Farming (V): The Bond With Xaseah And Her Story

I think Xaseah is afraid of me. Well I can't be sure though, because it's either she's afraid of me, or I'm afraid of her. Because every time she drew close to me, there's this sense of urgency and nervousness, like I was scared or she was scared, because at that moment it becomes extremely hard for me to tell who was the root of this feeling. The connection between the two of us is getting stronger, and to be honest it scares the living crap out of me.

I could feel things changing, but I could not tell which aspect or dimension this change was taking. Most of the time I want to throw her on the ground and punch her in the face, it was weird having such thoughts I know, but this bond was frustrating. And what makes matters worse is that in the process of having the thought, midway through it changes and I'm not punching her, I'm...…well I'm...….kissing her?.

Every time I thought about my way laid 'thoughts' I shuddered. But unfortunately I don't think it was from revulsion. If you ask me, well I think it was from anticipation. My body was betraying me, and keeping my distance was not working, but I will keep trying.

Three days have passed since my first active weaving attempt. I became something of an enigma for Xaseah, Nisi, Dwayne and Teluna. I was a vampire that could weave, compared to Teluna who was unsealed and quite valuable to the vampire community, there could not put a price on my worth. I could change everything she had said. And that was when we had our first fight(it just keeps on getting awkward.)

Xaseah wanted me to seek out the six bloodline elders, powerful vampires with specially tailored seals meant to keep them bound in the pit. They have been here since the beginning and are probably the only people who truly knew the secret behind the imprisonment of the vampires.

They were the collective leaders of the vampire race, with each one of them leading a house, and that house in turns leads six major covens, and each covens have at least a minimum twelve lesser covens under their command. With the amount of suffering I have seen, it came as a complete surprise to me that the vampires had such a well crafted hierarchy.

The elders and their houses, stay away from the prying eyes of the public and all the troubles that come with living in the pit. Even though they were sealed, the elders still had enough power to make things incredibly messy for the guards. So each faction minded their business and never crossed paths. The covens under them, all come from their bloodlines, each vampire within those covens are pure bloods. Born vampires whose bloodline has never been tainted by another species.

They were known as true bloods.

They don't turn other races to vampires, or procreate with other races. They believe in keeping their bloodline pure and untainted. Any member who violates that law is at worst executed or if pitied exiled. The other vampires, which make up a majority of the vampire population, the mixed bloods as they're known, are left to their own devices and the mercy of the guards.

And these were the people Xaseah wanted me to turn to for help. She felt they could offer me protection and a safer environment to train and become strong. I did not want that, in fact the very idea of asking for protection from those particular brand of people made my skin crawl.

This was my pride speaking, I knew that. But I literally died so that every vampire would have a chance at freedom, I might not have remembered it, but it still happened. But now I find out the people I was fighting for were doing to themselves the same thing I had fought against. It was heart breaking really. I'd rather take my chances alone.

Xaseah was so adamant that it was getting annoying. We've only been bonded for like a week? And now she's acting like she's my mother or my wife.

I could not begin to stress about how much I hated this bond, but from the looks of things, it seems like it was affecting her more than it was affecting me. Because I noticed how her mannerisms were changing it be more accommodative with my habits, she was never to far from my side even though I would very much prefer if she was invisible. And the worst part of it all was that I liked it.

Xaseah is a beautiful woman, devastatingly so, but I did not get satisfaction from the fact that I had a beautiful woman following me around. No I was just happy that 'She' was around. Whether she was beautiful or not, no matter how much I wanted to run away from her. she was always close by and my heart was always happy while my mind cursed up a storm. I was massive mess of a fucking contradiction...what else is new.

But relationship? Problems aside, I have been training. And I'm proud to say that in three days I could easily summon and suspend my soul energy with a thought. The feeling was becoming more familiar to me as the days went by, my connection to my soul and mental energy was constantly there. At first it was quite uncomfortable having access to a part of yourself that didn't exist before. But it's constant presence made it possible for me to acclimate fully and without any problem.

Thinking was a lot easier for me now, I still wasn't good enough with calculations, but I'm not worried. I know I have an inherent hate for those sort of things. But with that came the next junction of my training. I had put aside anything to do with runes for now, so that I can focus on my mental energy.

I understood mental energy was the foundation to all casting, and the manipulating of my soul energy. It also served as a wall to resist the backlash of nature every time I weaved. The mind was like a midway point between the soul and reality, my soul energy flowed through my mind, and down to my spine that serves as a conduit to store soul energy for weaving.

So in a nutshell, this stronger the mind and mental energy, the more soul energy that's capable of flowing to the spine. Which meant with a strong cultivation in mental energy, my cultivation in soul energy would be fast, extremely fast.

The exercise I had used, was meant to unlock my mental energy. I could continue training in it, to improve and increase the circles in my mental tree, but the stronger the mind, the less effective the exercise. I needed to try another way, and it was sitting right there in a mine waiting for me. It was time to head back to the mine, only this time Xaseah was coming.


"You've been avoiding me." Xaseah said in a matter of fact tone as we sat in the cart that would take us to the entrance of the pit.

"No I have not!." I answered with finality, hoping against all odds that we don't have this conversation.

"I can feel what you're feeling Kael. I know you're lying." Well there goes my peace and quiet.

"ok yes I've been avoiding you. I've said the truth now can you like leave me alone." I did not what to be rude, but I had to be rude. Whenever I'm around this woman I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm not supposed to worry about romance till chapter 160. This was much to early and strange.

"Do you hate me?" she asked with a straight voice.

Somehow I knew with that tone of voice that she was getting angry, and how did I know that, because I can feel her. This was getting out of hand. And I knew she wouldn't stop, regardless of how rude I tried to be. In the days that we've spent around each other, most of which I tried to painstakingly avoid her, I had discovered that Xaseah was tenacious. She never gives up, and she's most definitely not passive.

She's a wild girl, which should come as no surprise considering Dwayne is her grandfather. She has only been this cool because it was me, she felt guilty for the whole bond. So she was tolerating my bullshit. And now she was rapidly approaching the threshold where she would shove her fist into my chest and crush my still beating heart.

I gulped in fear. That image did not come from my head, it was hers. And she let me see it. She was warning me, it was a little too extreme for a warning, but it got the message across. I needed to change the subject, and fast.

"So how does a half vampire half night elf, get adopted by a scheming dwarf."

I asked with a cool voice. It was imperative I keep the image that I was unaffected by her rather vivid threat. We both knew it wouldn't work, but who say's her grandfather is the only one capable of being thick skinned and shameless.

She blinked at my question, then she chuckled before answering.

"I was not adopted by grandfather, we're related. He really is my grandfather."

Ok now that did not make sense. How does it work, because from what I can see they're both from two different races, and Xaseah does not have any defining dwarven features. She was tall, almost as tall as me if not a few inches more. And I knew I was tall, I was a 180 cm tall, or in simple terms six foot tall. And she was taller, it was obvious her elf genes won the competition, but there was absolutely no sign she had dwarven heritage. No stocky body, or bulging muscles.

She wasn't slender per say, as she had a bigger and wider body than most elves who were so slim you would wonder if they were starving themselves. She could be considered curvy leaning a bit on the voluptuous side. To get back on track she looked nothing like that schemer period.

"My grandfather married a Halfling. Which means my grandmother was half dwarf half human. Inter marriage between the different races is quite rampant and accepted...…unless of course you're a vampire. My father was taller than your average dwarf, his human genes were more prominent, but he was quite the blacksmith. Gave a lot of those dwarves a run for their money.

As for mother, I don't really remember her since she left when I was young. But the story I'm told about her is that she was a slave that my father bought, then he fell in love with her. But mother was already married and had a family before she was captured and sold to my father. After they had me, he gave her the freedom she so desperately wanted. She left immediately I was weaned and had no need for my mother's care to survive.

It broke my father's heart, and he died from the heartbreak eventually after raising me till I was sixteen. Grandmother followed soon after, the bond she had with her son was so much that him dying took her reason to live away. And that left me and grandfather to wander the world alone.

When I was 30 grandfather received a rumor that it was possible to make it big in the dancing caves of Noxis Nyx as a merchant. Dwarfs can not resist mines, or Mythril. That metal is like a drug for them and they all hope and dream that one day they can forge a legendary weapon from it. So we set out for the caves, and got settled relatively easily, for three years we made trips to the outside world, selling, buying and making profits. And then I fell in love with a vampire, we we're going to start a family together. His name was Shamir.

He was funny, thoughtful, and kind. But all these he was only to me. Outside however, Shamir was ruthless, and he worked as a hitman for the very gang you bought me from. Like all cliché love stories I found out what kind of a person he was, and to be honest I didn't mind. I didn't care if he was evil, cruel or possessive, I loved him and that was enough for me. Because I knew he loved me too...but his possessiveness grew and he tried to come between me and my grandfather, the only blood relation I had left.

One thing led to another, and Shamir turned me. He made me into a vampire and the first revenant in almost two hundred years. Shamir was banished from his coven, but he had enough power left to make life miserable for both me and my grandfather who couldn't leave anymore because of me.

The business we built crumbled, and Shamir disappeared. It has been sixty years since then. My grandfather keeps on getting older and closer to his grave, he has lived long enough that his mistakes and all the trouble we have faced keeps on tormenting him. And now we belong to you."

To be honest I did not expect her entire life story. I only wanted to know how she was related to Dwayne. After her story, the only thing I could say was.
