Dragons (VI): A Different Kind Of Pain

I shot towards Norcia like a bullet out of a gun, too fast for even my own eyes to perceive. My sword dug into his throat, and to make matters worse, I had my sword coated with my Aura, increasing the reach and range of the blade, as it poled a hole through his neck, and out the back of his head.

He died immediately, and without pain. The weight of his body brought me to the ground, but I was able to keep his head up, raising it with my hands and with more strength than I though myself capable of. In fact it didn't even feel like I was carrying anything at all.

But as I stood underneath the dead dragon, his head held upright by me, his blood flowed out from his wound. It came pouring out, like the rush a rapidly moving river, rousing and bathing me in golden blood that covered the whole of my body, and then began to sink into my skin. I was startled, and spooked by the sudden literal blood bath, and even more so by the fact that his blood was getting into my body.