I Am Kael Cor (II): Crossing Swords

Do you think it's easy to breath, or do you think it's easy to move. Your brain does all of the work, sending messages across and through your body in what could only be considered light speed. Movement, action, choice, my body and what the hell I'm I talking about. Being nervous might have scrambled my brain, I was sorely confident a few minutes ago, now, not so much.

To be honest my current predicament made me restructure my priorities, I wanted to kill Uzoma yesterday, and now that I think about wanting to kill someone because he disrespected your wife seemed a little extreme. But I was still going through with it, killing this guy was no longer an act of revenge or chivalry.

It couldn't be revenge because quite frankly, he's lost everything going up against me, and myself who I should mention was minding his own business, kicked his ass in the process.

There was no going back from his point, this was no longer chivalrous or vengeance driven, but a obstacle I had to get past to reach a definite goal. It's become a game, a rather deadly one, and in other for me to win, Uzoma had to, without a doubt.....die!

He shot forwards with such a speed I could barely keep track of him. One of his spears whistled through the air as it made for my forehead.

I raised my shield up just in time to defend from his strike, there was a loud bang as I was pushed back a few steps. He was a step or two faster than I was, and from the force behind his strike a bit stronger than me too, but I could keep up with him just fine.

This time wouldn't be different from the previous times where I've had to fight opponents stronger than I was. He pulled his spear backwards, and whipped the other towards my face. The edge of the spell gleamed maliciously as it sliced towards my face, I took a step back narrowly dodging having my face sliced in half.

But that was not the end of his attacks, as he thrust the other spear at me as I stepped back unbalanced. But he seems to have forgotten that I also had two hands. I raised my long sword up, and banged it against his spear, derailing its trajectory.

The clash of our two weapons sent vibrations up my arm, but I took the opportunity to take a few steps backwards, given me some breathing space.

I could hear whispers among the crowd that watched us, from this first clash, it was obvious to every one of them that Uzoma had me beat in terms of speed and strength, however I was skilled enough to keep up with his superior attributes. I decided to take the initiative and pressed an attack.

I wanted to test his defense, so I moved in shield held over my chest, and obscuring the bottom half of my face, body crouched low, and sword resting on top of the shield, but pointed at my opponent.

I extended my arm sharply, using he fastest speed I could muster, my hands were a blur even to myself, as my sword whistler through the air and towards my opponents head.

There was a clash of metal as he parried my strike towards the side, but that was just the first step in a series of attack.

I angled my shield and made sure the it's edge was pointed at Uzoma and tilted downwards a bit then I stepped forward and shoved the edge towards his midsection.

His spears are piercing weapons, if you used right they could have the same functions as a sword being capable of piercing, cutting and defending, he was skilled with the spears, but he was not a master. Instead of keeping the spear straight to intercept my shield, he tried to attack, hoping that his weapon would reach me first since it had the longer reach.

I raised my shield up, throwing the spear of it's trajectory again, making it fly over my head, as I took a step closer and swung my sword to the right, and deflected his other shield.

He was over extended and wide open, my mirror of opportunity was closing fast, but it was enough for me to shoot my leg forwards as my silver soled boots crashed into his face with a satisfying crunch.

Uzoma took five steps backwards a bit dazed by my sudden attack. With that knowledge it seems I came out victorious and dominant in the second round of exchange. But I was going to press my advantage either way, and not give him enough time to recover his energy.

I activated [LION'S SPRINT] and shot forward a bit faster than he would have expected. I swung my sword down with all the strength in my body, but Uzoma dodged! He bent his body at angle that destroyed the laws of physics as his body was bent at the knees, perpendicular with ground as my sword flew helplessly over him.

But he also knew how to take advantage of a situation as he shot both his spears forward, I was not fast enough to pull back or deflect, so I could only watch helplessly as they drove themselves into my sword arm and came out the other side.

It wasn't until those spears went into my arm that I realized that they were jagged at their edges, it was painful, and I was startled, but I've been through worse pain than this.

I swung my leg straight forward, making sure my foot found purchase right between his legs, due to the position I was, I couldn't muster enough force for that kick considering I was still standing with my hand held precariously over my head and pierced with spears.

But still I caused enough damaged to have him squeal like a girl, the shock from the kick forced him to pull back on his spears, shredding my skin in the process as I took a few steps backwards.

Uzoma was not curled up like I wanted, he was in pain, but he was strong enough to get back up to an upright position, of course he was still hunched over from the effects of being kicked in the balls.

But that was the least of my worries, my wound was not healing, not one bit. And I think I know why. Vampires had one of the most insane vitality in the entire universe, the ability to heal from grave injuries in seconds would stretch a fight for hours if not days, and a fight between two vampires with such an ability would go on for a very long time.

The battling platform we're standing on right now, seems to have the ability to suppress if not completely eliminate a vampires healing factor. Which means this fight just got a whole lot more dangerous and deadly.

I could fight through the pain, but if I don't end this fight quickly, with how bad this injury looks, I might actually bleed out.

Uzoma was staring at me with a smirk on his face, he knew that with my injuries he now had an advantage and that my chances of winning had dropped by a lot.

It was frustrating that I couldn't weave, but that was the most guarded secret of our tower, everyone living within knew that should word about a vampire capable of weaving spread, it would give the council of light grounds to carry out drastic actions that could end up facilitating the extinction of vampires from the whole of Shearath. I had to keep on fighting without weaving a single rune.

Uzoma shot towards me, but stumbled after taking two steps, he held himself from falling, and looked down to see that his ankle was being held by a hand made from blood, he jerked his leg up and broke the binding and looked up just in time for him to see a fist made of blood traveling for his face, he dodged to the side, with a cocky expression on his face, but that was just a distraction.

My real attack was the first one, I moved forward to engage him, using part of my concentration to keep most of my blood gathered around my wounds, this was the only way I could make a sort of tourniquet. Uzoma sent a glancing blow at my chest, but I moved back a bit, placing him in the position I needed him to be.

Then I nodded my head and watched with satisfaction as Uzoma raise his head to scream towards the sky. That was a lot more reaction than when I was stabbed with his spears, I wonder which one hurt the most.

Was it being stabbed by spares in the arm, or having a spike of blood go through your foot, and keep you stuck in one position as the spike began to slowly expand, widening the area of the wound. Without a doubt if Uzoma remained standing there, I was going to tear his legs apart, but it would be foolish of me to wait for him.

I followed up with an overhead swing, hoping to relieve him of his head before he staged any other comeback, but before I could touch him, there was a ripples in the air, and an invisible force picked me up and threw me away from him like a ragdoll.

I flew over the platform, until my back impacted the barrier with such a force that a crack showed up on its pristine surface, but it only lasted for a moment before it sealed itself.

I did not have enough time to worry about what ability he just used to hit me, when I saw one of his spears flying for me. The spear shot through the air, with a trail of silver green light behind it, there was a spell circle behind it.

As it fame towards me at almost the speed of sound, there was a screeching sound in the air, I couldn't evade this attack, so all I could do was raise my shield and activate the rune is had previously weaved on it.

I couldn't infuse soul energy into it to increase the power and surface area of the shield, since doing so would more than expose my abilities, or cause people to ask questions I'm not ready to answer. I raised the shield, and received the attack.


My arm vibrated a little, but apart from that, there was no other effect. I knew that spear had hit with the force of a truck moving a hundred miles an hour, but because of the rune weaved on the shield I just shrugged it off like it was just a simple heavy hit. Everyone watching was just as shocked, and so too was Uzoma, he would never have imagined that his attack could just be shrugged off, like it was nothing.

It made him angry, so he raised his remaining spear and slammed the butt of it on the platform, causing a visible to spread out in the air. The ripples took on a silver and yellow hue, before suddenly everything felt a whole lot more heavier in some places, and lighter in others.

I opened my eyes wide in shock at his abilities, before I could say more I felt myself loose control of my body as Uzoma somehow picked my body up and raised me into the air. Then he brought me crashing down to the platform with a loud crash, that shook every bone, organ and cell in my body.

I couldn't stop it, and was helpless as he swung me towards the wall of the barrier that kept us enclosed in this space, and just before I hit it, I realized that without a doubt, Uzoma could control Gravity!