
Vampires, and quite a few of the other races living in the pit were flocking into the city in droves. I found it ironic because the pit was meant to be a prison, and in every sense of the word that's was it is. But people still came here to find a life, make it big, go on vacation etc. The mineral mountain was an important resource to the council of light, and since not one single race could claim ownership they all had to share, and have the vampires mine it for them. Well that was about to change.

Farina was in charge of all administrative duties, so she took care of allocating jobs to the newcomers, and giving them homes. Of course it was not for free. Many of them came with the ores they had previously mined, using them as payment since vampires; have not had a need for real currency, until now that it. Not that I had some, but soon enough it would be flowing into the city in droves. Money should be able to buy us quite a lot of things from the terminal, things that can help with the development of the city.

Nasir has been growing taller and wider, though most of the time the world tree was mostly asleep, his gates however had a shimmering light over them, like some sort of barrier. It worked in a similar way to Gus telepathy, only in a more sophisticated and spiritual manner as the tree was using its oracular power to discern what kind of people were coming in. If you were good, and harboring no ill intent, a visitor's bracelet would be given to you, and if you're bad, well then you're in for a shock of your life.

I've been avoiding everyone for quite a while now, but today was the eve of my war campaign. I needed to see my army and know that they were ready. Standing on the balcony of my tower and overlooking the city made me feel proud of what I've accomplished.

This was my city, I built it(technically that was Nefisat and Malek doing.) And I have a responsibility to lead it, to protect it, and make it strong. It was not a bad thing to have pride, even though too much of it is not good, but I think I'll be okay. After all who has more pride than a lion.

Minor Teleportation!

I appeared in front of the palace, startling the people around as I appeared in a puff of blue fog like soul energy and golden runes. I smiled and teleported again, this time appearing on the wall that surrounded the palace.

Three more jumps saw me standing on the spire roof of a watchtower, overlooking Asare's military training grounds. My armor out, but my mask down. My coat flapped with the wind, and my ornate looking silver blue sword and shield glowed dully from their spot on my back.

There were vampires down there, so it shouldn't take anyone of them a long time to notice me standing here. And when they did, the fifty thousand soldiers down there, separated into six different divisions, each wearing a particular color of uniform all looked up at me.

Wow! just wow! Who could have imagine a little over a year ago, I was getting pissed on by Adein, and hunted by a crazy werewolf. Well look at me now, I'm about to make an entrance that would make good old Dracula proud of me.

I jumped, spreading my hands wide up as the wind raised my coat up. It made it look like the wings of a bat, and the inner red lining of the coat made it look all the more bad ass. I glided to a stop, landing right beside Asare and Kuyait on a raised platform.

Asha and Xaseah were standing a few feet away, and based on the glares they were given me, they seemed to be pretty mad at me for avoiding them for days. I was in a lot of trouble no doubt.

"Master Kael. Thank you for joining us, and with you here, the assembly can begin!" Kuyait said to me.

"first of all, each of the forces have been giving a uniform based on division. Believe me it was not easy getting 50 thousand plus sets of uniforms ready in a week, but magic helped us work past that. The black division are the police, responsible for keeping the peace within the blue district and taking care of situations that can be considered domestic there are 5 thousand registered officers. Next are the blood moon Envoys. The color scheme for their uniform is white, with red highlights. There are the smallest division with only 2 thousand carefully hand picked members. This guys, are among the best of the best. The next is the Shadow division, they have only 5 thousand members or vampires with the best assassination and espionage class, or classes that have potential for it. For now, they don't have a leader, so they still take orders from me. Not everyone would be psyched about following a twelve year old's commands, so Gus can't assume command until he's a little older. Their color scheme is also black, with a significant amount of grey splashed onto it. Following next are the hunters, with 8 thousand vampires, bringing up our total to 20 thousand vampires. Their uniform is the red with golden highlights, and almost all the women were really excited about grouping up. They would have been more than that if they had their way. Next is the magic division, and there are quite a lot of them. Their uniforms are purple, and there's currently 17 thousand fighters with a magical oriented class in this division. The remaining 13 thousand belong to the battle suit division, and their uniform is silver. They're all trained and ready for deployment. The only thing they really need to do now, is to experience combat."

The sheer size of this army got to me. Of course it was nothing compared to council of light with their millions of soldiers, but I believe in time it will grow to be more than this. I'm a little ambitious, and I know that apart from the pit that holds vampires, there's the aviary for the Nephilim, the den for the dragons, and the nest for the Serpentis races. All those races marching side by side against the council of light, would be sure to pinch them in the side a lot. We can do this!

"My brothers, and my sisters. The time for slaving away is over, the time for being passive has come to an end. I stand before you today as your leader, as your lord. True I've gotten this position due to unplanned circumstances, and many of you are serving because I left you no other choice but to do so for your freedom. If there's any one of you, unwilling to continue serving me, then please I set you free from your oath. You would not be chased away from this city, you can choose how you want your life to be."

No one moved, I was sure everyone was shocked. Asare included, this was totally unexpected. But I believed this was the right thing to do. I've gotten to a point where I don't need to force someone to take an oath of servitude. Let them make their choice, it's the best thing I can do for them as a leader, and that's to give them the one thing they've never had as prisoners...…..a choice.

For like ten minutes no one moved or said anything, until the siblings white and black stepped forward from the Envoys and took a knee, bowing in my direction. From then on it was like a domino effect as every single one of the soldiers took a knee and bowed, making their choices.

"You proved yourself to them Master Kael. They're all loyal to you, even with their lives. Because they know you have their best interest at heart. You're their master now, till the very end of your days or theirs." Asare said to me as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I thank you for you loyalty, and with that I beg your forgiveness. I don't know how this war of ours will turn out. But we're going to be driving out the guards and every criminal element in the pit away from our home. And we will fight until the entirety of the dancing caves of Noxis Nyx, is free from the influence of the council of light. Some of you would not be coming home, your life intact; is a guarantee I can't give. But what I can promise is that I'll protect and fight for all of you, with every strength I have in me. This is no longer just a fight for freedom, it's a fight for revenge, a fight for redemption, a fight for our future and our children's, and a fight to make a place for ourselves in this world. So go home dear brothers and sisters, kiss your loved ones good bye and prepare your warriors heart. Because tomorrow blood begets blood!....WARRRRRRRR!"


The shouts was like a rumble of thunder and a clap of lightening. This was true power; not the power of one man, but of thousands. Of an army, a family. I watched them yell, and raise their fists up to the sky.

Asare looked at me with a smile and pulled his head back to howl, releasing a stream of red flames into the air, that rapidly coalesced into a symbol of a roaring lion holding a dead dragon in it's jaws. That was the Cor Family war banner. It has been a number of years since it was flown, but better late than never. Let the war begin.

CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING YOUR MISSION(S):[MISSION: Prepare for war! Time limit: unknown. REWARDS: unknown.] [MISSION: in two months, have a fully functional fighting force with different divisions./ REWARD: Six Army Crests For Different Divisions, New Ether Skill, 2000 essence points] REWARDS/ Police division special crest(surveillance I), magic division special crest(Mana Bank I), Hunter division special crest(tracking I), shadow division special crest(disguise I), battle suit division special crest( overdrive I), Blood Moon Envoy division special crest (killing intent I)/ you have been given 2000 essence points, the ether skill [Fade]. Hidden Rewards: Blueprints for surveillance satellite, blueprints for surveillance drones, 1000 ethereal points.]

I guess that settles everything that needs to be settled, at least for now anyway. So without further ado, let's go to war.