The Forest Dungeon (III): The God Of Vampires

He didn't look like he was lying, not one bit, and the fact that what he was saying might be true, scared the ever living shit out of me. My mind split into numerous pieces, each having their own reactions to his reveal. Of course I was mostly skeptic, what were the odds that I would meet the first vampire in all of existence by just taking a simple stroll in the woods. The odds were 1 to a bazillion, or maybe more if there were any other zeros to be added. But yet here we are, looking at each other.

"You don't have to be so tense I'm not going to eat you, though I must say you are quite the delicacy." He said to me as he sat back down on the ground, somehow controlling the grasses in the glade to fluff up and become some sort of pillow for him to lean back against.