Farming (II): Shamir The Unsealed.



Lukas was having fun, of course the lamia currently under his desk would think differently, after all she was a married woman. But as the saying goes, she made a deal with the devil, and now this devil was taking his due.

Lukas closed his eyes as he lost himself to the pleasure, he felt the serpentine body of the lamia curl around his leg as she worked her hardest to satisfy him. She didn't have much of a choice though, if she messes up, then he was going to throw one of her kids from this floor. So he could say a lot was riding on how well she could ride him.

Suddenly black smoke began to flow into his office, Lukas noticed, but paid it no mind until the smoke coalesced into a man, with pale skin and golden eyes. A vampire, and not just any vampire, an unsealed shadower. The vampire had his entire body covered with a cloak, so his features could not be discerned. Then he spoke to Lukas, with his voice startling the lamia currently rendering a blowjob to the devil.

"Why did you agree to such a deal with a revenant?"

"That revenant has a name, Shamir." Lukas answered back with a lazy tone and a satisfied moan.

"I have no need or use for his name as he's to weak to even own one. His blood is filthy."

"But your people love him. They accept him for who he is....well most of them anyway. Last I checked being a revenant is not a crime. So why are you so hung up on him, is it because Xaseah now belongs to him."

"That's not the point! Lukas!" the hooded man snapped in annoyance.

But Lukas acted as if the mood in the room had not already turned sour.

"Then what's the point. Hmm, why don't you enlighten me old friend, because from what I can see, your jealous of a child that's not a threat to you."

"This is not about jealousy, I can have Xaseah any time I want. But the fact remains that you just handed over a business worth more than a 700 thousand gold sheras. You forget whose coattail you're currently riding. Making decisions like this does not profit anyone. Especially the Last."

Lukas shifted his head a bit and gave Shamir a bored look as he said.

"In the end it all comes down to the elusive vampire Ancestor known as the last. Tell me Shamir, how is the last Dracula doing these days, last I heard he was quite sick.....let me make it simple for you, since money is your problem then let me illuminate your boorish mind. Ten drops of Dasenite is worth 1 million gold sheras on an auction. It's bound to be more expensive once the bidding starts, stopping at a delicious price of 10 million, give or take a few million.

This kid gave me four flasks containing at least 50 drops if not more of the most valuable compound in the known universe, not even Ionite for all it's versatility could compare to it. Which means that idiot just threw away 200 million gold sheras. Enough to buy his freedom out of this place and establish a kingdom in the frontier lands.

He's a noble, so there's no way he doesn't know what he's dealing with. Yet he threw it aside as a gesture of goodwill for a dwarf that tried to sell him to me.

Of course he turned the situation around, and manipulated it enough to work in his favor. He has the makings of a formidable opponent, and to be honest I rather have him as an ally, considering that he just gave us enough money to buy our entire organization two times over.

He has discovered things in this place that we have not, even with the hundreds of years we each have spent in this hell hole. He's valuable, both within the dancing caves and outside with the world. We can't afford to kill him, and a man like him is impossible to control.

So Shamir, master Shadow Dancer and prince of the void, I did not just hand over half the profits of what would most definitely be a very profitable business plan, I sowed a seed that will keep me entrenched and involved in the life of someone who might end up being the next historical leader of the vampires. And there's nothing you, me, or that old fogey the last Dracula can do about it. If we play our cards right, we all get to walk away from this happy and satisfied. Now tell me something different."

It was hard to tell if Shamir was satisfied with the explanation given or not. It was detailed enough, and it was obvious that Lukas was not looking for any immediate gains, he was looking to the future as usual.

"The elders are beginning to make their move."

"Well that's is interesting. Whatever for?" Lukas asked as he scratched the tip of his horn.

"The want to wrest back control of the pit from the gangs. They have been out of the picture for so long, and they're itching to get back Into the limelight. The time given for the prophecy is drawing close, they want to amass power in preparations for the war."

"That damn prophecy again. It keeps following me everywhere. But even then it will take a significant amount of bloodshed for all six bloodline elders to carve out a piece of the pit for themselves. We're all going to tear ourselves to pieces Shamir."

"Then you and your new toy better get ready. I have a feeling he's going to be right in the middle of it."

"Unfortunately Shamir you're right. Our new friend is quite talented, very, very talented."

"what do you mean?" Shamir asked with a surprised tone.

"Oh it's nothing for you to worry about.... soooo Don't worry about it. Now if you would excuse me, I have something under my table that I need to finish."

And with that Shamir disappeared the same way he had arrived, turning into a fog of black smoke as he made his way out of Lukas's office, his current destination unknown.


It's really hard not trying to think, and its even more hard not trying to feel. I knew Xaseah was here, not here in front of me, but in my head. I could feel her, it was just as if she was an extra appendage, but one I have been used to for a very long time. I think in my opinion there's a lot of things I have to find out about vampires, my knowledge at this point was so pitifully low, that anything that happens takes me by surprise.

Dwayne was quite surprised that I had no idea what the [Údāmá] was, I understood that as a man who had once fought for the rights of vampires, I should be able to know everything about this race of people I had chosen to help.

But I was a blank slate with multiple black notches that contain memory or words from before I lost it all. But I didn't trust Dwayne enough to let him know that I had no memory or in depth knowledge about vampires. Teluna and Nisi have been good teachers, but they were strays just like me.

There was much they also didn't know.

But ever since she has woken up, Xaseah had not said a single word to me. Granted I wouldn't know what to say to her, but the fact that she was doting over that grandfather of hers, who if I should mention is the reason we're in this mess in the first place, and it was pissing me off. She was totally ignoring me.

"If you glare any harder, you're eye's might fall off. And you should calm down, your emotions are all over the place, being upset as a revenant is not a good idea. We might have a repeat of this afternoon. "Xaseah suddenly said, but without looking at me.

Calm down?, I didn't want too. My life has been messed with again, and right now the anger I was feeling, was strong enough to overpower the guilt I felt from almost killing her. And the fact that I felt guilty was making me angry because the cause of this whole situation was having his beard braided by the person I was feeling guilty for.

I felt annoyed that she didn't at least try to give him an ear full, instead she was giving him a haircut. But since she has said something, it was only right that I keep the ball flowing.

"How do I get rid of it?" I might have sounded a lot more hostile than I intended, but I didn't care. Right now I was feeling all kinds of hostile.

"I heard that the [Údāmá] is a promise of love to be kept till the end of time." Nisi answered.

My face turned ugly, what promise of love?, I really didn't want to love anybody, at least not right now. I'm trying to figure out my place in the pit, but my life is getting complicated.

Memories lost, Abilities sealed, a power that will get me killed if the wrong people know I have it, too much money as a result of sheer luck, which is also an avenue of misfortune waiting to crash down on my head if anyone at all finds out about it. And now I'm kind of married?, I think it's a miracle I'm still sane.

"The gnome is right. This bond between the two of us is forever, or until we're both dead." Xaseah replied.

"The gnome has a name!" I snarled in anger.

"I'm fine with being called gnome." Then Nisi looked at me with a look that said 'I get that you're angry, but keep me out of this'.

She was right. But I just felt so angry at this entire situation, and I think part of this anger is not mine. The other party just knew how to keep a lid on her emotions.

But maybe she wasn't, I just realized that Dwayne has been silent for a while, and not because he had nothing say, but because he was being punished. She was pulling strands of his humongous beard out, one, by one. It was amusing for the most part, but not enough to satisfy both our angers. She got frustrated and then grabbed a clump of her grandfather's beard, then she pulled with all of her strength.

"YARGHHHHH! No! No! No! My beard!"

You know what, I think I'm satisfied enough with this as it is. At least for now. Who knew Dwayne missing a substantial part of his beard could be so therapeutic. Was it wrong that I wanted her to do it again. After that, Xaseah tuned to me and she said.

"I'm sorry this happened. It was not my intention at all. However I know for a fact that with time the effects of the [Údāmá] will grow stronger, but it can also be controlled. Please bear with me until then."

"You're a lot different than you portrayed the first time we met."

"That's because I was acting and on duty. I had to play the part I was given." She replied.

I nodded my head in acceptance. That explanation was enough for me, because I knew she was telling the truth. I had a lot on my mind, and I still haven't forgotten about the vision I had when I lost control of myself, but it was imperative that I focus on one thing at the moment. So I turned to Dwayne, and asked him.

"Now tell me if there's a way to grow plants in the dark."