Campaign (I): Bringing Down The Fight Club

I swear I could hear crickets, it left me feeling joyful even though I was about to rain down death and destruction on a bad, bad dude. This was the first time I could actually hear a kind of wildlife in the blue district.

Maybe I've not had the chance to listen or actively pay to attention to the world around me, but now with everything that's been happening, every good thing and joyful experience has opened my mind and senses to the life that now existed and thrived around me.

"Everyone in position?"

I asked with the crest on my hand flashing to transfer my message. The crest flashed some more as the voices of the vampires came back to me confirming that they were all in place.

"Good. Teluna knock on their door."


The ten feet long [Lance of Darkness] flew through the air and smashed the barricaded wooden door to pieces, causing a cacophony of loud noises that was sure to alert our targets to our presence. The tower where Quoranis ran his operations was completely isolated just like the tower I had rescued Rhea from.

The only difference was that this was a part of his territory so questions weren't asked that much. And the tower was one of the few reinforced structures in the blue district. Of course his level of reinforcement could not stop or even put a dent to the momentum of power me and my Envoys could utilize.

"Shadowers take point." I ordered

Around the entrance of the tower, I watched as five shadows melted into the ground and disappeared into the shadow casted by the tower. A simple nod, and the rest of us ran towards the entrance.

The Shadowers are to stay out of sight, and find the children. It's their job to get them out, while we caused a distraction at the front door. It was a simple tactic and it worked well since saving the children was the primary objective, while getting Quoranis was a secondary agenda.

As soon as we got to the entrance, a whole crowd of vampires came spilling out, but they were not alone, because amongst those vampires were humans, werewolves, elves, dwarves, gnomes, lizard men and various beast kin. Most of them took to their heels the moment they noticed us, and the others angry at the interruption of their entertainment charged at us.

This was something I did not consider, we've chosen to attack them at a time when their fight show was going on, which meant I did not account for the variable of the viewers choosing to fight alongside their hosts.

But even then, we're not backing down.

I teleported forward, leaving behind a blue cloud of sparkling runes and soul energy and appeared in front of a werewolf. He gave a casual swipe that I dodged, and then I stepped forward into his guard to slam my elbow into his nose. I had drawn first blood. Then I turned to my Envoys and said to them.

"Break legs, and break arms, crack a few ribs and skulls, but if it's necessary and they don't surrender...….take heads!"

My words seemed to enrage the crowd, apparently I was looking down on them. And they would be right, I haven't even pulled my sword and shield from where they were hanging on my back. The werewolf who's nose I had completely shattered, let loose an earth shaking howl, releasing a ripple of energy that made my ears ring and blood to drip from my nose a bit.

I was not that surprised, he definitely had a class and skills to go with his natural abilities. But he was not the only one who could do something like that. I opened my mouth and.


The image of a lion appeared above head, releasing a ripple twice as strong as what the werewolf had released, throwing a few of our opponents of their feet.

My Envoys attacked, some of them choosing to transform into their armor as they teleported into the crowd of enemies. It was a colorful display of elemental affinities and abilities, throwing their opponent of their game.

The werewolf I had attacked transformed into a huge hulking half man half wolf form, standing at seven to almost eight foot tall, and was so fast most people would have been unable to keep up. Too bad his opponent was me.

I let him keep his momentum, and when he got close and swung his beefy arm and sharp claws at my head, I stepped to the side and grabbed his arm. Then I utilized a judo throw, as I flung him over my shoulder. But midway during his fall to the ground, I pulled back on his arm with all of my strength, ignoring the werewolf's scream of pain as I ripped his arm out of it's socket.

Then I proceeded to slam the arm on his canine head, there was an audible crack as he went silent. His neck was probably broken now, beaten to death in one blow, with his own arm in fact, he's definitely going to get bullied in hell.

I dropped his arm and ducked as a spear went over my head, but before I could retaliate the person who was wielding the spear was pulled back by a blood whip around his waist, and straight into the waiting grasp of a female Nosferatu Envoy.

Then she proceeded to whisper into his ears, and in the next moment he was furiously attacking his compatriots with reckless abandon, his mind no longer under his control. The Allure was a deadly skill to have, it was an absolute form mind control available to only vampires, and some species of monsters, and a few demons.

I got up from my place on the ground and turned with a sharp pivot, swinging my arm out in the process as a lariat caught an approaching elf rogue on the chest. The elf flew backwards, but was able to keep his balance as his feet slid on the ground creating trenches in the wake of his movement.

He looked up at me with a ferocious grin, and skillfully flipped the dagger in his right hand, and used his left hand to pull another one from seemingly nowhere (that's cool.) He raised his right hand, pointing his dagger at me as he made a beckoning motion.

But the next moment Kodak appeared behind him and slammed a huge hammer on his body, crushing his entire body into a meat paste. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow up in surprise. That was a surprising turn of events, and here I thought I was going to get an epic fight.

I dusted my hands as I took a look at the battlefield. The Envoys were doing well, too well in fact. And the fact that their armors were out, made them even more intimidating and scary to their enemies. Apart from the elf Kodak just killed for challenging me, he was flying all over the battlefield smashing limbs rather than bodies. Though I'm not sure how merciful that was, because when you consider the pain they're all in right now, death seemed more of a mercy than having your legs and arms crushed to bits.

But Kodak was not the only one shining, Xaseah was here in a resplendent purple and black armor, with a helmet that had outlines for her elfin ears stretching to the top of her head like horns.

The only exposed part of her helmet was her mouth and stomach, and the body of her armor was sleek on some parts and bulky on others. Xaseah was a berserker, she focused on fast powerful attacks, and her armor was testament of that fact.

I watched as she head-butted lizard man standing a head taller than her, then proceeded to spilt him in two from head to crotch with the massive two handed axe in her hands. Blood flew into the air, and I couldn't help but gush about how beautiful my woman looked killing someone. Something must be seriously wrong with my head.

There was someone else, or to be more accurate two others. They were a brother and sister pair, born six months apart to the same father but different mothers. Polygamy was a thing with vampires, so that was not too surprising.

However both brother and sister were so alike that in everything they did, from appearance to actions, most people thought that they were twins. Their armor was like a real life adaption of the concept of yin and yang.

The brother's armor was all white with black highlights, sleek and snug on his body like a glove. His sisters was the opposite being all black with white highlights, and their own helmets were just like Teluna's, coming up like a face mask that only covered half of their face from their neck up to their nose.

They were both Nosferatu ranked vampires, but what really threw me for a loop was how fast they both were. Even to me, all I could see were flashes of white and black blurs as they disabled their opponents with such an efficiency it was like watching a machine work.

Their names were just as eccentric as their behavior. Their father was probably drunk when they were named because which kind of father would name his children Black Sparrow and White Eagle. Either way they were one of the best among the Envoys

So far the Envoys were holding their own, and kicking ass, which meant that I could at least go into the tower an access the situation. Teluna and the others should have gotten the kids out by now. Almost immediately I heard Teluna's voice as my power crest lit up.

"Ummmm boss we have a problem." I heard Teluna's nervous voice ring out.

"What's wrong Teluna." I asked a stone rapidly settling at the pit of my stomach.

"The bastard Quoranis had some sort of magical bomb implanted in the children's heart. He has the trigger, and we couldn't get it away from him, not with the risk of killing the children."

"Fuck!" I shouted out in anger.

I should have known, the is entire confrontation had been too easy. Not that I was looking down on our capabilities or anything, but by now something should have gone wrong or been exposed. Now I know why.

"Where is he now!" I asked as I ran towards the entrance of the tower.

"He's coming your way boss...…"

I didn't hear the rest of what he had to say as a fist made of energy slammed into my body, throwing me backwards, and down on the ground. Making me roll with flailing limbs and no control.

It got to a point that my body was dragged on the ground as I dug a furrow into the earth for a distance of eight feet. From the entrance of the tower to where I now found myself, I had been thrown almost twenty five meters.

It was like being thrown by the incredible Hulk. I felt my bones pop into place and my cuts, abrasions, and wounds heal as I moved my eyes to the avatar of a snake and scorpion standing at the entrance of the tower.

Quoranis had made his appearance, and he had his associate with him. I placed my hand on my sword and shield and pulled them from my back and got into stance, I guess now would be a good time as any to call out my armor.

"Lets do this."