Rescue (IV): Conclusion





Teluna was quite surprised, and so was Gus. Nagas were stories that have been told to vampire children for no less than six thousand years. Because that's approximately how long this race of half men half snake have been trapped in the pit.

Of course the Nagas were not the only ones trapped here, their female counterparts the Gorgons and Lamias were also prisoners with them. And then beyond them, were the Nephilim, and the Dragons who have been trapped here for a lot longer time than even the vampires.

The one thing most prevalent in the story was the fact that the prisoner races of the dancing caves of Noxis Nyx, were never allowed to interact with each other for fear of a combined uprising.

But here they were, against a Naga, and he was about to kill them. The Naga had a muscular upper body, his muscles were so toned, that even in the dim lighting, the contours of his abs, pecs and biceps were so pronounced. In his arms were two deadly looking scimitars that were glowing with a green poisonous light.

From where Gus was standing, he noticed the Naga flex his muscle as he shot forward with such speed that the sonic boom from his movement tore the entire room to shreds and littered everyone still standing with cuts.

As soon as he moved though, Teluna grabbed Gus and jumped into the shadow realm, coming out in the hallway that led to the room.

The Naga followed them a moment later, moving like a bullet through the air as he swung his scimitars at both their necks.

Teluna raised a shield of darkness in front of the coming strike, but the shield could not withstand the hit as he was blasted backwards into Gus, and out the hallway back to the balcony that had been destroyed by bullets. They rolled over the edge, and fell twenty feet down to the ground, too dazed to catch themselves as they fell.

But Kodak who was left behind, acted quickly enough, as he moved forward to grab them both. Teluna who had taken the full brunt of the Naga's attack, coughed out blood as the dislocated bones in his arms popped back into place with a stomach churning sound.

Kodak did not have enough time to ask what had happened before the Naga flew out of the hallway and into the air above them, then he angled his body and made sure his two and a half meter long tail came slamming down on them like a whip.

The three of them scattered as the ground they previously occupied was smashed into pieces as a crater 20 meters in diameter appeared. Rubble was raised up into the air, as a shockwave blasted them backwards and off their feet. This Naga was strong; stronger than they expected.

And this was just his physical strength, Nagas were not a warrior class oriented race, a majority of the warmongering snake men were warlocks, masters of the art of black magic and curses. And downright sadistic to the core. Gus tried to think of a way out, and still find a method to complete their mission. Suddenly he turned to Teluna, as they warily circled the smiling Naga and said to him.

"Teluna get the girls out, and get help. Fast!"

It was to his credit that Teluna did not argue or challenge Gus in this situation. He knew their chance of beating this thing was close to 3% if not completely 0, but escaping would be a possibility. However they couldn't leave the person they came for behind, so the best thing would be to have Kodak and Gus distract the Naga, while he got the girls out.

And once he's done with that, he could come back and get them out, they just had to survive long enough. Teluna nodded his head and jumped backwards, a portal materialized behind him, and swallowed his body in a cloud of blackness and flakes of snow.

"Sisisisisisisisisisisisi youuuuusssssss havessssssss beeeeennsssssss abandonedssssssss. Now you dieeeeeeee" and then he proceeded to flick his forked tongue in Kodak's direction.

But it was Gus he went after first, but the twelve year old telepath was ready for him, as a thick wall of blood materialized in front of him to serve as a deterrent to the incoming attack. Of course it did not even slow the Naga down, but that was not what Gus was aiming for.

With the floor slick with blood, movement for the Naga would be increased by almost a 100%, so he was practically a blur as he swung his scimitars at Gus's neck. But there was a loud bang as the sound of a gun going off was heard.

The gun that was suddenly in Gus's hand spat out plasma at point blank range, however the Naga twisted it's incredibly flexible body to the side and dodged the blast of the gun, opting to use it's tail as it's weapon instead.

The tail slammed into Gus's chest as he flew across the room, slamming into the bunk beds that still held the dead werewolves Teluna had killed. The bunk bed had their metal frames twisted beyond recognition as even the dead werewolves still on it, had parts or even their entire bodies crushed by the speed and force behind the hit.

Kodak seeing his brother in such a state, almost lost his mind in rage as he created a war hammer from blood and threw it at the Naga, who smiled as he flicked his tail and smashed the construct back into a puddle of blood.

He was covered in blood, giving him a really manic and horrifying look, but Kodak was not done with his attacks. A significant amount of blood rose up and split into multiple blood needles, that were rotating at incredible speeds.

The Naga blinked his eyes in surprise, then turned his scimitars in a circle as a black barrier reminiscent of the one Teluna had used in the black district and a few moments ago in the hallway.

In fact this barrier looked even more advanced and solid than Teluna's smoky looking glass barrier. But Kodak didn't care, he was completely enraged by state his brother was in.

Kodak let the spinning blood needles fly at the Naga, but his barrier completely negated their effects. The Naga laughed as it seemed as if Kodak's effort was completely fruitless. Kodak could not keep up the barrage for long as he ran out of energy.

Controlling the needles to move was like singing, eventually you had to stop to take a breath. Kodak too a step back gasping for breath, keeping his eyes on the Naga who slid forward and went through his barrier, letting the blood splattered all over it's surface to cling to his body.

He moved slowly this time, as if to make every second leading up to the moment he kills Kodak as horrifying as possible. He was obviously enjoying this fight, if it could even be called that. This was a beat down, and they were almost out of options in what to do.

"You're going to die vampire child, very slowly and very painfully. And then I will use your blood and bones to make a curse specifically tailored to torment your soul for all eternity. It will be very fun."

Kodak raised an eyebrow in surprise, the hissing voice was gone, and he was speaking so calmly it was as if he was a normal person. Kodak did not even know why the Naga spoke like that, but at this point he didn't care.

Gus picked his way up from underneath the heap of crumpled metal and crushed bodies, looking bloodied as he was covered by blood from head to toe. The Naga was about to turn around when Kodak started speaking, hoping to buy his brother enough time to get back up to his feet and implement the next stage of a hastily arranged plan.

"Underestimating me would be the very last mistake you'll ever make." Kodak said to the Naga in a labored voice. The Naga chuckled as he asked

"And why is that?" Kodak stood up straight and replied.

"Because you're stupid. It's obvious you've never fought with an unsealed vampire before have you?"

"Why does it matter, I have beaten you and your comrades, one of you even chose to flee in fear of my power. Whether I have fought with a vampire before or not it doesn't matter, because it won't save you or that other vampire child. Death call for you."

Kodak shook his head, as if he could not fathom the level of stupidity the Naga had.

"Let me expose the different stage of my brother's 'made up on the spot according to the situation plan' first our companion, the one you said ran away, would get your captives out of the tower and to safety. And judging from the fact that I can't hear or even smell them anymore, I guess that worked. Also he's supposed to get reinforcement, which is why there's an angry looking man standing on the balcony with his hands glowing blue. You're going to feel pain man...….like a lot of pain. But I'm not done yet, we had to buy enough time, for the reinforcement to arrive, and we had no idea how we would be able to stop you, so we tried to survive. Turns out you're a fool who doesn't mind getting blood all over your body, you really have balls, considering there's three vampires in this tower with the ability to control blood, regardless of whatever surface or person it's on. So please you can die now."

The Naga had his eyes widened as the recently arrived Kael, Kodak and Gus raised their hands, and the blood on the body of the Naga shook and vibrated. Then the blood seemed to solidify into blood crystals that drove into the Nagas body, piercing every which way, and making him look like a pin cushion.

His screams were terrifying on it's own as his body trashed and slammed into everything in his path, caught in the throes of his pain. Kael jumped down from the balcony, and placed his hand around the neck of the Naga, raising the still trashing snake man in a surprising show of strength.

There was an almost invisible pressure released from Kael, it was as if the very air around him sizzled with power. It was obvious he was stronger, way stronger than before, such that he did not even need to act for the world to react to him.

Both Kodak and Gus were finding it hard to keep themselves upright, apart from the fact that they were both injured and tired, the feeling coming from Kael was oppressive, and it was not asserting that pressure on their bodies, rather it was on their soul. Their very sense of self felt terrified of him, and what he seems capable of now.

And it was shocking to them considering all he had been doing for the last month was unsealing vampires, how could he have gotten so much stronger from doing just that. But this was the reality now, as Kael brought the Naga closer, making sure his lips were close to his weird looking ears.

"For your crimes against my family, my coven! I find you guilty, and I judge you for it. So...[BREAK]"


Gus shivered. At that moment he seemed able to not just read but also see into the Naga's mind. It was why he knew it was not just his body that was breaking, it was everything. His body, his mind,...…..and his soul.