Descent Into Darkness (VI): Strategic Battles

I couldn't think of a better name to call this formation than centipede. Though the centipede part was just one part of what it was truly capable of. The soldiers divided themselves into two parts, one on the left, and one on the right. The two parts were also had three files in each, with the tanks using their shields to cover the front and sides. Then they stuck to the wall, leaving the middle path completely clear. Any how you looked at it, from above or the side, they truly looked like a centipede, with their shields serving as a centipedes carapace.

"Tuning Fork formation stage one!"

An earth wall rose up at the back of the formation, blocking the way back so that the monster won't flank us and attack from behind. The formation didn't look like a tuning fork, just and elaborate U. However this was just the beginning.