Journey (III): The Forgotten Ones 1

I was forced awake when someone (who would be dead soon enough) splashed a bucket of water on my face. For a king this was a rather humiliating position, and it was not so farfetched to say I had the urge to start screaming off with your head! Or something like that. My hands were bound together to a rope that was tied to a wooden beam six meters above the ground, so I was hanging in the air, right in the middle of the village, nothing more than a spectacle for all of them.

The first thing I did was look for Soren, but I couldn't find a single trace of his golden form anywhere. I was worried, but I had faith in that lion, he would not be taken down so easily, at least that's what I hoped. This group of humans have completely upturned my perception of humans and what they're capable of. Of course the odds were against me, seeing as I had to fight more than one person, but even then, individually, the members of this village were really strong.