Growth (V): Unlocking Seals 2: Meeting Earth(System)

On a scale of one to ten, I would rate my current situation as a twelve in the scale of fuckups I had somehow thrown myself into. I really didn't know how ingot myself here, and due to that I was no closer to figuring out how to get myself out of it. I guess the only thing left to do at this point was to move forward.

At his point I don't think it mattered which direction I went, since I really had no idea what to expect, the idea was to keep moving forward, until I meet something, or get to the end of the corridor.

I moved down, and busied myself with studying the wooden walls beside me, I was counting how many times they changed, and how many shapes the walls broke up into before arranging themselves into different sections of the corridor.

And to be honest it was going good, the impossible counting kept my mind busy and let me fell less bored.

Though I messed up more often than not with my counting, all I had to do was start all over again, after all there was no rush. It took me another hour to finally get tired of the counting, and from the looks of things, it doesn't seem as if this corridor was coming to an end any time soon, so I decided to sing. But therein lay a dilemma, as I didn't know how to sing, or to be more accurate I didn't know what to sing as I had no memories of songs within my incredibly twisted brain. I just decided to go with the flow and sing the first thing that fame to mind, after all it can't be that bad right?

"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world Everybody. It's a....."

The song was quite catchy, and familiar too, even though I had no memories of it. I continued on my way singing my jaunty tune, and when I got tired I chose to whistle, letting the sound of my voice reverberate all over this unending corridor. But that's when I realized something that shocked me so hard it stopped me right in my tracks, cutting off my happy whistling like I had something stuck in my throat.

Technically, since I was in the rune circle, isn't it possible that I had been going around in circles this whole time.

"I really hope I've not been going round and round in a circle this whole time." I didn't even realize that I had spoken out loud. But the reply I received added to my shock.

"finally, I've been waiting for you to realize this simple fact it was driving me insane. And THAT SONG, HOLY FATHER! If I had been forced to experience ten more minutes of that damn singing, I would have had a volcanic eruption near Hawaii."

I turned behind me to see who had spoken, and for the second time in recent memory, I was thrown of my feet by surprise and thrown unceremoniously on my ass. How could he be here, it was impossible. I was shocked, the last time I saw him, he was being pulled by massive chains into and endless darkness behind two metal gates.

"Jas...…on" I muttered in horror.

I couldn't help the fear that suffused my entire being. At the very thought of this man that claimed to be me, my heart seized up as fear the likes which I've nit experienced, even near death would come over me. I don't know why, and it was because of this fear I had tried everything in all of my power to forget my encounter with him. And it was working, I was making progress, drowning myself in my priorities for freedom and protection, rather than the dark shadow that was lurking within my heart.

"Oh don't be so spooked, I'm not Jason, or I should say I'm not you."

The fact that he was not Jason did not calm me down, after all I was veritably looking at him. And even if this was not Jason, the fact that he was mentioning something connected with Jason shook me even more. How could Jason be me!

"Then if you're not Jason, who're are you." I asked as I scrambled back to a standing position, and set myself in such a way that I could make a run for it if I have to.

"Oh that's a tricky question to answer. Mhmm.....well I've been known by many names. People on Shearath call me the WAY, or the system. Some say Terra, or Gaia. But you can call me Earth."

What the actual fuck?, am I hallucinating or something. I always thought that the system was a tool, and not an actual person, but what was his about being Earth, that's a whole other deep level of bullshit. It hasn't really been too long since I read the story of earth from the book about the histories of Shearath. And while that book has also given me a profound level of déjà vu, creepiness and a weirdness unprecedented, I had thought it was nothing more than just a story.

"you doubt the authenticity of my claim?" the Jason look alike said, or I should say Earth replied.

"Well obviously? You can't just appear out of nowhere and claim to be a planet, or the very system itself. It's not logical." I answered back with a sure but wary tone.

"And is the fact that you can use your soul to rewrite the very laws of reality is considered logical." He shot back.

I opened my mouth to protest, but quickly shut it. He was right, no matter how you looked at it, weavers were a cheat class, capable of being or slaying a god. I looked at him and saw a sharp resemblance between us both, in fact if not for the different skin color and hair styles, Jason could be considered an identical twin of mine, if not a complete mirror image. There was a contrast between us both, that could not be explained. Me with my dark skin, and Jason with his pink and fair skin, his blue eyes and blond hair, and my red eyes and black hair. So many difference, but yet the same.

"If you're the system, the WAY, or Earth whatever, tell me what you're doing here, how the hell do I get out of this place, and how for the love of God can I destroy those seals."

"why don't we take a walk, I'll explain everything on the way."

At this point in time I did not have much of a choice, so I fell into pace with him. For a while the only sound that resounded around the corridor was the echoing of our footfalls as it reverberate across it's expanse. There was a silence whose feeling I couldn't seem to out my finger on, it was not awkward or. Weird, or because of fear. It was more of a silence of reverence, caused because a person would be standing in the presence of a king, or in this case a God.

"The answer to your first question is quite simple. I'm here because I wanted to. See you. I've spoken to you before, numerous times in fact. But during change from human to vampire, your soul was attacked by outside forces, by people who know the real truth of the way. Due to that all of your memories were lost, and with it, knowledge of me, and your true goals. As for your second question, you would be able to get out of here when you defeat the soul beasts that were weaved into the circle as a trap for those who would like to break the seal. Once you defeat the soul beasts, then the soul energy powering the seal would be defenseless, and that would leave the soul energy ripe for the picking.

As for the seal that has completely blocked you from me, a similar approach is required. You have to go into the seal, and defeat the soul beasts within, then the soul energy would be left defenseless for you to attack with yours to assimilate and dissipate. And when you've taken the soul energy, the rune would be weak enough to use [BREAK] on. After that the seals would become nothing but history"

I was surprised, shocked and in awe. I still very much doubted that this man was the system or Earth as he called himself. But the explanation he gave about the seals seemed really plausible and true except for one small matter.

"what are soul beasts, and where are they?"

"soul beasts are born from a weaver's soul energy. They're only born from a weaver once he gets to the first circle of the third realm, they're born from his desires and experiences, and they safeguard his weaves. At that point in time the weaves and runes of a weaver would be so damn strong, that Nature's backlash would no longer just be attacking the mind and soul of a weaver, but also the seal itself. The soul beasts are there to fight off any outside interference with the seal.

This way it does not just serve as a guardian against the backlash of Nature, but as a reference to other weavers who would seek go undermine or take control of the seal of another."

"then where are the soul beasts in this place, and where are they?" I asked in wonder.

"They're around you, I just made it possible for you not see them or them to see you. I'll leave it to you once we're done here."

I nodded my head, everything explained so far seemed understandable. But I had more questions, or well more like a billion questions, but he raised his hands and stopped me.

"All of the answers you seek from me right now, are literally within you and locked away."

My heart thumped in fright because I knew exactly what or who he was talking about. After all I was still looking at his face.

"Everything about who you are, where you're from, what's coming and what you have to do, I already told Jason. And I know you're confused and scared, but Jason is you. You're memories and a part of your soul from your past and first life. Somehow during the change, the attack had split that part of you, unfortunately it's the only part of you that was fully whole after the split. The part of you that's Kael Cor, with all of you're memories was broken into multiple soul fragments .

Those fragments are slowly becoming a part of your soul, mending and fixing the damage. But you're never going to get back the whole of your memories as Kael, they're gone forever. However your memories as Jason are still intact, and you have to accept it or you would never really know who you are or be prepared for what's to come."

Whether he was speaking the truth or not, I had no intention of doing that. I was scared, very scared. It was so bad that the very thought of it made me hyperventilate in sheer horror at that course of action. It was as if there was a danger to it, something could happen to me if I do that.

"I understand your fear even though you don't, I can see it, and I can feel it. But if you don't accept your self, trillions of people will die. I will die. And everything that exists will become void and nothing, forgotten and never to be remembered by any other soul in the true universe. Everybody you know, everybody you love, gone." He said with a soft voice. Then he continued.

"there's indeed a danger to that course of action, and it's not something you're knowledgeable of, but something you can feel from the depths of your soul. But I can't tell you, you have to accept the risks that come with such an action. You have to learn to accept it, and not be afraid of it. When you've done so, and accepted who you really are, that's when your power will truly awaken, and 'he's' going to call you."

Vague words indeed. Almost everything he had said was designed to not make sense. However I was not confused, I understood what he meant not just on an instinctual level, but from deep within my soul with a clarity as bright as daylight. It was weird, but it felt normal.

"And by 'he' you're talking about the soul dragon right?" I asked with a cursory

"indeed." He replied.

"I'm not sure I can do this...I'm not strong enough." I answered with a whisper as I clenched my fist.

I felt useless about a lot of things, I couldn't even save Asha from a seal that's going to kill her and our baby in a month or less, I couldn't save Xaseah from being tortured by Adein. Couldn't save the vampires from being treated unfairly. I didn't even know what my plans for the future would be like, I've dome everything that came my way on a whim, looking for a sense of purpose and never looking ahead.

If I do end up freeing the vampires, then what? Would I lead them, would I go to war for them. Would this council of light even allow me do such a thing. I was stuck, I was existing and living in the moment, I couldn't see ahead, or it should be I refuse to look ahead. And that was because I was afraid of what I would see, of failing. And then loosing everything all over again.

"You were not chosen for your strength Kael Jason Cor. I chose you because of your soul, because of your experience. Of the nine that I've chosen to ride the seven dragons, you're one of three people who can lead them. You've experienced every negative thing reality has to offer, pain, heartbreak, hatred, anger, greed, selfishness, lust, pride etc. And each time you've succumbed to them, you've also risen above them, to become better than before, to become stronger. Someone who truly understands the pain of the world, and it's people...… all of the seven dimension layers, you're the first person with a perfect soul. So it's not just your strength that I was looking at, I was looking at you. Only you can be completely un afraid of pain, or consequences. You would be the only person amongst them all, willing to make the hard choices. So I ask you now, I beg you. Kael Jason Cor! What will you do?"