The Conference (VII): "DRAGON!"





The smell of smoke was annoying, and it was not because Asare felt uncomfortable because of it, but rather because he was not the cause of it. This fight was all kinds of weird, the barrier was still working, and the world tree was keeping the enemies from the south at bay. But what really bothered him was the fact that some of them made their way into the city, without anyone noticing anything wrong about it.

Running past buildings at speeds that would put vampires to shame, Asare came to the center of the square, right where the obelisk to the seventy was erected. A contingent of his soldiers were battling a squad of about a dozen orcs, and judging from the way they were being thrown about, Asare doubted they were faring well against the green barbarians.

Asare stretched both hands apart, and a glowing orange whip, made from actual lava came into existence. He grabbed the whip, and swung it once over his head, and then he brought it down, straight on the head of one of the orcs.


The orc's body was directly blasted into pieces as a burnt trench appeared from where he was standing, to the point where Asare was; twenty meter in length. The smell of burnt flesh wafted through the nostrils of everyone present, as chunks of barbecued green meat smoldered on the ground.

The remaining orcs were enraged, and let their one flaw decide how they should have acted in this scenario. Orcs were driven by quite a few emotions, lust and pride being one of them, but greatly by anger.

And it was that same anger that led them straight to Asare, and a fiery death of being beaten to pieces with a flaming whip. Asare tapped his feet on the ground, and a burst of flames propelled him into the center of the Incoming crowd of orcs. He dodged a swipe from an axe, and turned to slam his feet into the chest of the assailant, blasting him apart and into flames.

It was at this point that the orcs realized that Asare was not your average human. He was not a vampire, but his speed and strength would give the best of their elders a run for their money. Also his control over fire was terrifying, but it was already too late.

Asare flipped the whip in his hands, wrapping it around the neck of an orc, who bellowed out in pain as the flesh around his neck was being turned rapidly to ash; due to the intense temperature of the whip.

Asare pulled his whip back, dragging the orc off his feet, as he turned and swung the orc into his companions. The orc was only able to go through three other orcs, before there was a snap, and his head came off. It was completely cauterized and the edge had flakes of ashes on it.

The head rolled to a stop in front of Asare, who didn't hesitate to kick it towards another orc, turning it Into a flaming ball that slammed and smashed the head of another orc in a manner reminiscent of watermelon falling from a two story building.

Then Asare pulled his whip above his head, and started whirling it. At first it's motion was a little slow, and the remaining orcs; wary of Asare after the deaths of their comrades stepped back a bit. But that was only just the beginning of their problems.

The whip picked up speed, and the sound of a howling wind was heard. Mere moments later, a mini tornado had started around Asare, half a minute later, it was freaking twister ten meters tall and five meters wide, and it was growing by the second.

But the tornado being born was not normal, within it streams of orange, red and black flames could be seen, and even though an intense wind was blowing; the heat that followed would make a day in the Sahara look like a three month visit to the arctic.

Soon the orcs were incapable of keeping their stance as they were swept up into the tornado, torn to shreds by the wind and fire, but it didn't end there. Asare stepped out of the whirling tornado, and then he watched as it went through the city, moving like it had a mind of it own; attacking and killing the invaders. Asare turned to his soldiers, and gave them a few orders before his crest lit up, and he heard Asha's voice.

[Asare things are getting stabilized, but the casualties on our side is still too much. If we don't make any drastic moves, we're going to win this fight with a bad taste in our mouth. Magellan says to tell both you and Kuyait, that the time for holding back is over. That you should do what you have to do, and do it now! But for the life of me, I don't understand what that means.]

Asare was shocked by her words, and for a moment he almost refused. He had kept himself hidden for so long that he had forgotten what he was truly capable of, or what he really looked like. The last time he had gone all out, was the day their college back on Gonin Gora fell to the hands of a greedy dungeon.

He had lost his home and many of his friends that day, and all that was in part his fault. It had taken a while for him to forgive himself, and even then; he has not let the monster within out since then. But it was better late than ever.

[Lady Asha. Sit back and relax, Kuyait and I will end this.]

[Umm okay? But how?] She asked back perplexed.

[You'll see.]

And with that Asare ran for the northern part of the city. This side of the city was past the palace and completely undeveloped. With the palace being the real center of the city, development could be carried out in any direction.

But Malek was anything if not meticulous and methodical in his planning. He'd rather focus on one side first, before jumping to the next. As he ran towards the north, Asare decided to call Kuyait through the crest.

[It's time. I need you to get to the south of the city, past the world tree and let loose.]

[Are you sure? You know what you're talking about right? If we do this, there's no more hiding for us. The world will know what we are.] Kuyait explained with a worried tone. But Asare didn't say much, just two words.

"Do It."

Asare took a mighty leap, shooting flames from his hands and feet that propelled him through the sky like a rocket. He flew past the palace, completely ignoring the pointed fingers and loud shouts of exclamations as his fiery figure made it's way towards the enemy. The people attacking the barrier from the south were a wild combination of vampires, devils, hob goblins, gnolls, kobolds, and even freaking werewolves.

He landed right in front of them, startling them out of their attacks, as they stepped back and left attacking the barrier alone. Asare moved his gaze through this rabble of races, and his eyes fell upon a familiar face. Cornelius Daneaitani.

The religious fanatic who had used Kael's name as a propaganda for his religion. He looked nice, and the fact that Wisps of toxic looking fumes were being exuded from his body, showed that he had access to a strange and unholy sort of power.

Asare could feel the corruption from where he stood, it was thick, all encompassing, and malevolent. This guy has really fallen to a dark God, and with all of the problems currently on ground, this was a rather nasty and unwanted one. Cornelius puffed his chest out and spoke.

"Your barrier is impressive and very powerful. But I don't think it would last forever, not when it's being attacked from two sides. I commend your efforts, but it would be in your best interest to surrender the city to us and hand over the wife of Kael Cor."

Asare raised an eyebrow. This guy definitely had no idea that there was a giant tree serving as gate and gateman at the south side of the city. He split his forces without doing his homework. Asare didn't know if he would call that confidence, or stupidity of the highest order.

"You're in no position to make demands Cornelius, a rat like you does not deserve to go anywhere near this city, much less it's queen. So please run back to the hole you crawled out from, before I set you on fire." Asare said as he folded his hands over each other, looking as ferocious as possible.

"Queen? I agree she's a queen. But not to a gullible and ignorant child like Kael Cor. A boy who has no idea about the proper order of things, and goes around turning everything upside down and stepping on toes. She would be better served being my queen. Which is what I'm going to do, as soon as I take this city, and get rid of the filthy half bloods in her womb! Their human blood reeks terribly and they've not even been born yet."

Asare's half closed eyes snapped open as a yellow serpentine slit could be seen in them. Those were the eyes of a reptile, and they were blazing with fury and anger.

Somehow Cornelius's words had pushed a button it was not supposed to. Asare took of his jacket, and as he did so, a formless pressure descended upon everyone around, even people far back as the palace could feel it. It was primal and angry, like a caged beast of pure chaos and destruction.

It was roaming, searching, and thirsting for blood, anguish and horror, his very presence screamed power in more ways than could ever be explained. His yellow eyes began to turn red as he looked up at Cornelius, moving towards him as he removed the buttons on his shirt. Stripping as he got closer.

"I'm human, but most people who know me well enough would know that's only one half of the equation. And only four people know what I truly am. One of those people is a sneaky, backstabbing golem locked and trapped to time in a magical college in the middle of a desert. One other person is the chief of police for this beautiful city behind us, and to be honest he found out accidentally. The third person runs the Nexus bar in the green district, and the last person is actually just like me, and a woman who I would consider the love of my life. But now I'll introduce you all to my other half, please be kind, and don't hate me on your way to hell."

By this point Asare was already shirtless, and his shoes just came off his feet. He stretched his body a bit, letting out bone jarring and unnerving cracking sounds as he started speaking in a deep, and growling voice, saying only a few words this time.

"Blood of Bones, Bones of my Flesh, Flesh of Skin, Skin of my Being. Awaken brother and soar the skies with me. Hetorvaizarx Uriel!"

Fingers gave way to claws, skin gave way to scales, as hair made way for a mane. His body twisted and elongated as deep red scales covered his entire growing form.

Massive horns stretched from his head, with flames burning at their tips. He kept on growing and growing as massive wings unfurled and blanketed the sky above his enemies. They were speechless at the sight before them, but some did try to speak.




And then fire rained from the sky, and with it came death, horror, despair and the sinister smile of the dragon known as Hetorvaizarx Uriel. Formerly known as the human Asare.