The Conference (V): Under Attack





It was barely five minutes after Gus finished speaking that a loud explosion shook the palace. Even though I wouldn't want to show it, that explosion affected me a little too much than I would care to admit. I could feel my babies kick in shock, and I stumbled only to be held up by Gus and his mother.

"Lady Asha we have to get you out of here!" Varsessa said in worry as she led me past the winding halls of the palace.

"No! This is my home, my children's home, and my husband's city. A place he's counting on us to protect, I'll not take the cowards route and run away."

"But the babies!....." Varsessa tried to argue.

"don't worry about them. If it gets too much for me to handle, then I'll retreat to the dungeon."


The second explosion was louder this time, and I could hear the panicked cries of the vampires outside. This wouldn't do, regardless of who or what was attacking us, we're not going to sit here and wait for them to come and take our home. We've gone past the point of passively taking in everything, they want to shove down our throat. I was fighting back.

[Asare, Malek, Magellan, Nefisat what's our current status?]

The power crest was a powerful tool, and I was beyond happy Kael actually had one. Though it remains to be seen how he got the damn thing, as power crests are very rare, and are only formed after an organization, force or hegemony has existed for a long time.

Or through other less than savory ways; like taking over the crest of an enemy, or finding it through a myriad of channels, like grave robbing or tomb raiding.

Tell me love is blind, but I know Kael would never do a thing like that in exchange for power. But for a while, and even now; the fact that he routinely comes up with new tricks, and abilities scares the hell out of me.

Nefisat:[we're being attacked on two sides, from the south where the world tree is now withstanding a significant amount of spells and skill, and from the undeveloped north side of the city. My barrier is at 99.4% and it would take those idiots another week to break through if we chose to stay idle. Also my attacking systems are being set up, and will be online in fifteen minutes. So far our enemies are still outside.]

Magellan:[I'll have to correct you on that Nefisat. The police just encountered a sleeper cell within the city. Enemies have been planted amongst the vampires, and are now wreaking havoc. I have no idea how to contain this; as we're spread too thin at the moment!]

Asare:[You don't have to worry, the soldiers are being rallied and sent out. I'm on my way to the palace, and lady Asha you better stay put. I mean it! Don't do anything reckless, you're carrying the future of the Cor family in your womb. Nefisat I need you to stop all developmental projects, at least until this crisis is over with. And I need you to observe and identify the enemies planted within the city. Relay that information to Magellan and to the different squad captains in charge of taking care of them. I'm sending Kuyait to get the children, and the vampires who can't fight to the palace. All of them are to be sent to the tunnel, however, Gus you must make sure you read everybody that passes through. You must not miss a single person. I'll be there in ten minutes tops.]


Asha:[Malek? Don't you have something on ground that we can use to attack the enemies from the south. I don't think the world tree would be able to withstand the onslaught from so many people for too long!"]

Malek:[as a matter of fact I do. And I'll make sure to personally deliver it to their door step. We won't let you down lady Asha. If this idiots think they can come into the city I designed, and jump around causing chaos and trouble, without paying for it with their lives.....then they're even more stupid than stupid. All of them must DIEEEEEE!]




Nefisat: [what the heck!]

Everything became a flurry of preparations as they all jumped to take action, and I made my way to the great hall. I couldn't do much because of my pregnancy, but I could offer support to the children and other vampires coming here.

At a time like this fighters are not the only things needed, but also leaders, beacons that would shine with hope, and help everyone of them go through this. That's my job, at least until my babies are born.

But once that happens, if they're still alive by then. I so pity the bastards who thought it was wise to attack my home. If his body is still in one piece by the time I'm finished with him then....that means he's still alive and I want to torture him some more.







"The sixth to tenth task are actually quite similar Blood Child Kael."

Sousa was talking again, and the different way of address made it obvious to everyone that she didn't really like me, which was weird. The last time we met, she was all over me, and acted as if she couldn't wait to get me on her bed, now she's so hostile and antagonistic.

I won't pretend to know what goes on in the head of a woman, especially one as messed up as Sousa, but I have to admit this entire scenario felt weird.

"For your next task, you would have to fight two Nosferatu vampires, the goal is to disable them, but killing is allowed. So do keep your righteous bone in check, cause these guys won't hesitate to gut you."

She said that entire sentence with a smile on her face. I couldn't help the shiver that went down my spine as I narrowed my eyes, and wondered what other plot it is they had going on now. Because if you ask me, this was too simple, and I only needed to beat two of them to win.

They should all know that it would be too easy for me, seeing as I'm a freak of nature; and if it comes down to it, I'm more than capable of fighting an elder, or at least surviving against one. But that is if, I chose not to use my weaving abilities.

"Also you should be made aware, no weapons or armor are allowed.....for you. But your opponents would be coming at you with whatever weapon that's in their disposal. Also as of this year, the quota for a vampire to pass and become a coven leader has increased from 7 to 10. Which means you have to pass all 10 tasks to win. All In favor please raise your hands."

Maze, Sousa, and the young master of the Inferno bloodline coven raised their hands, making it three against two as Farina and Bien kept their hands down. Whatever war was coming, had not even arrived yet; but the bloodline council had already fallen apart. Though I think that was mainly my fault rather than anything else.

"If you should win your next task, then you would begin the seventh task immediately, where your opponents would be double with the inclusion of one Shadower. Making your opponents for the seventh task 5. But should you somehow survive it, your opponents would be doubled again, and you will be fighting ten vampires, and if you survive that...."

"I get it! Jesus you don't have to be such a bitch about it. If you're done saying nonsense, can we please get this over with."

I really don't know what they were thinking. I was under no obligation to participate in this conference. I had as much power as the elders, if not more. The only reason I was here, was because I wanted Bien to serve me, of all the elders remaining, she and her coven would be a very important addition to my forces.

And with the option for unsealing available, it would take more than the possibility of complete unsealing to rope her in. There's bound to be a negotiation somewhere, so everything I was doing now was a formality, and a way to prove my strength to her.

But also for the vampires watching, let them see, and know that there was someone more powerful than their elders, and they would flock to me in droves, bolstering my forces. It was all about four step agenda.

1. Make A statement by cracking some heads

2. Impress Bien and get her to take an oath

3. Undermine and intimidate whatever is left of the council

4. Recruit vampires, like a lot of them.

And so far what they don't know is that, with the odds continuously stacked against me, it made me more appealing to the eyes of the vampires watching. I lived 28 years of my life on earth, painful and lonely years no doubt, but I knew from my time there; that people loved the underdogs, they loved to root for them.

And they will cry when they fail or are hurt, and cheer when they win. And the elders for some reason I can't understand have chosen to take an antagonist stance against me, thereby establishing themselves as the villains and me as the hero.

Two Nosferatu vampire came on top of the sands, each holding a wickedly curved looking dagger. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. If this was all they had to use against me, I would take offense. They were sorely underestimating me. I released my soul energy, and sent it spiraling towards them in vacuum. They ran backwards as fast as possible, hoping to keep their distance from the blue fog.

It was a smart strategy, if only my plan was to attack them with it. I spread my left palm as the soul rune for [Pull] became painfully etched on it. Since my right palm already had the push, it would be such a shame to not give it's partner a chance to shine.

The soul energy was just for show. I spread the sea of fog aside, much in the manner that God had Moses split the red sea. Then I sent my soul energy to my palm, watching as it lit up and a huge rune circle appeared over it.


With just my intent I could decide how the rune was supposed to react. It's main job was to pull, but if I so chose I could pull clothes, teeth, an ear, or a heart out. But I'm not aiming to kill anybody, not unless I don't have a choice.

Both Nosferatu vampires were pulled towards me against their will. They had lost all control over their body and, no matter how hard they flailed in the air, they couldn't stop what was coming.

When they were ten feet away from me, my right palm lit up, as the rune circle for [Push] came into existence. And with [Pull] still active, it would be like hitting a metal wall while moving at a hundred miles an hour.


It was not a pretty sight to look at. Their bones were not just dislocated, they were broken in a variety of manners and shapes you would only ever see; when a clown blows a balloon and shapes it into a donkey or something. Some of their bones were sticking out of their body, as blood flowed from the holes on their skin, made by their very own bones.

I knew the collision was going to be painful, but not to this extent. I really should be careful how I use both soul runes, especially when I decided to do so with both of them at the same time.

Soon enough the vampires were screaming themselves hoarse in pain and agony. They were healing, and rather fast too, though not fast enough for a Nosferatu seeing as they were only partially unsealed. But the deal was, the healing process was not fast enough for them, as even healing caused them pain too.

I waved my hand, and my soul rune [Heal] was weaved with the very air as my canvass. One bright flash of green light later, and both vampires were whole and more healthy than they have ever been in their entire life.

The crowd of vampires screaming at me, let me know that the fact that their hero won, was amazing. But even more so that he could lend a helping hand to his enemies.

Vampires are a complicated race, at times they can be so dark to the point it scared and disgusted me.

And at times like this, they can be so simple and normal that I found it cute. I just don't get this race, not at all. The very same way I don't get women. I wonder if the first vampire was actually a woman. I turned to look at the elders podium and said to them.

"Who's next?"