Sundering Seals : Discovered






Lights flashed and klaxons wailed, as the notification and warning came blaring through large and massive speakers. The prime elder winced in annoyance at the infernal sounds, as his aged ears vibrated in protest. He could not help but wonder what could have brought on this cacophony of noise as he sought to meditate, and find the peak of enlightenment. At a hundred and seventy two, he was the oldest human alive in the known universe, at least the only one known to the public.

Though his life has not been as extensive as he wanted it to be, he had made the best and worst of it. He had changed so many times in his life, that he had lost sight of who he was when he first began this journey of his. He lost parts of himself, gained others, and sometimes rediscovered his missing parts. But all this were just formalities born from the melancholy of an old man, what he really wanted to know, was why the fuck are those alarms still blaring.

He rose up from his comfortable spot on his full immersion virtual reality pod. Funny, he was just playing a game before he was forcefully ejected due to the ringing alarms.

At his age, you would think he had lost the taste for such pleasantries, but his love for gaming was part of his recently rediscovered character. Childish you might say, but he'd rather consider it therapeutic, this way he could indulge in his more carnal and bloodthirsty nature, without having to worry about his image, and image of his family.

He made his way out of the door of his suite and into a pristine white hall, workers dressed in skin tight black body suits were running every which way, trying to access the origin of whatever threat or trouble that prompted the ringing of the entire colony's alarm.

Mhmm there must be pandemonium at the moment, this colony had no less than two hundred million individuals from a variety of multiple races, working here. Those of them with family must be really worried though, in a place like this it was hard to imagine what could go wrong, but yet many things could go really wrong.

He made his way down the hall, stone faced but amused as everyone who went past him, made a conscious effort to bow at him even at the cost of their balance. Hehehe, power was a wonderful thing, and it was feeling he wanted to have for a very long time, all of eternity even. But he had to wonder what could have gone wrong, at the moment he really dreaded hearing that a mining laser had ruptured a gas pocket, and the acidic and poisonous gas layered beneath the surface of the planet Orvars could be running rampant through the different sectors of the colony.

Or it could be pirates, that would give him a rather strong headache though. Recently a trio of sisters had turned up with a massive starship with the shape of a dragon. It was faster than any known technology Shearath or any other major planet in the known universe could produce. It's capabilities, were light years ahead of the current grade of technology, and to make matters worse, these women, the captains of the pirate ship Dragon Mary, had a massive vendetta against him. He wouldn't exactly be surprised if they were the ones current pelting the dome protecting the colony, with massive burst of concentrated ether, trying to smoke him out.

But he also doubted it could be them, those girls even with all of their power, adhered to a strict rule of never harming an innocent. Such sentiments made them weak and pathetic, which meant they definitely would not be the one making the alarms ring, unless of course they had a change of heart in the last three weeks since their last confrontation.

He shook his head as he skirted around a corner, and accessed a special service elevator that would take him up to the command center for the entire colony. The elevator ride was really uncomfortable as the ringing of the alarms were a million times louder in here than it was outside, coupled with nerve grating elevator music, he was about ready to weave this entire colony into an alternate dimension, maybe one of the hell realms. Then they could all come back and tell him how demons dealt with blaring alarms and trashy elevator music.....if they lived of course.

The elevator jerked to a stop and it's doors opened, pressurizing to acclimate with the different atmospheric pressure in the command room. It was a rather peculiar trait of the Orvars, were atmospheric pressure and gravity would be extremely different in one place, and even more weird in another, and the distance between both places could be nothing more than a step away.

He stepped into the command room, and almost immediately every soul within stood at attention as the saluted and bowed in reverence to him. How could they not, he owned all of their lives.

"Have you all been able to identify the cause of the alarms." he asked.

His voice was powerful, deep and imposing. Even at almost two hundred, he looked like he was In his fifties, muscular and fit. Of course every hair on his body was now white, even those on his arms, legs and chest. When he spoke, it was as thunder rumbled across the command center, drawing and bringing the attention of every person to him. Funny thing though, none of them were capable of looking at him in the face, nobody was.....unless of course you were a vampire. Those roaches were quite resilient and prideful even when they had become nothing more than dirt.

"Yes your Majesty, we've discovered the origin of the alarms." A woman with glasses answered, trying and failing to hide her nervousness as her finger gripped the command tablet in her hands so hard he could see her knuckles turning white.

"And why are you not fixing it?" He asked with a simple voice.

There were sharp intakes of air and viable widening of eyes as the tome of voice he took was usually a precursor to a murder, torture or raping spree.

"Your Majesty, we can't really do anything about the alarms since they're coming from the Rune Tower. And without your express permission, no one is allowed into it. We...….we... wo... would have come call for you, but you ordered that you were not to be disturbed for the next three weeks please have mercy your Majesty, we really had not choice about what to do."

"Very well then, come with me."

The bespectacled young lady shook as her body began to take involuntary steps behind him. At this moment, the only thing that would be going through her mind, is what kind of fate was in store for her by following this monster of a man. Usually if he has an interest in you, it never ends well for his target of attention.

He led her through the residential sector, all the way to the north part of the colony. This was the storage area, and it was here he had built his Rune tower. The rune tower was a special building, seeing as it monitored every rune in existence made by the high weaver. As such should any one of his seals be tampered with, he would be alerted by the annoying and loud alarms that were still ringing.

Strange thing about the tower however was that it had no physical manifestation. There was only a door, to the plane of existence where the tower was built. He led her towards a stone arch that simmered with a golden light. If it was someone who didn't know what sort of man he was, they would think he was leading them through the gate to heaven.

He walked through, with the lady behind him, still scared out of her mind. There was a moment of discomfort as they both felt the insides of their body heat and cool at an extremely rapid pace, before they came out into an oval room that had pure white curtains for walls that ripped with the spatial storms outside of their enclosure.

On the surface of this curtains, thousands upon thousands of rune circles were spinning and glowing as they moved across that surface of the curtain traveling from end of it, to the other. One seal however was not moving, it's entire structure was broken into pieces, with the golden soul energy it was made from stained black, and splattered on the curtain.

"Well this is an interesting development. Someone broke my seal." He commented offhand as if he could not be bothered by the realization of such a thing.

"Who would do such a thing my lord, it's a travesty." The lady spoke up, hoping that by ingratiating herself to him, her life could be spared.

"Well that's where it gets tricky. The person who has this seal, is thousands of kilometers from a weaver competent enough to break my seal." He answered back.

"Then how could the person have broken the seal." She asked with earnest enthusiasm.

"Well the answer to that is simple. Someone in the council of light is making a play for power, or it could be that someone has decided to betray me. You can drop the act now Ikaria I have a task for you."

"Seriously, can't you just let me have a moment of rest you lousy old man." In mere seconds the somewhat timid woman with glasses went through a qualitative change as her black hair turned midnight blue, her eyes a fiery red as she grew taller and fuller in certain areas of her anatomy.

"Your split personality is always out and about doing nothing, and you hide inside a mental maze of your own making for reasons I don't understand when there's a perfectly good world out here for you to enjoy."

"My reasons are mine and mine alone. However with this new development, the landscape in the pit will experience a qualitative change, that might not bode well for us as it would stray contrary to our plans." Ikaria said with a pensive tone.

"It's even better this way, we have enough pawns in the pit and the other prisons that will keep us in influence no matter how much of an upheaval might happen. We're to deeply entrenched, and even if we loose all of our cards, the end result will still be the same, and that's war. However, now that there's another weaver in the pit of all places, things can go wrong very fast."

"Oh!, why is that?" Ikaria asked.

"Because contrary to popular beliefs, the first weaver was not human, nor is the weaver class exclusive to the human race. The first weaver was a vampire, a vampire with a name that's still feared and spoken off in legends. The count Vladimir Dracula. The first of his kind, and the first living being to understand the power of the soul, and it's ability to manipulate and change the very laws of reality. Reaching a height of power that I can never attain for a million years. So my dear, whenever you hear the words Vampire and Weaver mentioned side by side. You must attack the situation with extreme prejudice, because if you don't we might doom ourselves. So send a message to Adein, tell him to move the plans forward. It's time to let the vampires do what we've been breeding them for the past 20 thousand years.....Die"