The Sealing Array (IV): Breaking The First Enchantment

"Are you sure about this lord Kael? We have a threat this dangerous right next to us?"

"It has not been confirmed yet, but the fact the array could be hidden within that tunnel, means there could be just as much danger as the documents have said. We need to be prepared, and launch a war expedition into that tunnel." I said to them.

"This could be a trick! You have no proof so how can we just blindly trust the fact that what you say is true." The young master of the Inferno coven said(I really should learn his name.)

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and then cocked my head to the side as I answered him.

"You have nothing that I want, and I already have you on a short leash. Why in God's name would I trick you, it earns me nothing. Not when there are enemies soon to come knocking on our doors. Do you think I expect to fight the entire council alone? You're an adult, for once in your stupid life, think like one!"