.

I pushed the floating crystal until it was touching the ground of the tower, and then a new screen appeared in front of me. From the look of things, Nisi and Teluna could see it, but they could not read what was on it. But how could they, this was my personal rune language English.





Three options, and I can only choose one. But.....origin earth tower, what the heck was that?. As if the crystal read my mind, and was able to feel my confusion it gave me an answer. And trust me it was not creepy and unnerving at all, it wasn't I swear.

ORIGIN EARTH TOWER:[ a tower that is naturally formed from the very pillars of creation earth element left during the forming of Shearath. It is the purest form of earth in physical form, and contains massive amount of earth, metal, and wood essences. It also has trace amounts of creation energy, which is an independent source of power from the ether. The tower naturally produces it, and can be used to increase it defenses and purity. This tower is young, it is only years old.]

I couldn't help it, I blinked. And then I blinked again. And then for charity's sake I blinked a few more times. What in the name of 'Nicki Minaj's' holy booty are my seeing here. (Who's Nicki Minaj?. Shit it's getting worse). I knew and could recite exactly what the ether is made off, my books had helped me.

The ether, the supreme power and energy that influences or creates every other type of energy or power, or skill on Shearath. The ether was made from the perfect balance and Assimilation of two forces of universal quantifications and magnitude.

It was made of the energy of creation and destruction, just like a soul. And right now this crystal is telling me that one of those energies is being created naturally by this giant tower of pure black, seriously this was Amazing, my mind was completely blown...….so..... What does it do?

I know you want to hit me right now, even I would want to hit myself. But I really didn't know. But Tantara tata tata ta, crystal to the rescue like superman on a busy Monday morning.

[the energy of creation can be used to evolve crystal, and supplement soul energy when there is a lack of it. It also helps in the completion of tasks, and gives the crystal the ability to create anything as long as there are prior materials. And lastly it causes for an increased effect in all surrounding ecosystem if it can be utilized properly with the crystal's help. Which means farming and all sort of natural or nature bound activities would be increased in grade and effect by 1000%( however note this can only be possible if crystal bonds with the tower rather than assimilate or be assimilated by it.)]

"So what happens if there's an assimilation instead of a bonding."

[If crystal assimilates the tower, it would take an average span of 80.000 years for the assimilation to be complete, and crystal will only end up evolving into an earth spirit crystal with no connection to creation energy. If the crystal is assimilated by the tower it would take roughly the same amount of time for the tower to use the crystal as a template to gain sentience and become either a titan, or an elder golem of origin earth. With a bond, crystal and tower become one, sharing the same sentience, in essence, crystal becomes the tower, and tower becomes crystal. Evolution is possible and infinite in it's possibilities...tower and crystal might evolve to become a God!]

I did not need anyone telling me that being the master of a God was awesome! Of course it couldn't be that simple. It was bound to take thousands, if not hundreds or tens, and millions of years for that happen. And to be honest I'm somewhat impatient to see what could come out of this. I really, really want a tower that's a God even though that sounds wrong on so many levels.

I clicked bond on the screen, and a countdown showed up.

[BONDING...…. 24:19:45:30]

Three weeks and three days, fuck! Why did I have to wait that long. Of course compared to the enormous time span of 80.000 years for the assimilation options, this was relatively short. Which means I would have to focus on other things for the main time.

The crystal flew up and disappeared into the depths of the tower, through kilometers of pure black earth. And with it went my newly acquired system. No!

"What happened! Where did it go?"

Teluna and Nisi were livid. I don't think they appreciated me taking their new toy away. To be honest I did not appreciate me taking it away from myself, it was so precious….."my precious".

But I managed to calm them down, and myself after a few tears were shed. None of which we're shed by me, mind you, and you have to take my word for it, none of you are here, so you can't say otherwise or judge me. Humph!

After the entire tirade I moved the remaining two elemental crystals, they were not as big as the elemental crystal, they were about the size of a beach ball(whatever the hell that is), but they were not completely round either as they had uneven bumps and parts of them that were jutting out of their glowing blue white and golden yellow brown frame. I put them exactly where my precious....I mean the crystal left me(please come back).

Then I went back to sort through what was left. I had five hoes of different sizes and style, two rakes, two shovels, a watering can, a hand fork, that hand shovel….spoony...thingy. Yeah I had one of those too. Also there was a cutlass among the farming equipment......weird, and four bags of seeds labeled [blue potato, Norn tomato, spirit rice, Java berries]......please tell me I'm not the only who found that weird. Blue potato? java berries sounded normal, but blue potato.....can't wait to grow that shit.

It would take a while to properly put this things aside, as the part of the tower Nisi had carved into was just an uneven and tight cave.

When she said she was a master builder, I really shouldn't have believed her. But this was home enough for us, at least for the next twenty four days.

Then finally I turned my attention to the three books that Asare had left behind for me. They were big, and very thick, they really looked old and almost on the verge of decay.

To be honest I had no idea how he had been able to get these, this should be in a museum, or in an ancient library somewhere. Though one of them was actually fairly new. It wasn't old like the other two, just covered in a lot of dirt. It looked like it had been thrown in mud. The first book was



Training my soul energy was really simple, sure there were more things to be learned about it. However so far all I had to do was use it and be alive, automatically my soul energy grows as I gather and experience more memories...…the laziest form of training imaginable, but it works for me. There could be techniques to speed up the process, but since I don't have it, and might not need it, no harm done.

But mental energy was something I had absolutely no idea about, both mental and soul energy come from the same area, but mental energy is born from the physical aspect of the human mind, and is easier to control than soul energy. While soul energy comes from the emotional and spiritual aspect of the human...or actually any race's mind. Improper control and manipulation of both would leave a person catatonic and a complete vegetable, if not dead.

The last book was really strange. It had a cover right in the middle, with a latch and combination lock even. Like someone had magically glued two books together. The outer title read


seems relatively simple for the most part, until I saw the title of the second book.



"Fuck my life"