Transylvania (X): Final Boss 2

The metal spikes holding my shield in place fell away, as I the boss dragged and pushed his humongous body towards me. Using a speed that you would never expect from such a huge body, he opened his jaws so wide it could fit a grown elephant in it. I tried to escape from him, but by this point he was focused enough to use his telekinesis to hold me in place and prevent me from moving. But I'll be damned if I would just sit still and let such an abomination turn me into a chew toy.

I use minor teleportation, this time successfully separating the teleportation skill from the shadow walk skill. As I jumped up, swallowing the golden spherical shield that had held me like an egg, I appeared underneath him and took a few steps forward. I turned and raised my hands up, using [Push] to increase his speed as I slammed his rubbery face into his metal ceiling. But that was not the end as I also used [Pull] to drag him back to the ground, smashing his succulent? Body into the ground.