Council Banquet (V): Scenic Route, Siren Fall

You know when the wind is whipping through your hair, the feeling is bound to be amazing. However if you're in a hurry, or massively worried about screwing up, you barely have time to pay attention to your own nose much less the wind.

I made a sharp turn and came upon a scene that left me quite shocked for a few seconds, it really was Malek. But are those guys supposed to be soul beasts? Because if they are, then the difficulty of this seal just went up a notch.

I counted a dozen futuristic armored men, each pointing a gun I recognized all too well at Malek, it was the same type of gun Uzoma(RIP) used to burn and tear my body in half. This shit was going to be harder than I thought.

I watched as one of them used the butt of the gun to clock Malek on his head, throwing the frail bodied Vampire to the ground, and prompting the entire world to shake again, vibrating and quaking in tandem with Malek's painful breaths.

I came to a realization that his life was tied to the structural integrity of this seal, the moment he dies, everything crumbles apart.

So the more he's hurt, the faster the world falls to pieces. I picked up speed, I was no more than twenty meters away from them at this point, so they noticed my presence, and proceeded to open fire.

Being shot at by twelve people did not feel good, not one bit. But I was a vampire with hypersensitive senses (does that even make sense?) So evading those flashing bolts of plasma energy would be easy...….I think.

The first bolt accurately made it's way to my head, but a simple shift of my head sent it flying past me. The next threes bolts were closely packed together, and there was no time to dodge or move the hover bike higher, so I brought it down.

It was so low, that the energy being emitted from underneath the hover bike, crashed and bounced of the ground letting out colorful rays of silver gas that smelt of metal.

The back end of the hover bike scraped across the road, raising sparks, and igniting the released gas. There was a small boom as the hover bike was thrown upwards, completely evading the next wave of plasma blasts.

I was almost thrown off the hover bike as I lost control of it for a moment, but I used the momentum to make a moonsault in the air, with my hands still grabbing the handle bars of the bike, I used all of my strength to send the bike crashing into the first of the human like armored soul beasts.

The impact crushed the first two, and an ensuing explosion took out three more and left two terribly injured.

I was falling down from the air when I felt the stream of soul energy enter my body, giving me strength and the ability to exert my will on my surroundings.

A familiar sword and shield appeared, and I brought the shield in front of me, curling my body behind it as plasma bolts slammed into it's surface. I willed myself to fall faster, and landed with a wet splat on one of the soul beasts, completely flattening him.

One of the previously injured soul beast man, made his way back up to his feet, but one spinning heel kick later, and his head was taken off his body, which dissipated into brown soul energy mere seconds later.

I raised my shield, blocking the ensuing blasts from the remaining four still standing and alive, a status that would be taken care off soon enough.

As I made my way towards them huddled behind my shield, I made sure to stomp thoroughly on the head of the second injured soul beast, sending him on his way to the afterlife for soul beasts(if there was one anyway.)

I waved my sword a bit, then spread my legs and brought myself low as if I was about to pounce. Which was exactly what I was going to do next. I pushed off my feet, flying forward with such force that the ground where I was previously standing was now riddled with cracks and a crater.

There was a sonic boom in the wake of movement, and it was loud and jarring enough that I felt even my ear drums rupture from the force. My sword flashed in front of me as the head of the closest soul beasts became detached from it's body.

I crashed into it's armored form, moving backwards until I tangled with the two soul beasts right behind him, bringing all of us crashing to the floor in a tangled heap of limbs. I lost my shield and sword, and in the confusion I felt one of them score a hit on my jaw that made my vision swim for a bit.

In retaliation I grabbed the offending arm and bit down hard, my fangs tearing through layers of futuristic metal armor and flesh, before I proceeded to rip the arm out of it socket.

There was an awful screech next to my ears as the soul beast wailed in pain, all the while its wound leaked soul energy in copious amounts that washed over my face and went into my body.

I flattened my palm and sent it flying to the neck of the injured soul beast. I missed! Instead of my flattened palm poking a hole through it's neck like a spear or dagger, it went through it mouth, breaking teeth as my hand burst out the back of it's head.

I wrenched my hand roughly, and it's head separated in half, with it's top jaw to it's skull making up one part. What ever happens, this guy was deader than dead.

I felt a punch land on my stomach, forcing my to cough out in pain. An elbow smashed into the side of my head, stunning me long enough for the still standing Soul beast to shoot at me.

I don't know if I was just lucky, but from the grunt I heard and the fact the plasma only grazed me, but still leaving me with very bad burns on my stomach, let me know that Malek had pushed the gun of course.

I pushed through the haze in my mind, and turned, rolling on the ground with my opponent, trying to over power each other. But it was a fight I won almost immediately as I crouched over the soul beast, completely unsettled by it's very normal looking face.

It made smashing my fists through his handsome face a nausea filled fest. I punched again for good measure, flattening his entire skull on the road beneath me. I couldn't help saying.

"Road Kill!"

And I regretted it almost immediately. But what's said is said. I called my shield back to me, and raised it fast enough to catch another plasma bolt that was heading for my head. I willed my sword back into my hand, but I couldn't stand up from my crouched position on the ground.

The final soul beast was really not letting up as he rained plasma bolts upon plasma bolts on top of me. I was completely pinned down, but almost five seconds later, the barrage came to an end, and I looked up to see an injured Malek holding on to the boots of the soul beast.

The beast turned his gun towards Malek's head, but a second later he fell to his knee, slowly disintegrating with my sword stuck halfway through his skull. I let out a sigh of relief, thankful that I moved fast enough to save Malek. Then I heard him ask.

"What took you so long?"

"I'm sorry, I took the scenic route." I answered him with a shrug of my shoulders.






The sirens knew that they had been caught, and with almost every vampire in the arena paying attention to them, it was practically a lynch mob waiting to form. Of course all of the vampires here could be considered nobles and had to be refined in all that they did so barbarically attacking sirens did not seem like something they would do.

But outsiders invited from vampiric goodwill had attempted to kill one of the pillars of the vampire society, as of right now, it was unsure whether he will live or die, so without a doubt, everyone here would want them to pay.

But none of them were strong enough to stand up to a single siren, much less nine, after all, the sea witches were unsealed and well trained in their abilities. The only other people capable were Asha, Asare and Gus, and now it was up to Gus to make sushi with this fish women.

The sirens did not reply to Gus's question, instead the fell into formation as a massive spear of water came into form and shot towards Gus. At the same time, three of the sirens turned and sprinted towards the stairs that will lead them out of the arena.

Gus was prepared as he brought down a wave of blood to intercept the water spear, and then he sent another wave to capture the three sirens attempting to escape. It was obvious they've never fought with an unsealed vampire before, if not they would know the biggest and most important rule in fighting a vampire, is to never, ever, expose your back at them.

The wave of blood crashed into their fleeing forms and grabbed them, trapping them in three separate balls of blood. The remaining six sirens turned and in a very creepy and bone chilling way screamed at Gus.

"Let them Go! Now!" their voices rang across the arena, and everything shuddered as a sound wave was also released.

Many of the vampires watching the fight from the sidelines fell to their feet clutching their ears and head in pain, as blood dripped from their nose and ears. Gus narrowed his eyes in anger as he clenched his fist.

One of the blood prisons implodes into itself, turning the siren inside into a meat paste, the other sirens screamed in grief, which quickly turned to rage as the next ball of blood exploded, and the final one was turned into a cube that shrunk into itself until it was the size of a rubix.

One of the remaining six sirens turned and screamed at Gus, but she was shut almost immediately as a stalagmite made of blood rose up and pierced through her jaw and coming out on the top of her head, staining her sea green hair with red blood and brain matter.

The temperature in the arena fell several hundred degrees in seconds, as the remaining sirens waved their hands, and ice began to spread.

Gus knew he couldn't stop this, and if that ice was allowed to spread unimpeded, then every body in the arena would be turned into a popsicle. Suddenly an intense wave of heat, spread, turning all of the frozen blood and floor back to normal, then Gus heard Asare shout to him.

"Stop wasting time, we don't need them all anyway. Kill them all and leave one alive for interrogation. Make sure she stays alive too."

Gus nodded, and pulled his hands back, as all of the blood splits into numerous tiny pieces, hovering slowly in the air. The thick life giving, and sustaining liquid, became shaped like bullets, rapidly spinning bullets, and there were hundreds of them.

The sirens had fear on their faces now, without a doubt they knew death had come calling, and there was no escape from this.

They held hands, and actually said goodbye to each other, from the look of things it seems this sirens were not that bad, and might have had no choice in what they were forced to do.

Kael would have shown mercy, he would have tried to understand why they had to make such a choice. And if it was a righteous reason, or they were left without any options, he would have let them go or even offer sanctuary and protection.

But Gus was not Kael, they were enemies, and even the crowd of vampires wouldn't approve if the attempted murderers of a grand elder of the vampire council were spared.

Blood needed to be spilt, this was penance, and the moment they decided to go against the vampires, they became Gus's own enemies. Not to talk of the fact that their rebellious choices had put them on the pathway of the Cor coven. Without a doubt, destruction was imminent.

As far as understanding their reasons go, Gus was not worried, he could guess why, and he would still leave one alive. But for now, there would be no mercy. All enemies must be crushed. And so with those convictions, Gus let the blood bullets fly.