Yursk (VII): Divine Sword

So here I was standing in an arena with a bloody head still attached to a spine in my hand. I couldn't help but think about how far I've come, how low I had fell and how high I had risen once again. A god! That was quite an achievement, but it wasn't over, I still had to push harder in order to finally get the peace that I've been searching for. I had no idea how, but this Bawa Bawa definitely had traces of divine energy, however he was a mortal, not even a demi-god.

It might be that he was just like me, a god who had sealed his abilities just so that he could blend in, but I doubt that. How many gods have the ability to seal their own divine energy, sure they can masquerade as a mortal, much in the same way Dracula did when I met him in Transylvania, but there will always be a presence around them, an aura of divinity and power that just seemed to cling to their very existence.