Castle Nyx (II): Threat Neutralized

The souls that were floating I the sir began to rush into the body the general, he was screaming, yelling so intensely that I felt the throne I was sitting on vibrate with the intensity of his screams. He was in serious pain, his souls was practically being invaded by others and being jumbled as jostled, and then pushed aside to make room for almost three dozen souls now coming in. But it was quite impressive that he retained his consciousness, and even more so for the fact that he was angry enough to start making his way towards me, broad sword at the ready.

I used my speed to move in front of him and just pushed a palm out, he was boasted backwards until his back smashed against another pair of massive double doors that appeared, sending into another hallway, where people with leaves for hair were waiting for him. I walked into the hallway and looked at the hundreds and possible thousands of soul catcher oaks, now soul catcher dryads standing at attention.