War Of The Blue District (V)

Watching this was really unnerving, it was like having a front row seat to a horror movie. I watched as one of the lava wolves pulled someone out of the hole made on the silver gates by extremely hot temperatures.

Molten metal was still dripping off it's edges, and as the wolf dragged him out, a significant amount of it fell on his face, eliciting a scream that shook me to my very core. But that was not the end of it, as other wolves began fighting over the right to eat him. They would snap and snarl at each other, and then rough him up in the process.

The claws slashed at him, and the jaws took succulent bites out of his body. He was turned every which way like a rag doll or chew toy. And through it all he was still alive. From this distance and with how bloody he looked, I couldn't tell which race he belonged to, but at this point I don't think it really mattered. I was shaken by the sheer amount of destruction and death.