Sundering Seals: Illusive Reality

With the burning and the screaming, or even the pain that I felt in my heart, I couldn't fathom such a course of action, most especially by my own hand. What could have happened, what could have pushed me to this level. I really wanted to know, so I opened my mouth to ask. But before I could

"You want to know why I would do this, why I would kill everybody we love, or we think we love...its simple really, you pushed me out. When it got hard, you just accepted, became Jason completely forgetting me. The moment you did that, you killed whatever was left of me, Kael Cor became history."

I was surprised by all his words, but I couldn't understand them either. But even with my need for the truth, my grief and despair is rapidly turning into rage and anger. But I held myself back, and that's because I wanted to have a justified reason to beat his ass, and then rip his heart out of his chest. It was not as if I did not reason enough, I just wanted to know why.

"from the look on your face, it seems you're confused. Well then let me break it down for you. I was once Jason, but I was reborn Kael Cor, which is me. Someone who's a perfect synchronization of both my lives. But then there was a complication during my change, my soul was hurt, and everything that made me, me was cut off and almost destroyed leaving only a little bit left. And then from my half injured soul's attempt to heal itself, you were born. A clean slate, but still I remained, a remnant of my former self, clinging desperately to the life I lost. The life you took and now live. And when that chance came for you to be whole again, you chose Jason!. What has he ever done for you, other than give you a feeling that makes your very skin crawl, and a responsibility you could not even begin to hope to achieve in ten lifetimes."

So that was why, hmm, makes. Sense in a twisted sort of way. I didn't really know what's true, rid I really take his life, my life, that was his. It seemed improbable, I was, I am Kael. But I'm also Jason. I don't think it was possible that my soul could split into so many fragments. But regardless, I was going to kill him, the time for talking and trying to understand was over.

I pointed my guns at him, but before I could pull the trigger, he flung his hands sideways and the guns flew out of my hand. I was about to pull my sword out, but a simple flick of his hand had that weapon careening into the darkness of the now smoke and flame covered blue district.

"Guns and swords, tsk! That's so generic. Come let us do battle like our ancestors once did, like real men. Let our fists sing out the depths of our despair as we beat each other to death!"

"it would be my extreme pleasure." I growled in anger as I ran towards him.

When I got close to him I jumped up and cocked my right fist back, using the force of my jump to bring the entire weight of my body unto his face. But before my fist could reach him, he quickly turned so that his back was facing me, then mover a few steps backward. My fist flew over his shoulder, bringing my body to rest on his back, before he grabbed a hold of my right hand, and pulled forward, throwing me over his shoulders to land in a painful heap on the ground.

I quickly scrambled to get on my feet, but half crouched, he grabbed my head and sent his knee straight to my face. If it was once, I might have been able to get through with the pain, but his knee came up to my face the second and the third time, before I fell back on my back, my head ringing, nose bleeding and my face on fire.

"You're pathetic, really you are. How could you have replaced me, how could Asha care for you. Well no matter, I'm going to pick you apart, piece by piece."

I turned over, trying to get back to my feet, but with my ringing head that was easier said than done. Everything was spinning, and even though his words brewed an intense fury in me, I couldn't find my strength to put me feet under me.

Then I felt his leg hit my midsection, throwing me up as I involuntarily spat out blood mixed with an extreme amount of saliva. I curled up on the ground, my hands holding my stomach as I felt all the contents within struggling to come out. I was hurt, but I realized something, he was not hitting me hard enough, he was pulling his punches. He was hitting me enough that I would hurt, but not so bad that I would get seriously injured. And really was going to pick me apart piece by piece.

"I feel sorry for you, I really do. You're like a new born baby who was asked to walk and run on the very day he was born. Thrown into a world and war you don't understand, and into a love that does not belong to you. You're quite unfortunate no doubt, so let me end your misery."

I raised his foot up, and was about to bring it down on my head, but I sprung up with all of my strength, and sent my fist between his legs. He screamed as he bent down a bit, but taking advantage of his descent, I raised my head up, making sure it impacted under his jaw as he was thrown of his feet and flat on his back.

I quickly scrambled back to my feet not willing to give him anytime to recuperate. He was on his hands and knees, with one hand clutching at his groin and the other supporting his weight. I ran towards him, and jumped up, bringing all the weight of my body to my right leg, as I brought it down, stomping his head to the ground.

There was audible crack as his head busted open, and blood began to flow out of it. He turned over and faced the sky, but the next thing he would probably notice was my feet coming down on his stomach, he sprung up a bit to clutch at his stomach, raising his head from the ground, and giving me a prime opportunity to whip my leg back into his face and sending his head crashing back into the ground.

I got on top of him, as let my fist rain down on his face, hitting and beating him. His face was bloody in no time at all. I could feel his blood coating my fists, pieces of his teeth were lodged within my knuckles as they ached from the constant grinding I've given them of messed up facial bones of this insane clone of mine. But with every hit I gave him, he kept smiling, he was mocking me, playing at my pain. And so I hit him harder, again, and again, and again until I had no strength to raise my hand anymore.

Then I raised my hand and called my sword to my hand.

I held it, I raised it up, and then I stopped as I realized something. I looked at the sword and couldn't stop the tears that began to fall from my eyes. There was relief, and simple sense of happiness.

"What are you crying for, huh, you're not going to chicken out now are you. Come ON! DO IT! KILL ME!" he shouted at me.

"I'm crying because I just realized, that everything was a lie. It's all a lie. But you're right, I won't chicken out now."

Then I brought my sword down, making sure it went right between his eyes. Then I got back to my feet, taking deep gulps of air. The world flickered, like an old TV whose Antenna was being calibrated for optimum service. One moment I was seeing the pit burning, and the other I would find myself in the rune circle, it changed and shook a few more times, before it finally settled. I was still in the seal, the golden spikes and their black liquid remained the same. The only thing different was the soul beast in front of me, it was very different compared to the other soul beast I had fought. And that was because it was a boy no older than twelve.

"What are you going to do to me!" he asked with fear in his voice.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I shook my head. I was laughing at myself, because right now even with all of the hell that this monster had put me through, I was still hesitating, because no matter how strong I might be, there was still a child standing in front of me. Of course it could be that this was just an illusion too, and that just like the former everything I was seeing was a lie.

But I understood something, this soul beast was standing between my child and it's future. If it doesn't die, Asha and my child will die, and we might never be free from the hold of our enemies. One child stood between me and freedom for my family.

It was not really a child, but there was something symbolic about this, if I go through with this, then it would change me forever. I was going to kill a child, just so the people I love can live. I took a step forward.

"No! Please. I know I've been bad, but I promise I won't cause any problems for you again, I swear, no more illusions." He pleaded desperately, but I took another step forward.

"I didn't have a choice, it's my job to protect the seal. If I didn't do my job, there would have been consequences, painful consequences. Please you have to understand!" I walked a few steps closer.

"You're a hero, aren't you going to be a father, what would you're wife and child think if they find out you killed a harmless child just to save them. They won't ever look at you the same way again."

At this point I was standing in front of the soul beast, looking down as he looked up at me in fear. I raised my hand to caress his face, before I put both of my hands in his mouth, and proceeded to try an tear his face in half. He squirmed, hit at me, wailed and cried, but I was not stopping. Not at this point in time. I pulled and then I pulled harder as I tore his face in half, spilling a shower of blood that rapidly turned into motes of light that seeped into my body. At that moment, I quoted famous words from the bible in my past life.

"It. Is. Finished."

And then the corridor began to shake and vibrate, cracks began to appear on the golden crystals as the black liquid they released began to sizzle and evaporate rapidly. Then they began to break apart, creating splits that released massive clouds of golden soul energy, and all of those energy ran towards me, seeped into my body, and pushed me out, away from this twisted and broken world, and back into the comfort of my tower. But I have go say, that even with all of the pain and trauma I have just been forced to go through, the hell I had to endure and fight through. I did not have one iota of regret about killing that boy, I made that choice, because it was the right one to make. Just like Earth had said. No matter what it takes.