Rescue Op (III): Dark Guards, Bloody Massacre

There was a flash of bright light in the distance, it was a light so bright that it made the night seem like it was briar daylight. And accompanying that light was the roar of a dragon, obviously Kodak had already gotten to work, and subsequent explosion that followed seemed to confirm my thoughts. I nodded to Tiberius as he led the way, taking us directly to a service entrance on the east side of the estate. We didn't have to do anything fancy as a swift kick from Tiberius blasted the door away.

I was somewhat disappointed, because quite honestly I expected more from the door, even if it was just flimsy side entrance. We came into what looked like a large store room, and at the very end of this storeroom was an opened door way without a door that led to a brightly lit kitchen. Xaseah decided to take point this time, obviously she was getting tired of missing out on the action.