War Of Serpentis (II): Titan Boa

The blast from Shao Tie's cannons had punched a hole through the Serpentis army. It was like someone had drawn a huge red line on a black paper. The smell of burnt flesh, ozone and Sulphur filled the air, and guided by the loud hisses and moans of pain, it sounded just like music to my ears. Tao tie landed beside me, and so to did, Soren and Bobo, with Baeki sitting on Soren's back, a spear of fire held tightly in her hands.

"We need to take out those cannons. It might not be any danger to us, but the vampires behind us, could still get hurt. There are nine left, you and Shao Tie take five, me, Bobo and Soren will take the rest." She said to me, as she pointed her spear towards the enemy, slowly sliding down from Soren's back.

"Why do we have to deal with more cannons than you guys, there's three of you!" I complained to her indignantly.