The War Of The Undead (I): Attack!

Kodak's words sent a ripples of shocks through the ranks of vampires behind me. But I knew it could not be as simple as that. Their father was dead, and that was something they all watched happen. The only other explanation that was plausible enough for us to understand was possession. The lich we came here to kill was riding around in the body of Kodak's and Gus's father!

"That's not really our father is he?" Kodak suddenly asked.

[No big brother, he's not.....but what are we going to do with him?] Gus replied and then asked.

Kodak turned to look as his brother, his eyes blazing a deep shade of purple as the very air seemed to vibrate around him. It was then I realized that he had also advance to the Nosferatu rank, and so had Gus.

"What else are we going to do, we're going to kill that bastard."