I Am Kael Cor (IV): Uzoma Falls

The gravity field had a method to it, it's pressure bore down on the entire platform like a spiral, or more like a tornado or storm. So the only way for my bats to fly in it, was not to go against the gravity, but to fly with it, to glide with current.

I raised my hand and controlled the bats, waving my hand in a circular motion as they flew around in circles, going higher and higher, feeling less and less encumbered by the gravity.

When they had reached the peak of their flight, and were just above the head of the Avatar, I had them increase their flight speed. Their gleaming yellow tails lit up the fog covered barrier, but it was still not enough for Uzoma to see what was going on.

I had no idea what might happen to this monsters, but I was already out of time, I brought my hands down, and all of the bats fell down from the sky like a contingent of fighter jets performing battle maneuvers.

This time the gravity helped them rather than stop them, the force pulled them down faster than was expected gaining more speed until the first of the bats touched the avatars head.

There was a sizzle and crackle, followed by a loud spark of electricity that spread in a wave around the head of the Avatar. Uzoma screamed, but that was just the beginning as the bats began to fall on top of the giant body of his Avatar, yellow lightening snaking in and out of it's humongous frame.

To the people outside, I'm sure the only thing they would be able to experience was the flashes of yellow light within the blue fog and the painful screams of Uzoma as he experienced a shower of high voltage bats.

From the look of things, the avatar was connected to Uzoma, it was like his body but on a bigger scale, which meant he could feel anything his avatar was able to feel, at least to a certain extent. And the amount of electricity snaking through it's huge frame, was enough to drive Uzoma half out of his mind.

I didn't stop, most of the bats ended up crushed by the pressure of the gravity, but those who survived, I sent them flying again, getting them to accumulate electricity in their tail before bringing them down on the Avatar again.

Slowly I could see the avatar begin to developed what looked like burns on it's body, the same kind of burns began to appear on Uzoma's body, and he involuntarily convulsed from the sheer amount of electrical currents now running through his body.

The Avatar flickered, it was on it's last legs, I pulled my hand back, and my soul energy and the bats drew back, gathering around me in a storm of bats and soul energy. I couldn't be seen from within, but that was just as good enough for me, I gathered the bats together, ignoring their screeches and the rapid flapping of their wings over my skin.

Then I sent bout my soul energy and the bats straight for the Avatar, keeping them in formation to look like a huge battering ram. I covered all of the bats with my soul energy, using it to reinforce their physical body, and then I sent them all flying for the chest of the avatar.

The loud bangs, and crackles sent goosebumps allover my body, Uzoma's body could not stop or control itself as he shook erratically from receiving one subsequent shock after another. To be honest I never expected that the ability of the electric tail would be this strong.

Of course it could be that they were too many in the first place, and the act of bringing this much out was already overkill in the first place. The only reason Uzoma was not yet burnt to a crisp was because of his Avatar, it took the brunt of the damage so he was able to get off relatively unscathed.

The Avatar flickered one, twice, by the third time it let out a piercing glow before exploding into a gravity storm that threw me off my feet and sent me flying into barrier. I hit the barrier awkwardly as I felt my right leg twist into a rather unnatural position, I crashed down to the ground with a bang.

I couldn't help but moan as I tasted blood in my mouth, I really didn't expect that to happen. You would think that by now I would learn to stop underestimating my opponents, but that seems like a problem of mine, the moment I start winning I tend to take my foot of the gas.

I struggled up as I kept my eyes on the collapsed Uzoma, he looked spent, and very weak, but it would be stupid to underestimate him now. Not after I just warned myself. He shook once, twice, then began to stand up.

The explosion of the Avatar had pushed my soul energy to the edge of the Barrie where some of them were burned away, the bats were also mostly dead, with only a few of them still hovering around.

I brought them closer and even dragged my lingering soul energy into my body. The bats flew around my body in a spiral pattern, screeching as the wings flapped, I raised my hands and a summoning circle appeared above it.

Three sanguine blood bats flew out of it, five second later there was another three, and another for thirty whole seconds. The sanguine blood bats were three to four times larger than the electric tail bats and just as dangerous if not more.

Uzoma was already on his last legs and his previous move of detonating the Avatar even though he had no choice has brought about his downfall. I could feel a wisp of my soul energy in his body, it was not enough to snuff out a soul as strong as his, but it was enough to lock his entire body down.

Even though it was too small, I used the soul energy to grab at Uzoma's heart, he lurched forward with a scream, I could only imagine how painful that must be. Then I turned to the bats, and spoke to them, loud enough that everyone could hear me.

"Eat him!"

Was that too brutal of me, I could just as easily give him a quick death, respect my opponent and honor him. But no, I was a vampire, when it comes to our fights we don't really care what method we use unless of course we choose to be honorable about it. But in the end, a death is still a death, regardless of which ever way it comes.

Whether he suffers before he dies or not, the result will be the same, and besides I wanted him to suffer, it's my way of making a statement and warning every enemy around.

The bats flew towards him like creature of hell, carrying with them promises of torment, pain and death. It was horror incarnate to anyone who realizes that his death was flying towards him.

"Please Lord Kael, Mercy! Please Mercy! I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Arghhiiiiiiiii"

The infernal screeches of those bats as the pulled flesh from bone, and drank blood from veins made me feel cold. It also made me feel horror, I don't think I realized the choice I had chosen to make until he was under the flock of bats, screaming his lungs out as he was eaten alive.

I looked around me and saw that same look of horror in the eyes of a lot of people, vampire or not, this amount of brutality was quite synonymous with the humans that's kept them locked up for thousands of years, proving that when Uzoma was calling me human he was not exactly wrong, I tortured just a well as they did.

I raised my hands up and the bats flew off him, circling over my head, before a summoning circle appeared on the ground and the flew into it, heading back to the dungeon.

Uzoma was still alive, but barely. I walked towards him, and stopped when I was at his side. I felt a need to say something, and to explain myself too.

"This is what happens when you threaten the people I care about. Regardless of who you are, who you serve, or which race you belong to. My pride, my family are not to be touched, you're not even to look at theme funny much less say stupid shit to them. But regardless I have to give credit to where it's due, you're a fearsome warrior Uzoma, one of the best I've had the pleasure of fighting. I honor you for that, if there's a last wish you have before you die, please tell me what it is?"

Uzoma pushed himself up to a sitting position, surprising me and a whole lot of people as he pulled his bloodied form backwards to rest his back against the barrier. I didn't help him, he was obviously using the last of his pride and willpower to move, if I help him now, it would just be an insult to his determination. Besides I doubt that he would like it if his opponent and soon to be murderer helps him in any way before he leaves his world.

Then he turned towards where Adein was standing, surrounded by his own guards and other officials of the pit. Uzoma smiled then he pointed at them and spoke in a loud deep voice that did not sound anything like a man about to die.

"I only want one thing. You see that bastard up there, I want him and his kind to burn, everyone of them who has hurt us, I want you to hurt them. And find a way to make sure that this prison does not become the burial ground of the vampire race, and finally please make it quick."

I nodded my head at him and had to resist the urge to laugh as Uzoma gave Adein and his cronies the middle finger. Then I controlled the soul energy around his heart to squeeze tighter, I felt his heart get squashed into a pulp in his own chest, he was dead seconds later and with a smile on his face.

The barrier came down almost immediately and his body which was leaning on it fell off the platform to the ground. The fight was over, Uzoma was dead, and without a doubt unless Adein decides to pull another trick, I was now the sovereign ruler of the blue district.