Coven (I): Classes





"Excellent, now let this noona tell you what's happening. Its quite interesting you see. Hah! I've not been this excited since the time I found out I transmigrated. Now let me tell you this, from today henceforth, you might not be the only person with the title unsealed."

"What do you mean master?" Shamir asked confused.

"Aish, we're back to honorifics, why can't you ever learn." She complained as she flicked the thick cloak resting on her shoulders.

"There's more to the pit than meets the eye, and while I've not been here from the moment of it's inception, I do know that the entire dancing caves of Noxis Nyx, is connected to the vampire race in one way or another. And the flashing lights of the blue district probably has to do with the fact that someone else has just broken their seal. Which means there's a weaver in the Pit Shamir."

Shamir furrowed his eyebrow in contemplation as he tried to make sense of this situation.

"But master, won't having a weaver around be problematic for us, if they go around unsealing other vampires, it would definitely throw the pit into chaos, and not just that, he or she might be able to raise a force comparable to ours. A direct challenge to you power." Shamir said with a frantic tone.

"Maybe, maybe not. We don't exactly know what the weaver is doing here, it might be they just came for one person. But then again that seems farfetched and not a plausible enough reason to annoy the council of light. But without being the weaver themselves or someone close to them, we're not able to truly understand why he or she is here. However there should be a way to deduce why the weaver is here...…tell me Shamir, has any incident of considerable scale happened in the pit within the past five years?" she asked as she finally turned around to look at Shamir.

However Shamir quickly placed his head face down on the ground, completely unwilling to look her in the eye or see her face. She shook her head in amusement with laughter twinkling in her eyes. Then Shamir proceeded to speak.

"There has been a whole lot of upheavals in the pit as of recent, and all of them have happened in the span of a year." He answered.

"Oh! Is that so? And what are the various reasons for this upheavals, I'm sure one of them might provide a clue or insight into who our weaver is, or why they're here."

"Master, there's no variety to it. All of these upheavals has been because of, or connected to one person and one person only. Lord Kael of House Cor."

"Really, is that not the vampire activist. The guy who was fighting for our rights or whatnot while simultaneously smuggling and freeing vampires from their place of captivity." She asked surprised.

"Yes master, he's the one. And not just that, he's been able to get into a business deal with Lukas, taking half the profits from the blood cocktail we produce. He was able to provide enough money, paying with huge amounts of dasenite to buy out the entire operation. So in a manner of speaking, he's our business partner and he holds the majority shares."

"Wow, he's quite capable. Well then there you have it. I bet my limited edition special ramen noodles, that he's either the one who got unsealed, or somebody close to him. Of course we can't all put our eggs in one basket. He could be completely innocent, so I need you to keep an open eye and ear. Increase the security around the tower, and make sure all of our spies keep their eyes open for any new comers from the outside world. Also get all the forces allied under us to be at high alert, you might be right and chaos is heading straight for us, we need to be prepared, and we need to make sure we come out on top. And get Lukas to establish a closer connection to this Kael. He might turn out to be a powerful asset, or a good ally to have. You're dismissed Shamir."

"Yes Master." He replied as his body began to peel away, turning into black particles that sank into the shadows casted at the edge of this room. In mere seconds he had disappeared, leaving the vampire known as the last Dracula behind and lost in her thoughts, as memories of her home back on earth flashed behind her eyes.


Essence points were confusing, I could not figure out the reason why they existed, and according to Asha and Xaseah, such an option was not something their own systems offered. Which meant, this was one of those unique things that made my own system different from others.

But if I should be honest, essence points was just another fancy name for stat points. I could not figure out the ration in which they're allocated, or what triggers their allocation. But as far as uses go, they're meant to strengthen a particular aspect of my physique. Stats like soul, ether and mind could not be affected by the essence points, only the physical part of my strength would see any definite growth from the involvement of essence points.

Anyway, since I've unsealed myself, I had to turn my attention and focus to a different matter. And for now that involves unsealing everyone in the tower, but so far that has been going smoothly. At the moment there were only five people left unsealed in the tower, and that was because they had to go mine and were not around when I was unsealing the others.

Because all of our seals share the same origin, there was not much of a difference in the manner or process in which I had to unseal them. At this point I have probably fought with myself more than a dozen times, and each time I did. I learnt more about myself, and the way that I fought. But with the mission of unsealing everyone who lived in the tower almost done, the next thing I would have to take care of would be to level the tower up to 10.

And with each seal that's been broken, I've accumulated quite a lot of soul energy required for the level up. The past three days had been hectic no doubt, but it has been filled with happiness and hope. There's no need to hope now, not when our wishes have actually been fulfilled. But it was time to consolidate and increase our strength.

"My lord Kael, apart from the five other vampires who are out at the mine, I've compiled a list of the other vampire's genetic rank and their classes. This way, we can begin to structure a training sequence for them, so that they can get used to their abilities, and their highly strengthened body." Asare spoke up from behind me.

I took the list from him with a nod as I took a look at the detailed words in front of me.

• Name/ Rank / Class(es) / Age

• Kodak: Bloodchild: Guardian: 16

• Gus: Bloodchild: Telepath: 12

• Nivae: Bloodchild: Priestess: 14

• Lynn: Bloodchild: Classless: 3

• Tevan: Bloodchild: Mage: 8

• Teluna: Shadower: Assassin( Dark Blade): 10

• Corsola: Bloodchild: Summoner: 13


• Magellan Dusivaru Meon: Shadower: Warrior/Miner: 433

• Varsessa Tersolon: Shadower: Illusionist/Miner/Fire Witch: 500

• Nigel Din Dursat: Shadower: Priest(Dark Envoy)/Miner: 482

• Getrude Nina Dursat: Shadower: Priestess(Divine Executioner)/Miner: 401

There were more names, with a whole variety of classes, each of them with unique abilities that I never would have thought possible. Corsola and Tevan, were actually the cousins of Kodak and his siblings, their parents were Nigel and Getrude Dursat. Who I might add were actually religious.

While the thousands of years of suffering and pain had prompted most of the vampires in the pit to give up on religion, this pair of husband and wife along with their niece Nivae still believed in their gods, believing that regardless of their silence and apparent abandonment, they were still watching and were quite capable of answering their prayers.

But the classes of Getrude and Nigel sent shivers down my spine when Asare gave an explanation of what they were capable of. The divine executioner was quite literally the mortal servant of a god, tasked with executing the enemies of that particular god, or even their church. They were hunters who would chase after their prey to the ends of the earth, never stopping or resting, hunting and following their scent until they're dead and their soul extinguished or absorbed to strengthen the executioner.

An Envoy can be considered a messenger, but they were also diviners and augurs. But in a rather nasty way. They can view the future, though not far, and only a few possibilities, but the future they view always has to do with death. A dark envoy see's the future, but only the death of his or her target. They're also the only direct link to their gods, which makes the envoys leaders of the various temples or churches. But the main thing to be know is that, both the dark envoy and executioner class were the advance classes of the priest class.

Next is Varsessa, she is Kodak's and his siblings biological mother, a dhamphir. She's half devil and half vampire and as of a few hours ago Asha's right hand woman. The only unique class of hers is her fire witch class, the illusionist class is a base class, and still has room for advancement into more unique and powerful classes. Her fire witch class is an aberration of the witch class, its more focused on using fire related abilities in tandem with witchcraft. The witch class is a practical class, they have active spells, but are more preparatory in theory. Which means they take their time to prepare and cast their spells, hexes, and curses relying most of the time on materials and a medium to channel it.

Magellan was the first vampire to swear an oath to me, and even though he did not have any unique class and was just a simple warrior and miner, I had a fond view of him. Teluna's class is worth mentioning as according to Asare, that kid was nothing short of abnormal. Asare deduced that since all vampire children born are forced to ingest a mixture of Ionite and silver at birth, their potential for growth would be terribly affected even though they're unsealed.

But Teluna must have a unique bloodline and might be some sort of genius because his advancement in rank was way to fast. He was a ten year old Shadower, just one step below fully becoming an elder. Not to mention his assassin class had advanced to dark blade, a class Asare had absolutely no idea about. The kid did not just have potential, he was oozing it.

And then there was Gus, twelve year old mute Gus. As of this moment everyone was terribly afraid of him, because Gus now had a class that has not been seen since every mental class went extinct thousands of years ago. He now had abilities that only people in the second to third realm of mental cultivation could only hope to achieve. Even me with my second circle open mind realm, would never be able to compare and reach this kid in terms of how powerful his mind might become.

The path of training and cultivating the mind was simply made for him. Not to mention, according to Asare who was referencing historical records, a telepath was just the base class. Gus would eventually be able to do great and terrible things with his mind.

But there were two final names I was looking at on the list.

• Xaseah Theolheim Cor: Nosferatu: Berserker(Ravager)/ Miner/ Ether Smith

• Asha Ysmir Leona Cor: Elder: Witch(Curse Mistress)/ Sorceress/ Marksman

There was nothing normal about their classes. Xaseah true to her fiery personality was a berserker, and not just that a ravager. Apparently this advance class did not get stronger the more you hurt them like most berserker did. No, they got stronger the more they killed. Her Ether Smith class, allowed her to forge the Ether into any weapon or equipment she made, or even forge ether itself into a physical thing. Every thing she forges would have pure energy and magic.

Of all the adults whose name I've seen on this list, Asha is the only one who doesn't have the miner class. How that came to be, I'm not sure I wanted to know. However much like her sneaky snake like lioness on a hunt nature, Asha had classes that emphasized patience, scheming and how to cause pain. No wonder she was once the warden of the pit. She was a witch with an advance class that dealt with curses, this was torture at it's best. As a sorceress she had access to ether, or mana which is a purer and distilled form of ether.

She's able to cast spells, however people with the sorcery class need words of power to cast their spells. Which meant there was a lot of incantation involved. Witches and wizards use the same method, however the witches and wizards need tools like wands and staffs to focus their spells. Only few of their advance classes work without the need to use a wand or staff.

As for her Marksman class, that just simply meant that Asha was good with projectile weapons. I had no idea how strong we all were individually, but together, considering the variety of classes we have, there's nothing we wouldn't be able to face. And this was just the abilities our classes give us, I've not even began to mention the kind of powers and abilities we have just because of one simple fact...we're Vampires.