Bonds (IV): Lutetia







"Tell me lord Kael, do you know how the turn Into a vampire is carried out?" A voice asked me in contempt, rousing me from me anxiety filled rest.

"I don't know Lutetia, the high elves are supposed to be creatures of great 'beauty' and wisdom, why don't you humor me?" I shot back with a mocking tone, emphasizing on beauty as the high elf in front of me had terrible scars on her face.

"I wouldn't want to make me angry if I were you."

"Oh!, and why is that oh awesome high elf."

"I'll torture you." She answered back with an even voice. As if she was merely saying good morning.

"Seriously? that it. You're not going to regale me with a monologue describing, maniacally with precise details the million and one ways you can torture me.?"

"Why would I do that?" she asked in confusion.

"Um I don't know, because it makes you look cool, and every great villain always give a monologue before they throw the hero off a cliff."

The elf looked at me like she was studying an experimental human specimen in a lab. I couldn't help it, reincarnating with your memories intact would do that to you. You tend to mention things you're not supposed to, or find a joke in the midst of every mundane thing you see or hear. It was quite lonely being the only one who gets me, but I had a family who loved me none the less.

"You're as strange, and weird, and awkward, and bizarre, and freaky, and...."

"I get it man!, or I mean girl...…which one are you."

"You really know how to get under a person's skin don't you? I'm not going to be throwing you off a cliff, but I will throw you off my ship as your very presence sickens me. You're a traitor to the light, and you deserve to suffer a million deaths for siding with these leeches."

I was tired of talking to this woman at this point. Of all the things she's had to say, there was nothing I haven't heard before. But I was going to stay true to my cause no matter what. Because it was more than just the right thing to do, it was the just thing to do. No body was above redemption, and when you start doing to your enemy what you enemy does or did to you, to an even greater degree than them. It doesn't make you better than them, it makes you them!. With such a change there would be nothing good or innocent in you anymore, by then your enemies would have won, because you've become the very same monster you tried to fight. But none of them wanted to listen.

"I have to tell you what you have to go through in other to become a vampire. After all it's part of the law that the transporting jailer gives an explanation of the kind of hell they're about to subject and sentence a prisoner too."

"By all means your nobleness. Enlighten me." I answered back with an as much of a bored tone and visage as I could muster.

"The process of turning any creature into a vampire is a complex one. And that's because Vampires are creature of darkness, they're not just born from the first night, but are creatures of pure negativity, greed, and malice. So in other to step past one racial threshold, to the domain of the Vampire's, you have to be turned when you're feeling a negative emotion of such magnitude, you have to come off as either broken hearted, betrayed, angry, or hopeless. You have to feel great emotional turmoil.

Only the darkness of the heart, can get you the darkness of the body being a vampire grants you. That's why the change is never fully complete until the heart of the Vampire stop beating. Until you've given and lost everything that once made you who or what you were, trading it all away for the darkness that's bound to wrap and enshroud you're unbeating heart.

And once that darkness settles, it begins to use every blood in your body to sustain itself, it gives you fearsome physical abilities in the process, but the constant circle of using your blood to keep you in a state of half life, and half death, granting you immortality would leave you with a hunger and a craving for blood that you would never be able to resist.

Because this darkness in you is made of death, and for it to survive you have to feed it life, you have to drink blood. But the true change never really happens until you sever any goodness, or connection to your old life. You have to empower the darkness to make this change perfect, absolute and stronger. Most vampire's that turn hardly know of this secret, but I'm telling you this just because you and I and your family have history."

Well that was surprising. High elves were creatures of great beauty, pride, and magic. The high elves hardly ever had a relationship with any body outside unless there was great profits to be had, and it made them even more of the self righteous and pretentious pricks than they already are. They loved to look good, and holed up in their floating cities, it made them seem all the more mysterious, and obscure.

There was nothing like the word friendship in any of the 43 dictionaries that translate their posh language into the common tongue. So I found it really hard to imagine, that a high elf had history with me or my family, I make it a point of mine to stay away from them. And from the tone of voice she was using, it was deeper than just a random partnership.

"As I was saying, to truly facilitate and empower the change, you have to cut off any thing that ties you to your past life. To do that you have to kill a person from your old race, and you have to be careful when you choose who to kill, because this person has to be filled with light. Any sort will do, the person just has to be someone with a lot of love and positivity in his life. The kind of person, who would never give up no matter how bad things get.

I doubt you would ever be able to kill such a person, unlike your ancestors, you're too good to do something like that. You believe in something just, and you choose to fight for it. Ha-ha, the house of Cor was known for so many years as a family of really ruthless warriors. The very best Shearath had to offer.

The crest of a great lion surrounded by four dragons symbolized how heaven defying your family was. Because even the emperors and kings of the heavens, had to bow to their might and power. You're a completely different case to those ancestors of yours, crazy even."

Then her voice took in a qualitative change that sounded almost like...…pride. But not the kind you feel about yourself, the kind you feel about a sibling, or...….a child.

"Like I said you're kind, prideful, a great foe to your enemies, and something the world of Shearath has never seen before, I would like to say I did a good job, but since I didn't raise you, I can't take any credit. This...…..this was all you, and I can't tell you how proud of you I am, which is why I'm telling you, that no matter what happens from here on out, your mother love's you, and she's so proud of the man you've become. So don't...don't fall to the despair. "

What the hell was this woman going on about, how can a conversation about torture take such a rapid turn and change in mere seconds. There's no way this woman was my mother, first of all she was a high elf, and even though the hideous scars on her face did much to diminish her beauty, there was no damn resemblance between the two of us. She's fair skinned almost to the point of being called pale, and my brown skin showed a very different set genes than what she was portraying. What kind of messed up shit was the council of light playing now, this was supposed to be a simple sentencing, did they have to play with my head in the process.

"What kind of game are you playing here 'elf!"

But before she could answer, a buzzer went off in my cell and a voice sounded over the intercom.

"Boss it's time, the vampire is right outside the cell."

Then she smiled, and rubbed her hand over my very confused head. Then she left, leaving the door open for the my executor, or should I say the person that's to carry out my sentence. I was confused by the sudden turn of events, but what came next really shook me.

"A!...Asha? What are you doing here?"

The answer she gave me was painful, it was a melody steeped in blood, fangs and sheer brutality of a vampire feeding on you until there was only a sliver of your heartbeat left. A strand of life, weak enough for the darkness to come in and take root. This was the woman I loved, my wife. And she gave me death!.



"isn't this a tearful and heartfelt reunion. The man err...I mean the vampire trash that was betrayed by the woman he married has arrived ladies and gentleman, and you too Vampire scums of the earth."

He spoke turning to the vampires with a flourish you wouldn't expect from a man this cold hearted and barbaric. Betrayal was such a strong word, and I felt my heart ache every time he said it. Asha's hand trembled within mine, whatever it was that Adein meant when he said I was betrayed, it was true. The deep sense of fear, remorse and regret I felt from my sudden bond with Asha proved it. But I didn't have time to explore or delve into all this strange and random occurrences.

The shadows of my missing memories, shades of my old life had all come calling, and it was haunting. I kept saying how much the old Kael messed up everything for me, how his actions and decisions had left me in a position and with a responsibility I was not ready for. At that moment however I think I realized something, or more like I chose to acknowledge it.

There was no old Kael, or a new Kael. Missing memories or not, this was my life, I lived it, fought for it, and loved with it. Every relationship and mistake the old Kael made, was just as much his as it is mine. This 'is' my life, and the sooner I accepted it, accepted the responsibilities, the mistakes, the dreams, the sooner I get to find out for myself who I truly am. In just this few moments I've seen memories, and felt things that could only be true and genuine.

I was still left with quite a lot of questions, and I hope to get the answers to them. But for now, I've to do what I came here for. And that's to truly be the Savior from a blue world.