Tower System (VI): Waking Up

One minute I was asleep, and the next I was awake. It was just as sudden as it was when I fell unconscious. I didn't feel any different, the only difference was my new memories. Jason?. Apart from the feeling of guilt for locking him away, there was this feeling of emptiness, it was as if I was missing a huge part of my self. And I had the feeling that I could just stretch out my hand and grab, it, but there was now a huge door between me and that part of me, a door of my own making.

I heard a loud bang, and looked up in time to see four strangers in the tower, but what was horrifying was that Nisi had a dagger buried to the hilt in her shoulder, and Teluna was unconscious with a huge red welt on his head. Who the heck are this guys.

"Is he supposed to be awake?" one of the guys asked with trepidation in his void, drawing the attention of the other three to me.

"No he's not!" Another answered, for naming sake I'm going to assume this guy is the leader, so I'll call him leader.

"Then what are we going to do?" another one of the strangers asked, this guy I'm going to call S2 for starters and the other S1.

"It doesn't make any difference, we're going to take him and deliver him to the rendezvous. What ever happens next is not our problem." Leader said without any remorse in his voice.

Then he turned to me and said.

"Get up you my 'Lord' savior, lion of Shearath." The sarcasm was so thick I could almost touch it. So in essence his guy must hate me or something.

"You have no idea how your propaganda made life difficult for a lot of innocent vampires in the pit. And chief among them is my dead brother who believed in the crap of an Idea that was Kael Cor, fighting for the freedom of all vampires. To bad he got himself killed and impaled on the guard tower as a prime example and warning for everybody in the pit to see."

Oh, so that was why he hated me. To be honest I can't say I blame him. The old me, scratch that, what I mean is that, 'I' was trying to do a good thing. But I was not careful, did not plan well, and went against the entire world if not the whole universe in a bid to actualize and fulfill this ambition of mine. Safe to say I failed, but even before I failed, a lot of people were already paying the price.

"I'm going to hurt you lord Kael, after all, our employers never said we had to deliver you in one piece." Leader said while cracking his knuckles.

From the color of the eyes, S1 to S3 were Blood child vampires, and the leader was a nosferatu by virtue of his purple eyes. I quickly scramble up to my feet, but crashed down again in a heap as my bones felt so weak. It was as if I had laid down in one place for a very long time, and that was all the confirmation I needed for me to understand that I had really been unconscious for the past three months.

My muscles had atrophied, and while that was not something that was supposed to be experienced by vampires due to the fact that they're dead, which meant things like muscular degeneration never affected them. On the contrary, due to the darkness responsible for the change and their vampire abilities, their body is constantly being enhanced and refreshed, turning them into the most optimum specimen of physical prowess. But there was just one problem, I was still a revenant, and whether I wanted to admit it or not, some part of me was still alive. My slow beating heart was all the proof required for it to be so.

S1 came close and tried to throw a kick at my face, but the earth below his feet suddenly turned into a sludge of mud as he slid sideways, with his ankle letting out an audible crack as it bent into an awkward angle.

"ARGHHHHHHH!!!!" his scream was really irritating, as he fell down in a heap clutching at his injured leg.

"You fucking Dirt born!" S3 shouted as he turned to the still bleeding Nisi, who even with a dagger stuck in her shoulder had tried to protect me.

Dirt born, a derogatory term used for any creature of Shearath born in close tandem with the earth elements. And example of that would be the Gnomes, the Nymphs, the Dryads, and the Ents. I was angry that he would call her that, and even more so due to the fact that it was a vampire who was using racial slurs. Has he forgotten his own unfortunate existence so suddenly that he would do to others what has been done to him. It was disappointing, and that was because such an act, was human!

S3 punctuated his words by sending a hard kick to Nisi's mid section. The force from the kick raised her diminutive frame and sent her straight outside of the tower, crossing a distance of ten meters, before I heard a thud and loud cry outside. And then there was silence, pure silence.

I dread to think about what had happened to Nisi, but whatever it was, I couldn't let it cloud my judgment. I had to find a way to deal with this guys, and at the moment talking won't solve anything. But I really wanted to know where Asha and Xaseah were, how could they not be here!

I turned and began crawling away from them, my weakened body wouldn't let me do much. Or so they thought.

"Look at yourself, see how pathetic you look. That's where people like you belong, on the dirt, crawling like the useless worm you are." Leader said.

This guy definitely had a lost of grievances to settle, and he did just that when his foot dropped straight to the middle of my back. The impact was not really hard, but it was sudden enough to shock me out of my current course of action. Then the next foot dropped, and the next, and the next. Then he turned sideways and kicked me right in the stomach, driving all of the air from my lungs as my body curled and conformed into itself to handle the pain.

Then next came the hunger pains as my fangs slid out of my mouth with a painful and agonizingly slow motion. I was being beating the hell up, but my stomach chose that time to rumble, and it did so loudly, that my tormentors couldn't help but laugh at my current predicament.

Hungry and being beating did not seem like the kind of label you would put on someone as illustrious as Kael Cor Lion of Shearath. Then The leader kicked me again, and this time he used enough force that I was raised off the ground, and knocked into a familiar case. The contents within spilled to the ground with loud bangs as my hand fell on a hilt, and with that knowledge a smile showed up on my face.

When the leader was about to stomp on my head, probably to put an exclamation point on his beatings, I turned and swung the short sword in my hand at his approaching foot. He noticed the approaching weapon and pulled back, but not fast enough as the sword had scratched him.

"Hahaha! So sorry my lord, but you missed." The silent S2 finally spoke.

I chuckled a bit as I turned to face them and raised the short sword in my hands making sure to show them where the rune word break was weaved with glowing dark blue soul energy.

"I didn't miss S2." S2 looked surprised at the glowing rune on the sword, and even more so at the name I just called him. Then.


Unlike the time with Uzi, (God rest his soul) I was very conscious and could see exactly what my rune did to a living person. It was a harrowing experience, very terrible...…really! It was so bad I felt shivers creep up my spine. Who would do such a thing to a person...oh! I guess that would be me.

His right arm bent backwards at the elbow, then from his fingers up to the reversed elbow, his bones began to break in segments, and after that, the entire arm suddenly turned flabby, every bone there had turned to pieces. The next to follow was his left leg, but this time it did not bend backwards like his elbow, it pushed forward in a rather grotesque display as the bones got pushed out from behind his knee cap, while his leg faced the sky, bent like a switch blade. That looks painful, I really wouldn't want to be him.

And just like his arm, the bones in his left leg began to break apart in fragments, before turning to pieces like before. Next in the line was his pelvis, one side of it shattered and he lost control of his body as he fell to the ground in a screaming heap. His companions watched on in fear and horror, as his rib cage began to cave in on itself, making sure to stab through some of his organs before turning to pieces too.

The function of BREAK this time was very different from the previous times it was used. And that was for one reason and one reason only. Intent. I wanted him to feel pain, I wanted his end to be agonizing and slow, I wanted to torture him, and I did. Ten minutes, that was how long leader had to go through his pain before his skull finally caved in. All that was left was skin, like someone had dropped a jumpsuit on the ground.

His friends were standing there....well S2 and S3 were standing since Nisi broke the ankle of S1. Then they looked at me, with horror on their faces, and then looked at the short sword on my hand. The fear in their eyes was obvious, and they occasionally sent hopeful looks at the entrance of the tower. I looked to the left and saw an intact bottle of blood, it was actually a flask made of earth with a depiction of a white rose on it. The name Nirvana was written on it, so this was a cocktail.

I grabbed the flask opened it and poured the contents within down my throat with reckless abandon. I was really hungry, which was also surprising for me since I did not loose control and start drinking every person in my sight like a common animal. Granted I was much to weak to hurt a pigeon...…..well I was weak, flesh bag on the ground is more than enough proof that looks could be deceiving. After I finished the flask of blood I put it down. Reveling in the after taste, and the buzz the blood induced, I looked at my remaining three opponents and said to them.

"You're next."