Fallen Angels (II): Finding The Aviary, The Geography

"Is there a reason why you insisted on just the two of us going to find the Aviary. You're supposed to be a king now husband, don't you think it would have been better if we had an entourage or something of the sort." Asha complained as we trudged through the snow covered forest.

I shook my head and laughed as I answered her.

"First of all, we're not alone, Bobo, and Soren are here with us, secondly, and an entourage is a show of power and completely unnecessary where we're going and for what we have to do. This is a diplomatic/ romantic getaway after all; I don't think we would have many chances to play around if we had so much people with us."

"Romantic getaway, you didn't include than in the fine print, when you asked me to accompany you. Besides how does that work, are you going to fuck me out here, right under the stars and the cold, with snow all over our bodies?" she asked me with a smirk on her face.