War Of Serpentis (VII): End Of Shamir The Unsealed

Obviously Shamir was more familiar with the shadow realm than I was, which meant he was faster than me. But Asha was stronger and faster by virtue of being an elder which meant she was catching up to him. And due to the fact that the flow of time within the shadow realm was way faster than the real world, we had already moved away from the red district, and was rapidly approaching the white district. Which means, without a doubt, Shamir would probably have his allies ready to back him up the moment we got there.

He was leading us into a trap, which meant I had to out an end to his advancement, and it had to happen right now. If there was ever a time I needed an ability of mine to work, it was right now. And so I closed my eyes and took a leap of faith, for some reason Shamir was fast enough to keep away from me within the shadow realm, but there were many ways to catch a fish.

(Minor Teleportation!)