Journey (XIV): Welcome Home

It was just another normal day in Ethernalia Leonis, the sun was shinning, well not exactly as there was an artificial magical shield that negated the effects of the world sun on vampires. Of course millions of years of fear and abstinence from the danger of the sun would not vanish overnight, so most vampires were indoors, asleep or doing one thing or the other. But the other races that were residents of Ethernalia Leonis were out and about, the city itself was full of so much vibrancy seeing as it was filled to the brim with visitors of every kind.

And it was to this somewhat peaceful city that a huge shadow covered, blanketing more than half of it with an ominous aura of impending destruction and agony. Fingers pointed to the sky as terror laden voices called out in alarm, they were terrified, but the shadow did not seem to interested in them, the common citizens were safe, though they didn't know that. That shadow was me.