Queen Anemona And The Pride Dungeon 2

Based on my previous design, the first floor of the dungeon was comparable to a paradise, or at least it had the makings of one. But right now, what was in front of me could only be described as a hidden world, it was beautiful.

The first thing I noticed was a central tower, a tower that was carved from the roots of a tree, it was the world tree's root. And it had stretched down to the dungeon, where the root had been carved into to make a sort administrative building. But after that everything else was wild with nature.

A tranquil lake with floating pavilions, platforms and numerous kinds of aquatic life within it. A cascading waterfall who's water source came from the ceiling itself, creating pillars of water that were spread allover the first floor. Avians of all shapes and sizes flew in the air, and on land all forms and species of animals capable of coexisting with civilization could be see frolicking about.