13 Years (III): Demigod, Fallout

I didn't get what I was seeing, or maybe the proper phrase would be I didn't recognize it. Ethernalia Leonis had grown way beyond the scope and scale I had envisioned for it, and it was just one of 10 mega cities on Spero, which brought me the next and probably the biggest shock of them all. In the thirteen years that I've been healing, Spero became to big to be hidden in a secluded dimension, and even though it was currently right on the fringes of the universe, it was still an honest to God planet, in space!

It was densely populated, having a combined number of 20 billion souls, not to mention the beats, monsters and animals around. And there was still land left unexplored. The vampires amounted to just 1% of the planet's population, humans were a whooping 37%, but that's t be expected and understood. The world I woke up in, was very different from what I left behind.