Growth (I): Return, Asha's Plot


I hated that sound almost immediately, but what could I do. I was not the one pulling an enormous slab of earth piled to the top with the carcass of stone rats and their ilk, which of course was more stone rats. But our journey back has been relatively unhindered, even though Teluna was pulling a four meter wide and five meter long slab. The kid is strong, like very strong.

Teluna showed no sign of discomfort, simultaneously carrying our bag and pulling the slab at the same time, while also moving at a leisurely pace that I had to push myself to match. This journey of ours back has been ongoing for the past nine or so hours, and his time we were faster than before. Without my constant need for rest, and random inspiration to practice sword skills or create new runes, our journey back to the tower was twice as fast.

I heard chittering, and saw my bats communicating amongst themselves. It was a rather marvelous sight because I just realized that bloody tower could create life. And from the looks of things, sentient life. If it could do his now, than how powerful would it be at a higher level, or when it was completely awakened. The very thought sent shivers surfing over my bloodstream.

"We're close." Teluna suddenly spoke up.

His words startled me, but I could see he was right. The towers around us now looked a little bit more familiar....nope, not one bit. They all looked the same to me, but I knew better than to question Teluna's intuition. He was a higher ranked vampire, and he was unsealed. But speaking of being unsealed, I now had a definite plan...…well it's more like a theory, but it was all I've got.

The rune circles of the rune that seals the vampires and prevents them form having any sort of access to the way and their physical talents and abilities, worked just the same way as mine. So in essence I could use a technique I just developed to break the seal. I would let my soul energy seep into the seal, and slowly using my soul energy as a medium, begin to drain the soul energy that powers the seal.

Of course I'm not entirely sure that would work, so I would wait until the seal was weak enough, then use break to shatter it once and for all. It took a lot of thinking for me to come up with this plan, and one thing that gave me confidence was the way my new rune was created. That experience gave me a sort of understanding about runes.

The runes were words, I was sure somewhere in a rune language there would also be the inclusion of symbols or pictures, but I now knew that each single rune is a concept that could govern, and change the very laws of reality itself, as long as they're slaves to the whims of the weaver. If I wanted to push what I could achieve with break, I would not just be able to break a seal, I would be able to break a heart, a mind, a soul, a city, a continent, a planet. And if I wanted the very universe and even reality itself.

This was the power of my runes, they were not just simple words to cause a physical reaction, depending on a rune, whichever it might be. You could push the bounder s of what such a rune could accomplish, and the only thing that limits you, is the strength of your mind, the strength of your soul and the amount of soul energy it can create, your imagination and lastly your will and intent.

Of course there was bound to be a number of intruding factors and things that I had to fix with my plans. Now all I needed was a willing experi...err I mean a willing participant. Who could volunteer to be a test subject. With time and a lot of experiments, which I hope won't end with the deaths of anyone, I could succeed.

"There are people at the tower." Teluna warned as he came to a sudden halt.

I looked ahead and saw the tower, all of it's inhabitants were standing at the entrance with Xaseah and Teluna at the forefront confronting a contingent of what would only be described as a hundred or so guards of both humans, and fully turned werewolves. From Xaseah's frantic gestures, I could see they were arguing with the guards, and from the look of things, this wasn't looking good. I turned to Teluna and asked.

"Can you hear what they're saying?

He nodded his head in response and continued watching as I looked on hopelessly waiting for him to tell what was being said.

"Well?" I asked with widened eyes. But all I received was a hand telling to be silent as he pointed at the guards standing in front of the tower.

I shook my head, and watched as the guards continued to harass my people. I mean I was not sure they were even harassing anyone, but they were guards, this what they did right?. I noticed a different detail about the group of guards though, they were armed, and not in the traditional sense that the pit had grown accustomed to over the thousands of years in which vampires had been it's inhabitants. Guns. They were holding guns sophisticated enough for me to know they were not your average run of the mill firearm.

This was something I have never seen in the pit before, previously if the guards were armed, it was either with a spear, sword or any other bladed weapon that was not a hot weapon projectile. Something was up, and I bet my bottom dollar it was nothing good. It was just another normal day in the pit, what else could go wrong.

"They're looking for you, and they're about to barge into the tower to confirm that you're still there." Teluna said.

I now had an answer to my jinx like question. What could go wrong...well the answer to that was everything. If those guards go in and find out that I was not in a coma as everyone knew or expected me to be, then there would be a whole lot of restrictions for me again. I would be watched closely, and it would be next to impossible for me to get stronger than I already am. We needed to get back into the tower, Now!




"Please lady Asha, we don't mean any disrespect or whatsoever, in fact we're doing this out of concern. The head warden has tasked out with making sure you lord husband is safe and secure, as news about how the leader of the one god coven had ordered his kidnapping. We're here to check on his state of health, and assuage the doubt's of a lot of people that he was safe, and still 'unconscious.' In this tower"

Seriously how stupid do this people think I am, this was an obvious trap looking me right in the face. If Kael was in the tower and still unconscious, seeing him in such a state would not have been enough for them. They would have suddenly came up with an excuse on the spot to take him along.

"Well this is all too convenient isn't it. The vampires of the one god coven have not been here, which means there's no reason for you people to be here, as my husband is perfectly safe. However I doubt for his safety if I let people like you close to him, after all were literally on opposite sides."

Kael had told me about what happened to his kidnappers, but that was just between the us Xaseah, Asare, Nisi and Teluna. The other vampires living with us had no idea that Cornelius tried to have Kael kidnapped. Obviously they failed, but they did not know how or why, because there was no one but a pair of kids and an unconscious man in that tower. The chance for failure was low if not outright impossible. But they had no idea what happened, their kidnappers disappeared, and the person they wanted to have kidnapped might not be as unconscious as they were made to be believe. They were here to make sure Kael was still in a coma, and if possible they could try to take him along.

"We're only here out of concern Lady Asha, after all we're responsible of keeping the law and order in the pit. When we heard that Kael was threatened by another vampire, we came here to make sure all is well, as it's still within our job parameters. So please let us through so that we can carry out our duty, or we would be forced to use deadly force."

This guys were nit going to budge, and to be honest I was rapidly running out of ideas about how to handle them. And that was when I felt Kael. He was close, very close. And he was going round the side to come up at the back of the tower. He would come in from there, but I was not so sure if that was a good idea. I had a plot in mind, and for that I still need Kael absent.

[Where are you?] I asked through our telepathic link.

The bond between the two of us was so strong that we could hear each other's thoughts, a d his was mainly because of how much time we had spent together, even before his imprisonment. We we're truly in love with each other, so our bond grew faster that was normal. Eventually Kael and Xaseah should be able to have something like this, should they go beyond just attributing their attraction for each other on the bond, rather than it being something that stemmed from their own hearts. The bond did instill affection between those connected, however that was just on the surface.

For a bond to truly be strong, both parties had to have mutual love and respect for each other. Which was why a bond was always usually done by two vampires who just got married, or lovers who have chosen to be together as the bond itself is like a marriage contract and ceremony. What happened between Kael and Xaseah was an accident no doubt, but the bind would be superficial, in life, there was no substitute for love, no matter how powerful the bond is.

[I'm behind the tower with Teluna, we're about to come in] Kael replied.

[No don't, I have a plan. And I need you absent. Stay behind the tower for now, I let you know when it's safe to come in.]

[Okay.] His voice was rather skeptical, as he was not really sure about my idea. But he and me both, because I had no idea what I was about to do.

"You want to see Kael so badly. Well then go in!"

"Mistress!" "Sister!" "Elder!"

Varying voices of protest rose up around me. I understand what they were afraid of. If Adein should find out that Kael was awake, who knew what kind of revenge that bastard would have in store for him and us. Kael had became unconscious just after he saved Xaseah, which took away any opportunity of Adein executing any sort of revenge scheme.

"Let them through...…..that's an order!" I answered harshly.

None of them had a choice but to do what I wanted them to. I out ranked all of them, in the case of the vampires I was an elder, a peak existence of rest power and mystery that they all looked up to for wisdom and guidance. For Xaseah I'm the first wife, which puts me above her, and as for Asare, I'm the legal wife of his master, and also the lady or mistress of house Cor. In retrospect, I was as much his master as Kael was.

They parted to the side and let the guards have access to the tower. Every single one of them had ci fixed looks on their faces as they wondered what sort of scheme I had in mind, or was I doing the unthinkable and betraying my husband literally to the wolves. But they would never know, at least not for a few moments as I did not even bother to reassure Xaseah through our bond.

The guards came out with an expected and puzzled look. Before the captain of this pack of dogs asked me.

"But he's not there, is he awake?"

"Awake! No he's not. But he's missing an it's all your fault!" I screamed at them.

I think at this point everyone was surprised by reaction. Not one of them knew what was happening.

"You came here just to gloat at my suffering did you not?, you clearly knew who took him! Yet you come here, to my home! Wearing that fake sympathetic face, and ask about his wellbeing. Even you yourself said that someone had plans for him, you knew he was left helpless on that day because your bastard of a warden decided to make life a million times more difficult.

Your duty my ass, where were you when he was taken, why weren't you doing your duty then you bastards. You let that stupid priest take him away from me, who knows what they could be doing to him right now. (Sob) please tell me, Where Is My Husband!"